It seems that high technology in the 21st century is entering the field of chess aggressively, challenging this ancient art! The computer is not only a formidable opponent of human beings, but also a close friend. It can accompany people to play chess and help them to dismantle c

2024/05/2712:22:33 sports 1426

In August 2006, an unprecedented chess man-machine battle shocked the national chess world. The unexpected result is that even the world champion Xu Yinchuan failed to defeat the computer. It seems that 21st century high technology is aggressively entering the field of chess, challenging this ancient art! The chess players were shocked, and the facts forced them to wake up from the dream of the chess kingdom that they were stuck in.

The computer is not only a terrible opponent of human beings, but also a close friend. It can accompany people to play chess and help them to solve chess. The marriage of chess and computers is the key for chess to become scientific and modern, and it is a breakthrough for the development and growth of chess and careers and its entry into thousands of households and the world.

A computer "chess master" with only 2 years of chess experience can compete with a grandmaster with decades of chess experience! What’s the secret to computer chess improving so quickly? What is its line of thinking? These are all worthy of study, and unraveling this mystery will be of great help to human chess players in improving their way of thinking.

The way people play chess is becoming diversified. In addition to the past person-to-person and face-to-face ways, there are also people-to-computers and people-to-people who are not in the same place. Through the Internet, chess can be played even thousands of miles apart. It is so convenient to have chess available to play anytime and anywhere.

The way to study chess skills should also be diversified. In addition to self-dismantling chess in the past, computers can also be used to help dismantle chess and provide various chess skills information for reference.

The way of teaching chess should also be changed. In addition to the past handicraft method of masters leading apprentices, computers can be used to teach and practice chess to many children at the same time, improving training efficiency and shortening the cycle of training young chess players.

This human-machine war has attracted widespread attention in the society. Nearly a hundred media at home and abroad, including People's Daily , CCTV, Guangming Daily , etc., have reported on it, and some have even interviewed chess players and artificial intelligence experts. , and commented, hundreds of thousands of netizens watched the live broadcast online. Its influence is unmatched by previous chess competitions. It is of great significance for inspiring people to explore new models of promoting chess and opening up new horizons and new ideas for the art of chess.

1. The computer defeated the human brain for the first time

In the past, we only heard about the man-machine war that shocked the world. It was the American "Deep Blue" computer and the world champion Kasparov, playing chess. What we Chinese are concerned about is, what if a domestic supercomputer can play Chinese chess?

August 9th and 15th, 2006 were exciting and unforgettable days for chess fans. The first human-machine battle in Chinese chess in history began.

(1) Internet master suffered heavy losses

In order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the birth of the artificial intelligence discipline, a series of competitions jointly sponsored by China Artificial Intelligence Society and Inspur Group , including the "Lianzhong Inspur Cup", the first national Chinese chess human-machine competition The online player selection competition, the " Inspur Cup" first Chinese computer game championship, the "Inspur Cup" the first Chinese chess human-machine battle, the "Inspur Cup" the first Chinese chess online player human-machine battle. As the core of the entire event, the man-machine battle is the focus of most attention among chess fans and is also the climax of the entire event.

This grand event has attracted widespread media attention, Associated Press , Xinhua News Agency , China News Service , People's Daily, CCTV, Guangming Daily, China Computer News, China Sports News, Science and Technology Daily, China Nearly a hundred media outlets including Daily (English version), China Youth Daily , Beijing Daily , and Internet World reported on it, and some conducted continuous follow-up reports throughout the process. The news spread and shocked the whole country. Never before in any artificial intelligence science activity or chess activity has it had such a big impact. The

organizing committee announced that the online contestants will register on the Lianzhong World website from July 13th to 30th. The final 25 people will be selected to come to Beijing to compete with the Liu Dahua and grand masters, and participate in human-machine confrontation. The selected candidates’ travel expenses to Beijing and three-day meals and accommodation in Beijing will be provided by the conference. As soon as the announcement of

came out, it immediately set off a craze. Hundreds of thousands of people consulted or registered on the website. In the end, more than 70,000 people were confirmed to participate, and the entire competition schedule required 15 games.Just one week into the

audition, an unexpected thing happened. Several online chess players questioned its fairness. Several amateur chess players who have been on the "Lianzhong" Chinese chess website all year round complained: "Some professional chess players have participated in the auditions. As for my level, the usual winning rate is more than 95%, but since last week's competition At first, the winning rate was only 50%, which really made people feel strange. "

In fact, the organizing committee cannot strictly regulate the qualifications of chess players participating in the audition. Xiangqi is not divided into amateur and professional ranks like Go. In fact, all chess players. Everyone can participate in the online selection, which will also improve the chess skills of online players. Some netizens said that usually online chess games are mainly for entertainment purposes, but now everyone has to compete for the last 25 places. Every game is full of gunpowder and real swords, which is really enjoyable.

In any case, this audition mobilized so many chess fans and played a great role in popularizing chess. 30,000 people played 15 games, and 256 people were selected in order of points to enter the second phase of the knockout round of

. Finally, Finally, 25 people were selected to participate in the human-machine battle.

html On the morning of August 10, network experts competed with the "Inspur Tissot" computer at the Beijing Olympic Sports Center. 25 Internet experts are divided into 5 groups. Each group of 5 people can discuss and play 1 game of chess together. The computer uses the championship-level software "Chess Master" to play 5 games of chess at the same time.

Network Group 1 played the red chess first in the first game. They played very steadily according to the popular layout and quickly shook hands and made peace. In the second wave of the wave, Tissot played red first, and it turned into a Sanshou chess game against the war game. After the pieces were exchanged in the middle game, it turned into a red chariot, horse, and soldiers, all in good condition, and a single black chariot, horse, and lack of bishop. Red had a slight advantage. If we consider the computer's move, Because of the fast chess, Red could keep fighting for an advantage, but the computer's handicap skills were poor, and it was finally forced to a draw.

Network Team 2 took the lead in the first game, but accidentally lost a phase in the middle game, thus falling into a disadvantage. In the final game, the red rook and the black rook pawn, but unfortunately the red could not place the rook in time to get the lead and the shox's horn. The "bicycle protecting the sword" situation was cleverly entered into the game by the computer. In the second game, the players were determined to attack and tried to save the game. The melee situation was conducive for the computer to display its strengths. The computer abandoned the horse and stepped on the elephant, playing a song of victory like a broken bamboo.

Network Group 3 had a solid start in the first game and quickly reached a draw. In the second game, they were eager to seek peace but were soft-hearted, resulting in a situation with few pawns. The black chariot and two pawns with artillery faced the red chariot and four pawns. In the end, the computer forced the rook to win.

Network 4 Group is led by the famous expert Niu Baoming, who is interested in working hard with computers. Although the first game was aggressive, the situation was lackluster, and in the end the two sides did not make a draw. In the second round, the team seemed careless and in a hurry, but they were defeated.

In the first game of chess, the great sage wins the network group 4

1. Two cannons and six horses advance 8 into 7 2. Horses advance two and three rooks and 9 draws 8

3. Three soldiers advance into one...

The computer dares to walk past the palace cannon. A non-popular layout means that it has a wider range of layouts and has more opening patterns stored in the opening library. This is a chess move where the troops are strong to control the horse, and the rook is blocked by black artillery when driving the right rook. If the rook is one and two are drawn, then the cannon advances 8 to 4, the pawn advances 3 to one, the cannon 8 draws 7, and red has no initiative.

3.…..… Pawns 3 into 1 4. Cannons 8 into 4 Horses 2 into 3

5. Cannons 8 into 7 rooks 1 level 2 6. Horses 8 into 7 artillery 8 pings 9

7. Rooks 9 into 8 elephants 3 into 5 8. Rook Eight into four...

It seems that high technology in the 21st century is entering the field of chess aggressively, challenging this ancient art! The computer is not only a formidable opponent of human beings, but also a close friend. It can accompany people to play chess and help them to dismantle c - DayDayNews

As shown in Figure 1, the situation at this time is similar to the five-eight artillery slow-down car vs. three-step tiger turning screen horse game. The difference is that the center artillery is changed to the official corner artillery, which facilitates the joint defense and the formation is more thick. The layout level of the computer is really good.

8. …… Rook 8 advances 4

9. Cannon 7 draws three...

prevents black 7 pawns from exchanging pawns and live knights. Although red cannon draws 7 and draws 3 again and loses a move, it still counts as capturing a pawn. compensated.

9. ... Cannon 2 flat 1

invites and exchanges the car steadily. If you want to attack, you can move the horse 3 to advance 4, but the future is uncertain. According to the rules of the organizing committee, if you compete with the "Chess Master", you can win the first prize, so you have to be cautious on the spot.

10. The rook moves eight into five, the horse moves back three and two 11. The phase three moves into five...

's supplementary phase is somewhat stable, and changing the rook one into one is more powerful. You can move the left wing to capture the horse. For example, if the black chariot is level 8 to capture the cannon, then the cannon is level 6 and level 4.

11. …… Horse 2 into 3 12. One car into one car 8 levels 4

13. Shi four into five .......

Red left the crossing car late, was caught by the gang and forced Shi to block the traffic.Knight 2 goes into 3

13... Knight 3 goes into 2 14. Rook one level four

red goes out of the horizontal rook and then moves the help line, losing a move. However, there are still some attacks like entering the cart, jamming the elephant's eye, etc. To see the black horse stepping on the pawn, you can change the pawn into 1 to be more detailed.

15. Cars four into seven, soldiers 6 into 5 16. Cannon three level, nine artillery one level 3

level artillery secretly aimed at the red horse, but it revealed that the bottom line of the right wing was empty, which seemed careless. It is better to change the pawn to 9 and enter the game quietly and watch.

17. The rook is four and three is level...

is a good idea. Nine cannons advance three, three cannons retreat two, and rooks retreat three and one gets a piece.

17. …… Horse 7 advance 8 18. Cannon 9 advance, 3 cannon 3 retreat 2

19. Car 3 advance, 2 horse 8 advance 9 20. Horse 3 advance, 1 cannon 9 advance 4

21. Car 3 level, 1 artillery 9 level 8 22. Car 1 level 5

Previously, black's horse jumped outside the ribs, but it was not as good as artillery, 3 draws and 1 blocked artillery. Because red retreated his rook and swept pawns, he now had more than two soldiers, establishing a dominant position.

22....... Rook 4 into 2 23. Soldiers into three into one

takes advantage of the situation to cross the soldiers. Black can't be like 5 advancing into 7 and taking soldiers, because the red cannon is advancing into 6 and destroying soldiers to gain the upper hand.

23. ·......The knight 3 retreats 4

If the knight 3 retreats 2, then the pawns advance to 1, the pawns 3 advance to 1, the pawns 9 advance to 1, the pawns 3 advance to 1, knight?

retreats 8, horse 2 advances 4, cannon 6 advances 2, rook 4 retreats 1, pawn 3 advances 1, red is easy to move in the attack.

24. Six guns advance, three chariots, 4 retreat 2 25. Three soldiers advance, one pawn, 3 advance 1

26. Five phases advance, seven chariots, 4 flats 1 27. Cannons, nine flats, eight chariots, 1 flat 2

28. Cannons, eight flats, nine guns, 8 flats 1 29. Horses Seven advance and nine rooks, 2 draws, 1

30. Seven retreats, five rooks, 1 retreat, 4 31. After horse and nine advance, seven

win, the red winning endgame is entered.

31. …… Cannon 3 advanced 4 32. Soldiers advanced 5, chariot 1 advanced 5

33. Horse retreated 7, chariot 1 advanced 34. Horse advanced 5, artillery 3 leveled 7

35. Chariots 5 leveled, 4 vehicles leveled 1 level 7 36. Soldiers advanced 5 One elephant 7 advances 9

37. Pawns 5 levels, 4 rooks 7 levels 6 38. 3 soldiers advance 1...

The people deliberately abandoned their cannons to seek peace. For example, if Red changes his pawns to four and draws three, the rooks will retreat to 3 on 6, the pawns will draw three and four, and the bishop will advance to 7 with 9. Black knights and elephants can all guard and cavalry. But the computer is not greedy for guns, but attacks the weak with troops, which shows that its endgame knowledge has increased.

38..... Rook 6 retreats 1 39. Three soldiers advance and one rook 6 advance 1

The black cannon withstands the red horse, and the black chariot restrains the red chariot soldiers, but it is difficult to stop the red offensive. In this way, it is better to change the soldier's 5 to retreat 6 than to enter the car. It is better to change the soldier's frame.

40. Three pawns draw four, bishop 9 retreats 7 41. Rook draws four, three bishops advance 7, 9

42. Queen pawn draws three, rook 6 retreats 5

If changed to bishop 5, advancing 7, then the pawns draw four, three draw, and 7 advance, which is also a red victory.

43. Three soldiers equal two

The red chariot and horse soldiers will win the black chariot and all the soldiers and elephants.

Network 5 team is led by the famous player Li Dezhi. He has strong chess skills and is determined to compete with the computer. He is an amateur chess player anyway, so he has no worries even if he loses. Both games were fought with each other, and the computer won 1 and drew 1.

In the 2nd game, network group 5 lost first to the great chess master

1. Two cannons and five knights advanced 8 and 7 2. Horses and two and three rooks and 9 draws 8

3. One rook and two horses and 2 advanced 3 4. Three pawns and one pawn and 3 advanced 1

5. Cannons, eight draws, seven pawns, 1 advance. 1

. Red has not yet jumped the side horse. Black does not need to rush to advance the pawns. He can change the soldiers to 4 advance, 5 solid defenses. Of course, this will not lead to a pawn forest chariot.

6. Horse eight into nine

You can change the rook into nine into one to grab the horizontal cart. For example, the black horse goes into 3 into 2, then the rook into 2 into six, the elephant into 3 into 5, the rook into 9 into six, the rook into 1 into 3, the horse into 3 into four, like this He took one step to circle the hippopotamus, which showed he had the upper hand, and he was not afraid of using black artillery to hit the horse, because the rook was six and eight, and the horse was evenly matched.

6.···· Horse 3 enters 2 7. Rook nine enters, one elephant 3 enters 5

8. Rook nine levels, six rooks 1 enters 3 9. Rook two enters six

At this point, the red right chariot crosses the river and the left chariot occupies the rib, still controlling the situation first . Hei uses Lin Che to prepare to hold on and strike later.

9...... Cannon 8 draws 9 10. Rook two draws three ···

The draw draws pawns and horses, and attacks aggressively. If the rook is changed, the situation will be calm. People play this game of chess with the intention of fighting against the computer.

10. ..... The artillery 9 retreated 1

eager to level the artillery and chase the car to prevent the red soldiers from crossing the river. At this time, you are not afraid of red taking the rook six and advancing six, because the cannon 2 draws 3, the rook advances one, the knight 4 advances 5, the rook six draws seven, the horse 2 retreats 3, and black's double chariot and bicycle are easy to move.

11. Three soldiers advance into one, artillery 9 equals 7 12. Cars three equals four, artillery 7 advances 3

13. Horses advance three into four...

It seems that high technology in the 21st century is entering the field of chess aggressively, challenging this ancient art! The computer is not only a formidable opponent of human beings, but also a close friend. It can accompany people to play chess and help them to dismantle c - DayDayNews

As shown in Figure 2, the red squanders are eaten by the black artillery, causing the black artillery to lose its ability to counterattack on the second line.

13....... Shi 6 into 5

14. Che 6 into 4

did not grasp the overall situation and the focus is on attacking in the middle.At this time, Hong Ying changed his troops and moved five troops into one, preparing to charge across the river and launch a fierce attack on the center line. If necessary, he would also use four vehicles to advance into two to plug the elephant's eye. Black Beard was busy dealing with it.

14....... The bishop 7 goes into 9

. The two bishops are scattered and lose contact, which is unreasonable. The cannon can be changed to 7 and 6. For example, if the red car is 4 and 3, then the 6 cannon is 3 and the horse is 4 and the 6 is 7 and the horse is 2 and 3. Five, Cannon 7 draws 4, Soldiers retreat from 5 to 4, Cannon 4 draws 6, Black has a strong offensive.

The red team still has not found the entry point for the attack. Since the black bishop has lost its root, red can use the cannon to draw seven and six. After preparing to use the cannon to hit the soldier, he can then enter the left car and go to the soldier's corner to catch the cannon elephant, which can break through the black defense line.

15. Horse 2 advances 1 16. Three phases advance, one pawn 1 advances 1

17. Cannons 7 levels, 3 artillery 7 draws 9 18. 1 phase retreats, 3 horses advance 1 3

19. Pawns advance 1...

It seems that high technology in the 21st century is entering the field of chess aggressively, challenging this ancient art! The computer is not only a formidable opponent of human beings, but also a close friend. It can accompany people to play chess and help them to dismantle c - DayDayNews

As shown in Figure 3, red is eager to advance. The soldiers catch the cannon, ignoring the black right horse's method of biting the soldiers. It should be changed to the first rook

six retreats to three, the horse 3 retreats 1, the pawn advances one, the artillery 9 draws

7, the cannon advances six, the artillery 2 draws 7, the rook 4 draws 3, the rear

the gun draws 6, the rook draws 1, both sides In the entanglement, Hong still has the upper hand.

19... Cannon 9 flat 7

20. Cannon three advanced six cannon 2 flat 7

21. Car four flat three horses three back 5

22. Car six back three

If you mistakenly move, chariot six back two, then horse five back seven, official

Four goes into five, rooks go into 8 into 9, cannons go into five, soldiers go into 5, soldiers go into 6, seven go into five, rear cannon goes into 5, black gets a big advantage. Retiring the official corner car now can prevent the dark horse from calling the general.

22. The rear cannon retreats 2 23. The rook advances 8 into 8

24. The rook advances 6 into one, the knight 5 retreats 6 25. The king moves forward 4 to 5

is empty, and the general loses position after being called by the black rook, which is a waste of a move. We can only change the artillery to five and four. For example, if the rook retreats 8 and 3, the knight retreats 4 and 5, creating a entangled situation, but red is also at a disadvantage.

25....... Rook 8 advances 1 26. Shi five retreats four Rook 8 retreats 4

27. Rook three flat four

Abandoning the horse and trying to attack the elephant, he is determined to give it a try, but he has no confidence in whether he can succeed. If the horse is changed to four and three, then the rook will be 8 and 5, and black will have the advantage.

27. Rook 8 flat 6 28. Cannon 5 into 5 Shi 5 into 4

29. Rook 6 flat 2...

wants to avoid the black rook 6 flat 4 against the rook to get away and retain his strength to fight.

29. ...... The rear gun draws 6 30. The second car enters the fifth car and the 1 draws 4

31. The fourth car enters the fifth ..

The red carriage cannot cause killing, and the black formation is impregnable. In this move, we should change the rook to advance two, the rook to advance to four, the handsome to advance to one, the knight to retreat to five, the rook to retreat to eight, and red still has a chance to attack.

31. …… Cannon 7 retreats 4 32. Car 2 retreats 3

If it is too late to enter the carriage at this time, that is, if the carriage 4 advances 2, then horse 6 retreats 5, rook 4 retreats 4, horse 5

advances 7, rook 4 advances 5 , will draw 5 to 6, Black will win with many pieces.

32...·......Pawn 1 advances 1 33. Horse nine retreats eight rooks 4 flat 2

34. Horse eight advances seven rooks 2 advances 4 35. Four rooks retreat one...

How to change horse seven advance five , then the rook 2 draws 9, the rook 2 retreats 5, the bishop 9 advances 7, the cannon 5 draws 2, the rook

6 draws 5, the rook 4 retreats 1, the rook 5 advances 1, the rook 4 draws 3, the cannon 7 draws 8, the cannon 2 draws 1, the cannon 8 goes into

6, 1 cannon goes into 2, 6 cannon goes into 5, black and many subs are excellent.

35....... Rook 6 retreats 1 36. Two rooks level four rooks 2 level 3

37. Phase seven advance five rooks 3 retreat 1

Black with more sons and more pawns will win. The

side failed miserably. In the human-machine battle between network masters and the "Great Sage of Chess", the overall result was 5 wins for the computer and 5 draws for the human side.

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