On July 5th, Beijing time, there has been no further outcome on Durant’s matter. After all, the Nets want to get enough chips from Durant, but there are not many teams that can give the Nets such a price, so Durant It will take some time for Rand to leave the Nets.

2024/05/2612:34:32 sports 1858

On July 5th, Beijing time, there has been no further outcome on Durant’s matter. After all, the Nets want to get enough chips from Durant, but there are not many teams that can give the Nets such a price, so Durant It will take some time for Rand to leave the Nets. - DayDayNews

Beijing time on July 5th Durant matter has no further results. After all, the Nets want to get enough chips from Durant, but now there are no teams that can give the Nets such a price. Not much, so it will still take some time for Durant to leave the Nets. However, after Durant applied for a trade, Durant has already received too much criticism. Many people think that Durant has no loyalty at all. After all, the Nets paid a high price for Durant. , and Durant did not bring much return to the Nets in several seasons, so Durant has been questioned a lot.

On July 5th, Beijing time, there has been no further outcome on Durant’s matter. After all, the Nets want to get enough chips from Durant, but there are not many teams that can give the Nets such a price, so Durant It will take some time for Rand to leave the Nets. - DayDayNews

However, Durant still received support when he received a lot of doubts. Regarding this, Dream Chaser’s mother wrote on her social media: This thing is so funny... Everyone is saying, who doesn’t want to Let one of the best players play! I don't care what the fans or commentators say! Basketball players should play basketball! Go for it! Wherever you want to go! Obviously, what Durant is doing now is recognized by Dream Chaser’s mother. In Dream Chaser’s mother’s view, Durant has such full strength to do it, but others question Durant’s loyalty and leadership ability. , after all, Durant did not lead the team to win the championship when he was in Thunder . When he left the Warriors, Durant wanted to prove that he could lead the team to win the championship. However, Durant had not yet accomplished such a thing with the Nets and had to choose. left.

On July 5th, Beijing time, there has been no further outcome on Durant’s matter. After all, the Nets want to get enough chips from Durant, but there are not many teams that can give the Nets such a price, so Durant It will take some time for Rand to leave the Nets. - DayDayNews

So it is understandable that Durant is questioned under such circumstances. On the other hand, while trading Durant, the Nets also want to trade Irving . The team that has closer ties with Irving now is the Lakers . Although Other teams have also been rumored to want to trade for Irving, but given the uncertainty about Irving, other teams may not want to get Irving that much, and compared to other teams, the Lakers and James do not have many retreat options. , a large part of the reason is that the Lakers do not have enough chips. After all, the Lakers do not have many high-quality players. James and thick eyebrows cannot be traded, and Westbrook is obviously a negative asset now. As for Tucker, It may be difficult for players like Nunn to exchange for good bargaining chips.

On July 5th, Beijing time, there has been no further outcome on Durant’s matter. After all, the Nets want to get enough chips from Durant, but there are not many teams that can give the Nets such a price, so Durant It will take some time for Rand to leave the Nets. - DayDayNews

But now the Lakers need to change their lineup. Although compared to last season, the Lakers clearly realized that too many veterans could not help them compete for the championship, so the Lakers signed a lot of young people in the offseason, but Due to limited salary space, although the Lakers have signed some young players, and these young players can provide defensive help to the Lakers, their offensive capabilities are very limited. This has resulted in the Lakers currently having very little outside offensive space. Therefore, now The Lakers need to trade to break the situation, so Irving is undoubtedly the best choice for the Lakers, because this can not only improve the Lakers' shooting ability, but more importantly, the Lakers can use this to get rid of Westbrook. After all, facts have proved that Westbrook Shao is incompatible with James.

On July 5th, Beijing time, there has been no further outcome on Durant’s matter. After all, the Nets want to get enough chips from Durant, but there are not many teams that can give the Nets such a price, so Durant It will take some time for Rand to leave the Nets. - DayDayNews

So for the current Lakers, they actually don't have much retreat. If they still want to compete for the championship next season, then they need to trade, and Irving has undoubtedly become an important choice for the Lakers. Of course, in addition to the transaction, the Lakers need the thick eyebrows to stay healthy. If thick eyebrows cannot stay healthy, then the Lakers will still find it difficult to get too far. However, according to current news, thick eyebrows have also begun training, trainer Lethal Shooter posted a free throw video of Lakers star Anthony Davis . The trainer wrote: Thick eyebrows are too focused! Get up at 4:50 a.m. every day to train! Practice 400 free throws! And seeing the thick eyebrows starting to train will undoubtedly make fans happy.

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