The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as "the most handsome model."

2024/05/2421:23:33 sports 1191

Recently, the current situation of Liu Xiang and has aroused heated discussion among many netizens.

The reason was that one of his catwalk videos went viral on the Internet. Many people thought that he had switched careers and became a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as "the most handsome model."

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

Just like that, "Liu Xiang's current situation" suddenly became a hot search. Seven years after retiring, this hurdler genius may not have thought that he would return to the public eye as a "model".

This matter actually needs to be explained. First of all, Liu Xiang did not change his career to become a full-time model.

Secondly, it is said on the Internet that the video of him walking on the catwalk was taken at Shanghai Fashion Week in 2017, and he was helping his friend Leo Ku to serve as a temporary model.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

It is undeniable that Liu Xiang’s height of 1.89 meters is really tall and handsome for a model.

But in my opinion, he was most handsome on August 28, 2004. On that day, at the track and field competition of the Athens Olympics , he tied the world record with a time of 12.91 seconds and won the gold medal. .

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

On that day, the words "Liu Xiang wins" cheered countless Chinese people. He was the first Chinese athlete to win an Olympic gold medal in track and field. He shouted "Asia has me, China has me", which was inspiring.

The "Asian Flying Man" was born, and Liu Xiang started his highlight moment.

"Nihon Keizai Shimbun" called his success the "Asian Miracle", and the Chinese regarded him as a "national hero". Flowers, applause, endorsements, cooperation and commendations came one after another.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Xiang during that period had been promoted to the "altar" and was respected by thousands of people.

However, being promoted to the "altar" comes at a price. For Liu Xiang, he said, "I lost my freedom when I became an Olympic champion." For the audience, Liu Xiang "can only win but not lose."

This is the price of becoming a "god", and it is also the backlash of being praised as a "national hero". The 2018 Beijing Olympics became the beginning of his backlash and paying the "price".

On August 18, 2008, Liu Xiang suffered a recurrence of his Achilles tendon injury in the men's 110-meter hurdles preliminaries of the Beijing Olympic Games and had to limp out of the competition.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

At that time, he was the favorite to win the gold medal, and there was almost no doubt that he would win the championship in the hearts of the audience. The audience wanted to see him win glory for the country at home.

However, Liu Xiang "disappointed" everyone. Some people were sorry, others were angry, and even more people scolded him, labeling him "liar", "movie king", "escape from battle" and "coward".

During that period, Liu Xiang seemed to have "fallen off the altar" in an instant. From a "national hero" respected by thousands of people, he became a controversial "sinner" criticized by thousands of people, and became a "disgrace" in some people's mouth.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

Almost no one cared about his injury. His past glory seemed to be wiped out in an instant. His efforts were ignored, and the fact that he was already seriously injured before playing was ignored.

Those who once put him on the "altar" vented unscrupulously; the "flying man" who once created brilliance and brought glory to all Asians just suffered in silence without excuse.

In the blink of an eye, it came to The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as 012 London Olympics . People's hopes were ignited, looking forward to Liu Xiang's "return of the king" and his "revenge of shame", but he fell on the first hurdle.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

He suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon . He jumped to the finish line with one foot and kissed the hurdle, expressing reluctance and farewell. At that moment, many people cried with regret, but there were also many people who were desperate and angry.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

The target of venting his anger was Liu Xiang. Just like in 2014, attacks and abuses were heard endlessly, and the taunts of "actor", "Liu Jiang", "Liu Paopao" and "Liu Bupao" came again.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

On April 7, 2015, Liu Xiang officially retired. He said: "I feel relieved. I think in my mind, my Olympics are over, very good, very good."

His mother also said: "If Liu Xiang doesn't retire one day, He is excellent, please forgive him." But in fact, many people still don't, or are unwilling to let him go, and the accusations and abuses are still endless.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

This kind of public pressure against Liu Xiang started in 2008 and lasted for 14 years. What is ridiculous is that even some intellectuals continue to slander him.

In 2021, it was revealed that a certain Internet celebrity, "Famous Teacher for Postgraduate Entrance Examinations", had connoted Liu Xiang several times in his live broadcast class as "pretending to be injured, a coward who is too good at pretending", and said, "I look down on this kind of person."

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

How ridiculous!

She seemed to have forgotten that this person she looked down on had participated in a total of 48 international competitions in 12 years since 2000, and won 36 gold medals, 6 silver medals, and 3 bronze medals.

html In his career in 2012, he tied the world record once, broke the world record once, broke the Asian record 5 times, and broke the Asian Games record 3 times.

45 medals, setting new records again and again. However, such impressive results were completely ignored the moment he fell down twice and jumped over the finish line with one leg.

Those who put him on the "altar" with their own hands not only pulled him down from the "altar" with their own hands, but also threw him into "hell". In 2022, 14 years later, they will still curse him from time to time. Kick a few times.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

Lang Ping is right. Sometimes, if you follow the trend too hard, you can become a god if you win, but you will be thrown into "hell" if you lose. One can imagine how Liu Xiang got through these years.

45 times of glory are not worth two times of "failure". Think about it, don't you think it's ironic?

It seems that people are forgetful, forgetting that he once fought for us, won glory, won honors, inspired the hearts of a generation, and forgot that he was once proud of him.

Just like in our lives, if you do 99 good things, others will be touched. But when you do something that does not suit their liking, you are a bad person, a big mistake, and an unforgivable sin.

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

Now, 14 years have passed, and Liu Xiang has retired for 7 years. Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer doubts and accusations about him. Public opinion on the Internet is quietly changing, and his glory and dedication are once again recognized.

I will never forget the words "Liu Xiang wins!" that sounded at the Athens Olympics.

Someone once said, "We all owe Liu Xiang an apology." In response to this statement, Liu Xiang once said: "There is no need for everyone, everyone is here." Growing up, I may have said some things when I was young, but I thought I could understand them, and it was nothing.”

The reason was that a video of his catwalk went viral on the Internet, and many people thought that he had switched careers to become a model. So in the comment area, some people lamented his experience, and some praised him as

He said that as time goes by, you will slowly find that athletes are real and can’t act at all!

14 years have passed, more and more people have begun to understand Liu Xiang, and more and more people have begun to thank Liu Xiang, thank him for winning glory for the country time and time again, thank him for meeting everyone's expectations time and time again...

So no matter what, many of us Everyone owes him a "thank you".

Finally, I would like to say that every athlete who works hard and brings glory to the country deserves respect!

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