Although Chelsea has not won the Premier League championship for some years, its heritage and strength are not much worse than Manchester City and Liverpool. In the 2020/21 season, they directly stepped on Manchester City to win the Champions League championship even though they

2024/05/1622:49:32 sports 1914

The Premier League has entered the era of Liverpool and Manchester City two heroes competing for hegemony. The two teams are the most competitive Premier League teams in recent years. Although Chelsea have not won the Premier League championship for some years, their heritage and strength are not much worse than Manchester City and Liverpool. In the 2020/21 season, they directly stepped on Manchester City to win the Champions League championship even though they were not optimistic.

Although Chelsea has not won the Premier League championship for some years, its heritage and strength are not much worse than Manchester City and Liverpool. In the 2020/21 season, they directly stepped on Manchester City to win the Champions League championship even though they  - DayDayNews

Now in the summer of 2022, Chelsea is undergoing comprehensive changes and is expected to break the pattern of two heroes competing for hegemony in the Premier League. First of all, Chelsea has changed its shareholders, and Burley Consortium has become Chelsea's new owner. Burley has promised to invest nearly 2 billion pounds in Chelsea over the next 10 years, and this summer's signing budget has reached 200 million pounds. Then, Burley will personally lead management changes and will transplant the operating model of American sports clubs to maximize Chelsea's commercial value.

Although Chelsea has not won the Premier League championship for some years, its heritage and strength are not much worse than Manchester City and Liverpool. In the 2020/21 season, they directly stepped on Manchester City to win the Champions League championship even though they  - DayDayNews

Finally, Burley personally participated in this summer's signing and reconstruction. Recently, Chelsea has confirmed that Christensen, Rudiger, Lukaku and others have left the team. At the same time, many veterans have declined in form. Coach Tuchel hopes to significantly strengthen the lineup, especially the striker, hoping to come A major supplement, taking into account the improvement of commercial value and improving the forward firepower.

Although Chelsea has not won the Premier League championship for some years, its heritage and strength are not much worse than Manchester City and Liverpool. In the 2020/21 season, they directly stepped on Manchester City to win the Champions League championship even though they  - DayDayNews

According to multiple media reports, Chelsea may sign the Manchester City striker and C Ronaldo , as well as Dembele this summer. According to the news from the well-known media "Mirror", Sterling has already started to take action. He is selling his house in Cheshire at a discount of 23.5 million pounds to his teammates in England. Arnold suggested that Sterling is close to joining Chelsea, and it is reported that his transfer fee will reach about 50 million pounds.

Although Chelsea has not won the Premier League championship for some years, its heritage and strength are not much worse than Manchester City and Liverpool. In the 2020/21 season, they directly stepped on Manchester City to win the Champions League championship even though they  - DayDayNews

The well-known media "Turin Sports News" also reported Chelsea's signing plan, saying that the new combination of Sterling + Ronaldo will appear in Chelsea, and the two are important signing targets for Chelsea. Sterling can bring more creativity to Chelsea's forwards, and Ronaldo can improve Chelsea's forwards' ability to seize opportunities while increasing Chelsea's commercial value. Ronaldo has expressed his willingness to transfer. Agent Mendes has started to operate Ronaldo's transfer in recent weeks and recommends Ronaldo everywhere. If Chelsea makes a convincing enough offer, it may not be very difficult to recruit him. big.

Although Chelsea has not won the Premier League championship for some years, its heritage and strength are not much worse than Manchester City and Liverpool. In the 2020/21 season, they directly stepped on Manchester City to win the Champions League championship even though they  - DayDayNews

The possibility of Dembele joining Chelsea is also increasing. He has ended his contract with Barcelona and is currently free. Relevant agencies believe that Chelsea is the most popular choice for Dembele's next home and is expected to join hands in the near future. Both Ronaldo and Sterling have proven their strength in the Premier League, and their status and abilities are relatively stable. Dembele is 25 years old. He represented Barcelona in 32 games last season and scored 2 goals and 13 assists. He is Barcelona's new assist leader and will not have much problem adapting to the Premier League. I hope Chelsea’s recruitment goes smoothly!

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