"Nerve Knife" is a nickname given by senior fans to a type of forward who is like a god. For example, the international player Tang Yaodong when he was leading the team was crazy. He could pass seven or eight people in a row and break into the goal alone. When he was not in good

2024/06/1903:15:37 sports 1944

Japanese Neurosurgery: Psychiatrists and Doctors Collaborate to Kill the Minister

Hong Kong director Wang Tianlin filmed the movie "Psychotherapy" in 1969, which pioneered this century's buzzword.

"Nerve Knife" is a nickname given by senior fans to a kind of god-like forwards (later spread to basketball). For example, the national football player Tang Yaodong when coach Gao led the team, he could beat seven or eight people in a row and break into the goal alone. , specializes in helping the opponent's defenders to clear the siege when he is not in good condition. The coach would not dare to use this kind of player until the decisive moment, and once he takes the field, both the enemy and us are on tenterhooks at the same time, not knowing who he will help.

Director Tang: Who is this? You are still thinking about me after so many years?

But this series of Lao Sa is not about football, it is about a series of ridiculous murder cases in Japan. The criminals in each case are very appropriately described as "nerve knife".

You said that murders are bloody incidents. It is such an unfortunate thing that someone who is both a congressman and a boss died unexpectedly. How can you, Lao Sa, be so gloating about someone else's misfortune?

must have wronged his brother by saying this. We all have the basic sympathy of human beings. Lao Sa is peace-loving and resolutely opposes terrorists and all violent crimes.

Well, here, first of all, I would like to express my condolences and condolences to the ministers, congressmen, mayors, and bosses who died in Japan, and pray for their blessings, Amen.

However... However, these cases really make people think of the word "nerve". For example, in the first case, a mentally ill man and doctors killed a Japanese government minister... ...

How is this possible? I guess many of my friends have to scream.

First of all, the public security in Japan is very good. You rarely encounter theft or robbery when traveling there. You don’t have to worry even if you lose your wallet. Most of the time it will be picked up by someone and taken to the police station, and it will be returned with just a phone call. , no formalities are required. Where do so many murders come from in a place like this?

Secondly, a doctor’s duty is to save lives and heal the wounded, so why would he team up with a mental patient to kill people? Especially the one who was killed was the minister. Aren't they afraid of medical trouble? Besides, doesn’t the minister (who is currently in office) have bodyguards and secretaries, even drivers? Do you not care if the doctor wants to kill the minister?

This case occurred in the 1990s, when Abe was still learning to shout slogans in the election hall. The victim was Japanese Minister of Labor Hyosuke Niwa at the time, who was Abe's elder - Japan is a monarchy, so Ministers from other countries change their names to ministers when they come here, but their responsibilities are actually the same.

What’s interesting is that Japan’s public security is good, but as a maritime nation, it is also quite excitable. Passion killings occur one after another. However, their targets are often not neighbors or passers-by, but often choose famous politicians.

The Japanese like to make decisions before taking action, and this is definitely reflected in the assassination - this means that if a Japanese quarrels with someone on the street, he may tolerate it at the time. After returning home, the more he thinks about it, the more awkward he becomes, so he decides Kill people, and then check the newspapers to select a certain politician...

estimates that this kind of god-like logic will scare away many brothers who want to pursue an official career.

Unfortunately, Niwa's murder case is exactly this type.

In fact, when Niwa was assassinated, the whole country of Japan was shocked. Because everyone thinks that with his character and popularity, if the other party wants to kill someone, he should not come to him. Even if it is to kill the Prime Minister Sone Yasuhiro , it seems to have more reasons.

Sone Yasuhiro: Who did I provoke again?

Niwa Hyosuke, a native of Nagoya, Japan, was born in 1911 and has always been a moderate politician. He has a humble personality, pursues a conciliatory policy and is good at dancing. He is especially good at coordinating conflicts within and outside the government. At that time, people called him the "Three Musketeers" of Japan, together with two other Liberal Democratic Party bosses, Mori Matsudaira and Moriyama Kinji, who were also good at coordinating relations. They had a reputation as a good guy both inside and outside the party.

Unfortunately, such a good old man was assassinated.

On October 21, 1990, Niwa went to participate in an observation activity at the Moriyama Base of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces in Nagoya, and was suddenly attacked by a knife-wielding man.

Some people later said that Niwa's assassination was due to a lack of self-prevention. If the assassin had changed his opponent, such as Matsudaira Mori, another "strategist" as famous as Niwa Hyosuke, it would not have been so easy to succeed. Mori Matsudaira has 7th Dan, 5th Dan Karate, and has Aikido coaching qualifications. It is said that he is the best martial arts person in Japanese political circles. Maybe he can show us a good show like grabbing a knife with his bare hands.

The problem is that Niwa has never practiced these things. He is an out-and-out scholar, so he was caught off guard and had no ability to resist. He was stabbed in the neck by the thug, and he suddenly bled profusely.

We can’t blame Niwa for his lack of precautions. Don’t forget where he was assassinated - the Self-Defense Forces camp. So many Self-Defense Forces members watched the Minister being chopped down by thugs. It’s really worth asking the taxpayers: Self-Defense Forces, what are you defending?

In addition, this man was able to rush into the Japanese barracks and kill the minister with one knife, which makes us wonder whether things like tearing up Japanese soldiers with their own hands may actually exist.

later learned that ordinary people were allowed to participate in the observation. The Self-Defense Force's mistake was a surprise, and it was not that they could not defeat the knife-wielding gangster.

The murderer sneaked into the camp among civilians and quickly selected Mr. Niwa, who "looked the most imposing", as his target.

Why did he kill this minister?

cannot be explained clearly because no one can understand its logic. The officers soon learned that it was not their own mental retardation, but rather that there was something wrong with the man's head.

This murderer is a mental patient who is being treated and has been hospitalized. On this day, he returned home (who released him?), disappeared without noticing, and reappeared at the scene of the assassination.

Even his attending doctor couldn't tell what grudge this mental patient had against the Minister of Labor. He could only speculate that the exercise of the Self-Defense Forces caused him bad stimulation, which led to this murder.

Psychiatric killings are nothing new in Japan. Previously, a Japanese teenage mental patient stabbed Japan's Supreme Emperor, US Ambassador to Japan Reisauer !

The question is, does such a case have anything to do with doctors?

Niwa was seriously injured after the assassination. The guards (what were you doing just now?), secretaries and self-defense team members hurriedly sent him to the nearest hospital. Despite efforts to save him, he died 12 days later.

’s family immediately began to sue the hospital, using conclusive evidence to prove that the hospital made a major blood transfusion error during the rescue process - Niwa himself has AB blood type, but the hospital actually gave him B type blood . The family members believed that the hospital committed manslaughter. suspicion.

A Japanese-style medical dispute led by the minister's family began.

Is the medical turmoil at the minister's house particularly rapid?

Not really. This is not because the minister’s wife has a good temper (anyone who still has a good temper after her husband dies is abnormal), but because there are too many people responsible and I simply don’t know who to turn to for trouble.

A mental patient performed the surgery, and the doctor transfused the wrong blood. The scene of Mr. Niwa being assassinated is enough to make people scratch their heads - but there is something even more exciting!

The subsequent investigation concluded that the Self-Defense Forces were also suspected of contributing to the minister's death.

Identify them one by one and see who framed our Self-Defense Forces for murdering the leader!

This is unfair. If we say that we were not well prepared, then the Self-Defense Forces have nothing to say. After all, the incident happened to you. But if we talk about fueling the flames or even being behind the scenes, I really don’t know where to start. If Minister Niwa's job were to be the chairman of the National Federation of Trade Unions in our country, he would not be in charge of the affairs of the Self-Defense Forces. There is no such a big hatred between the two parties, right?

However, this is indeed what the investigation report said.

Niwa was stabbed in the back when he was assassinated. It seemed that the terrifying neurotic knife was very familiar with weapons. He only stabbed the old man behind the left ear - the most deadly part in ancient Roman gladiator training.(You are so good at swordsmanship even though you have a mental disorder. This kid has never practiced it before, right?) Mr. Niwa had never experienced such a strong stimulation. At that time, he fell unconscious in the arms of a Self-Defense Forces cadre (because of this, Mr. He did not suffer much pain during his death).

The Self-Defense Force cadre then did something that completely violated the principles of battlefield first aid-This man pulled the knife out of Minister Niwa's neck, and then started calling for help.

While calling for help, Mr. Niwa's blood came out like a fountain.

Japanese first aid expert, Professor Masakazu Yoshinaga of the Emergency Department of Hyogo University, published a signed article in " Asahi Shimbun " on July 8, 1997, specifically mentioning this assassination and using it as a negative example to illustrate that when being killed by a knife, etc. In the case of stabbing with a sharp weapon, if it may hit a large blood vessel, do not pull out the murder weapon. You should take it with you to the hospital for treatment.

"As self-defense members, we should have more knowledge about first aid than civilians, but we did such a regrettable thing... If we had not pulled out the knife at that time, at least the blood loss would not be so serious afterwards."

First aid? It seems that our army does not have this training subject.

Things are already messy enough. Get all the Self-Defense Forces out!

The family members of Mr. Minister, probably considering the ancestral precepts that cannot be explained clearly when a scholar meets a soldier, mainly pointed the finger at the two hospitals.

The first one was the mental hospital where the neurotome escaped. is straightforward and admits responsibility, but the responsibility does not belong to the hospital, but to Minister Niwa's colleague, the Minister of Health and Welfare (equivalent to the Minister of Health), because it is he who advocates that mental illness should be open to treatment, and this Moriyamaso Mental Hospital is a pilot unit. , and then the control over patients was relaxed.

We are all familiar with the Minister of Health and Welfare.

Yes, it is the former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. Once you get here, you can no longer pursue him. When he was young, he was once forcibly admitted to hospital on the grounds of mental illness.

In April 1967, when Junichiro Koizumi was a fourth-year student at Japan's famous Keio University, he was arrested by the Kanagawa Prefectural Police for sexually assaulting a girl who was also studying at Keio University in Shonan. Afterwards, Koizumi was exempted from prosecution, but was forced to enter a mental hospital for compulsory treatment.

The first mental patient released the second mental patient from the mental hospital, the second mental patient killed someone, the second mental patient was not guilty, and the first mental patient took responsibility. Isn't this unfair? Not to mention that your husband had a cup of tea with the first mental patient during his lifetime. He was a comrade and a brother. How dare you sue him? ! For

... I have to find the second one.

This second hospital was the hospital that gave the wrong blood transfusion. The blood transfusion error was officially recorded, and the hospital admitted it. The evidence is conclusive. There is no need to discuss this matter, not to mention that our family is still a minister.

result, actually still lost the case.

Is there any natural reason for this?

The so-called blood transfusion technology in ancient times, the picture above is obviously not something done by humans.

Regarding the impact of wrong blood transfusion, Lao Sa had a discussion with Xiao Mo, who graduated from the Department of Medicine of Kobe University.

According to the magic medical theory, it is very terrible to enter the wrong blood type . Under different circumstances, it may cause hemolysis (this is more common), and some may cause coagulation (this is relatively rare). In short, The patient will soon develop various symptoms such as tremors, high fever, severe pain, profuse sweating, and tongue sticking out, and in severe cases, may die.

It was a rare opportunity to use his professional knowledge. Xiao Mo explained happily, and Lao Sa felt a chill when he heard it - As long as 10-15 ml of wrong blood is transfused, it will cause serious consequences, even if he does not die, he will have a strong The first damage it causes is permanent damage to your kidneys...

is a man's. It seems that you should check carefully before blood transfusion.

It is said that he is a professional and his words are not bad, but why are Japanese experts unwilling to uphold justice for Mr. Niwa? Lao Sa suspiciously searched the Internet and found out that this magical medical theory is not comprehensive. Wrong blood transfusion may not necessarily kill people, but sometimes it can save people.

Westerners did not know how to transfuse blood in the early years, but they were more keen on bloodletting. It is said that Washington let quack doctors bled people to death. Today it seems that the doctor was definitely stupid and bold, and actually gave the president 2300cc of blood in one day! No wonder the president, who went out on horseback in the morning, turned up his braids in the evening, and no wonder Emperor Guangxu said: "If you don't treat a doctor, you are a middle-class doctor."

The world's first officially recorded blood transfusion for treatment occurred in 1667, and it was obviously a case. Wrong blood transfusion.

In fact, this case of blood transfusion is very absurd from medical theory. The subject of this treatment was a "madman" near Paris, France, named Antoine Mauroy. He was a servant of a marquis and was regarded as a mental patient because he repeatedly brutally beat his wife and tried to set fires. Fortunately, the great physician Mr. Dennis decided to save the unfortunate lady after hearing the news. His solution was to give Moruwa a blood transfusion.

Can blood transfusion cure madness? Dr. Dan believed that this was a reliable treatment method (it is said to be the theory of Western medical saint Hippocrates ) - He decided to inject the blood of a docile calf into Moruwa's body. In this way, his character It will also become docile.

The results of this jaw-dropping treatment are part seawater and part fire.

First of all, Moruwa had a very severe rejection reaction , tremors, high fever, kidney deficiency... However, after he overcame all this, his whole personality actually changed and he no longer beat his wife. , it was quiet for a long time.

It seems that Dr. Dan's theory was successfully confirmed - if not for some time, when Dr. Dan was trying to consolidate the curative effect, Moruwa died in the second blood transfusion, this method of treating madness might have been written Enter the textbook.

I want Lao Sa to say that this Mr. Moruwa is probably not a mental patient at all, but just a bit psychopathic. He is probably an SM lover. Transfusion of cow blood may not cure psychological problems, but it will cause pain and fear of escaping death. It's enough to scare him - just think about the horror of being treated like this again, and even the most perverted guy will become well-behaved.

Holmes also had a case in which a professor injected himself with baboon serum in order to marry a young girl and became crazy and violent. In theory, this can make him more resistant to blood transfusion errors...

The professor who injected baboon blood.

Stop, Mr. Niwa is a very normal person. He was 80 years old when he was assassinated. He has no habit of beating his wife, and has no tendency to marry young girls. He has never injected himself with baboon serum. If the wrong blood transfusion occurs, it must follow the "magic rules" The "formal medicine" theory is very dangerous.

In a case with such solid evidence, the Niwa family still lost. Could it be that Japan, a capitalist country, bullies the Ministry of Labor and is a vulnerable group?

The key is that the medical experts who conducted the examination came to a conclusion that was favorable to the hospital. They believed that Mr. Niwa was not always transfused with type B blood. After the blood transfusion, the hospital quickly discovered that something was wrong and made corrections immediately.

Moreover, in theory, patients with type AB blood can receive a certain amount of type B blood, but it is not very accurate to say that the wrong blood was transfused. The key point is that the cause of death listed in Mr. Niwa’s autopsy report was “excessive blood loss.” In this case, blood loss was the fatal cause. Even if the wrong blood was transfused, it would not affect the death of Mr. Niwa.

This is the investigation result that was put into the formal report and accepted by the legal department !

Don’t forget that it took 12 days for Mr. Niwa to have his hair curled up after he was assassinated, but it only took a few hours for Abe’s case. This symptom is not very similar.

What is even more unexpected is that the person who should be really responsible in the end turned out to be Mr. Niwa himself.

This is really god-like logic. Could it be that the wrong blood transfusion was caused by the old gentleman himself? He was already unconscious at the time.

According to the investigation results, the old gentleman himself is really responsible. It turned out that he had told others many times that he had blood type B, and even registered as blood type B in the information registered as a member of parliament. After he was assassinated, due to the tight rescue time, the doctor did not have time to conduct a blood type test, so he used the blood type record provided by the secretary. After the blood was transfused, he discovered something was wrong, but it was too late.

is obviously type AB, but insisting on calling it B type , is it an oversight? In fact, this is a piece of misinformation deliberately released by Mr. Niwa in order to run for parliament.

Many Japanese people are fans of blood types and zodiac signs. Generally speaking, they believe that type A people are more suitable to be politicians. Most Japanese people are also type A people. It is said that in order to run for Mr. Niwa, it is better to pretend to be a type A person. .

But the situation in his constituency is somewhat special. After investigation, election assistants found that the majority of people in this constituency are people with blood type B, and several of Mr. Niwa’s competitors have blood type A (perhaps there are many imposters).

So, they suggested that Mr. Niwa call himself blood type B, because the proportion of type B blood among Japanese people is relatively small, and they would feel left out. Now there is a candidate with blood type B, out of the desire to "give publicity to people with this blood type." Idea, they will also vote for Mr. Niwa.

Mr. Niwa is a man of good deeds.

It is entirely conceivable how Mr. Niwa would answer. As I said before, this is a gentle and good old man.

No one expected that winning the election would cost their lives. Moreover, it was probably because the Niwa family members themselves felt embarrassed because they had misreported their blood types, so after the results of the investigation came out, they had no choice but to stop.

It seems that politicians cannot be dishonest.


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