Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe

2024/05/2705:13:33 sports 1790

withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges This punch completely destroyed his worth.

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 121-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists per game. There was a time when he was promoted to a strong contender for the Most Improved Player award due to his extremely hot performance.

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

After the end of this season, Bridges, who became a restricted free agent, asked boss Joe for a maximum salary, but the latter did not give it.

After much hesitation, they finally made only a qualifying offer for Bridges. The Hornets owned his bird rights and could extend his contract beyond the salary cap.

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

originally thought that what Bridges would miss out on this summer was just a high salary, but he never thought that he might even be blocked from getting a job.

Because not long ago, Meji broke the news that Emiliano Carchia revealed that the Hornets were preparing to withdraw the qualifying offer for Bridges and make him a completely free agent.

The reason is: Bridges was arrested by the police in Los Angeles for domestic violence. The Hornets and the league are closely monitoring the development of this matter. had just given a quote, but this happened. Bridges didn't take his career seriously at all.

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

Gossip media TMZ reported Bridges’ domestic violence.

A woman claimed that she had an argument with Hornets forward Bridges, which eventually turned into a physical conflict. After receiving the call, the police rushed to the scene and learned that the woman's identity was Bridges' wife, Mychelle Johnson, and Bridges had already Leave first.

Bridges' wife subsequently announced the diagnosis of her injuries on social media after seeking medical treatment. After being strangled by Bridges, she suffered a severe concussion condition, as well as a closed fracture of her nasal bone, wrist fracture, and eardrum. Ruptures, multiple bruises, and strained neck muscles...

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

is really cruel. The ball player thought that Bridges could not win the best defensive player if he could beat his wife off the court and put it on the court. Now; what’s even more frightening is that Bridges’ wife also gave birth to a son and a daughter for him, and the children also witnessed the whole process during the domestic violence.

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

On Wednesday afternoon local time, the Los Angeles police conducted a spot arrest and arrested Bridges. The latter paid a $130,000 bail and was released.

Not long after the incident happened, the sister of Bridges' wife also stood up and spoke, saying that "retribution will come sooner than later."

brothers may not know that the sister of Bridges's wife is the wife of the Warriors' frontman Zui Ge. Bridges and Zui Ge are brothers-in-law.

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

Now the Hornets plan to withdraw the offer to Bridges, which largely shows that the negative factors off the court have had a considerable impact on his career, and the curse of Mouth Sister has come true.

It is indeed difficult to go from a role player to the starting lineup of the team step by step, and then to become a top-paid player. However, all this must be based on the fact that the player himself is an upright and law-abiding citizen, so that he can win everyone's most basic Otherwise, even if you average 100 points per game, it won't change the fact that you are a scumbag in people's minds.

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

also hopes that Bridges will reflect on his mistakes after experiencing this incident, give his wife and children a complete explanation, pay attention to his own life, and not let himself go further and further astray.

Withdraw offer? ? ? Bridges's punch completely destroyed his worth. As one of the few strong forwards on the free agent market, Bridges can be said to be a hot commodity. In the 21-22 season, he played 80 games for the Hornets, averaging 20.1 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists pe - DayDayNews

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