The weather is getting hotter and hotter. It's okay not to go out. Going out every minute is like taking a shower. I'm so sweaty that I feel uncomfortable. But you know what? Summer is the best time to lose weight. If you miss it, you will have to wait until next year! ! ! 1. Hig

2024/05/2610:00:32 sports 1015

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. It’s okay not to go out. Going out every minute is like taking a shower. I’m so sweaty that I feel uncomfortable. But you know what? Summer is the best time to lose weight. If you miss it, you will have to wait until next year! ! !

1. High temperature helps you reduce appetite

When summer comes, you will find that people lose their appetite. They don’t want to eat this or that. Not only do they eat less, but they also want to drink more water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. . This is all controlled by your hypothalamus. In summer, it helps you maintain a constant body temperature and ensures that you eat on time. But it is not very distracting. When the weather is hot, the hypothalamus will just help your body cool down and sweat, ignoring your hunger. So you start to have a poor appetite and eat several kilograms less, but at the same time, you will replenish your body with water in time, such as drinking more water and eating more fruits. In this way, a healthy weight loss cycle begins.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. It's okay not to go out. Going out every minute is like taking a shower. I'm so sweaty that I feel uncomfortable. But you know what? Summer is the best time to lose weight. If you miss it, you will have to wait until next year! ! ! 1. Hig - DayDayNews

2. A positive attitude promotes weight loss

Compared with winter, the lush and vibrant scenes of summer will make people feel more positive. When you are depressed, the secretion of stress hormones will make people particularly hungry for carbohydrates, making it easy to overeat to relieve stress.

A positive attitude is the first factor in achieving your goal. If you set a weight loss flag at this time, the possibility of achieving it will be higher.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. It's okay not to go out. Going out every minute is like taking a shower. I'm so sweaty that I feel uncomfortable. But you know what? Summer is the best time to lose weight. If you miss it, you will have to wait until next year! ! ! 1. Hig - DayDayNews

3. Sufficient light inhibits weight gain

There is plenty of sunshine in summer. We generally get more sun, and the body will synthesize more vitamin D. Some studies have found that vitamin D will reduce the formation of new fat cells in the body.

Therefore, you can relax appropriately when using sunscreen. In the morning or evening when the sun is not so strong, go out to bask in the sun, or put on sunscreen and go out. The sun will really help you lose weight.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. It's okay not to go out. Going out every minute is like taking a shower. I'm so sweaty that I feel uncomfortable. But you know what? Summer is the best time to lose weight. If you miss it, you will have to wait until next year! ! ! 1. Hig - DayDayNews

4. The love for beauty makes weight loss more motivation

Everyone has the love for beauty. People pay more attention to their bodies in summer. When summer comes, clothes become thinner and the fat on the body has nowhere to hide. At this time, the psychological implication is particularly strong: You must lose weight, and you will look better in clothes if you lose weight.

Therefore, many girls will have the idea of ​​"slimming into a lightning bolt" in summer.

5. Long hours of sunshine provide more opportunities for exercise.

Summer is also particularly suitable for outdoor sports. Long hours of sunshine allow many people to continue exercising for several hours after get off work, so that it does not get dark after work in winter. Looking at the sunny weather outdoors during the holidays, I will be more willing to invite friends to go hiking, cycling or traveling around.

Summer is also the time when exercise habits are easiest to develop.

There are only a few short months in summer. Make good use of this best time to lose weight. If you are not going to lose weight like lightning, you should at least strive for a happier and healthier body.


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