Cha Xiaofeng wrote on 22.07.01 Do you think humans can see the unknown? sure. How did you see it? Unknown In human fantasy, the unknown is the known "creativity". Discussions of the unknown often involve academic theoretical research, such as the principles of physical fluid mech

Cha Xiaofeng wrote on 22.07.01

Do you think humans can see the unknown? sure. How did you see it? Unknown In human fantasy, the unknown is the known "creativity".

Discussions of the unknown often involve academic theoretical research, such as the principles of physical fluid mechanics, and this theory was many years earlier than airplanes taking us to fly in the sky.

Fluid mechanics is a branch of mechanics. The derived discipline originated from the ancient Greek period Archimedes When he was taking a bath, he discovered that water is also powerful - buoyancy has a name and a theorem. In the long history that followed, this was just a "useless theory". Life was difficult, and not many people studied it.

In the observation of things in the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci paintings, he mentioned the development of some forces in nature. Up to this point, "force" was still unknown in people's hearts, intangible and invisible (now It can't be touched, but it can be seen), and it has not yet become a systematic theory. At this time,

will mention a familiar story of "smashing apples". Who is this big shot? I feel that Fengzi doesn't need to describe it much (the person in front seems to have said it very clearly and is speechless).

Newton laid the foundation for the subject branch of fluid mechanics. When Euler's equation and Bernoulli's equation met, there was "boundary layer theory" again, and their dialectically unified (then Fengzi said: These few hundred words above are not important), from the shoulders of giants Above, we see the “forces” around us.

These theories that make us ordinary people ignorant have made airplanes feasible. Have you ever thought that you can fly in the sky (but when we come to this world, it seems that it is not unusual to have airplanes as a means of transportation)? Going back to Dujiangyan built by Qin Dynasty Li Bing and his son, would you have thought that "fluid mechanics" would take us to heaven over the course of thousands of years?

How dare you say that theory is useless? When the ancient working people were "unknown", they still created countless beautiful scenery and wonders; but we did not live at that time, so how can we be sure that the ancients did not know the principles?

Writing is not popular (even if writing is popular, there are still treasures that have not been passed down). Is it possible for those craftsmen who pass it down orally that they know the "theory" but have not left a mark on the long history?

mentioned it in one sentence, it was "unknown" to the ancients; there are many possibilities; it is also possible that the "treasures" that were born were "by-products" of accidents in the production of other items?

In ancient times, working people saw the value of by-products and tried to systematize research. Paper is a defective product from making wooden clothes; bombs are also "accidents" in the long history.

What we see with our own eyes may not be true; what’s more, you are just inferring? Charlie Munger 's "Poor Charlie's Guide" mentions looking at the business world with "multiple thinking models", and the same is true in real life.

The choices we make in life are often confusing, with countless possibilities. To sum up, it is nothing more than failure; success; or growth gained during the journey.

Whether you fail or succeed, it is judged from an "extreme" perspective. In this era, it seems that if you do not get "money" in return for something you do, it will bring you a "list of shame." But they forgot to appreciate the nourishment of the process and the growth that nourishment brings.

Fengzi believes that money will bring us strength and confidence, but are all the "traces" gained along the way useless? 20 years ago, you might study clerkships. There were few people who could type and there were many opportunities. 10 years ago, you thought games were useless. There were always people who said, "You can also win the world championship by playing games, but training for other sports is exhausting." ,What kind of"?

We know that the position of clerk still exists, but with the spread of education, everyone can type; games are spreading more and more widely, are professional players really just "playing games"?

Since it is a competition, only those who are involved in it can understand the sadness, hard work and pressure behind it.

Behind every sport, there will be occupational diseases, and e-sports is no surprise. Since it is a sport, there is no distinction between superior and inferior. Every effort we put in is for the collective honor and to live up to our own love.

We always use one perspective, one direction, and one attitude to face ourselves and the world. But I forget that I have many sides; the world is full of strange things.

The world is full of wonders and everything is included. This is the purpose of our study, and it is also the confidence for us to see the world from multiple dimensions.

The same behavior will never create only one result; a result will never be obtained in only one way. There are too many variables in life and they are too complicated.

The joy of life is not to find your simple self. Let the variables be a surprise.


Love what you love; bravery means meeting!

WeChat public account: Cha Xiaofeng, looking forward to you, meet me