Every bright spot in the night sky could be a strange and mesmerizing object. There are countless planets surrounding the star, and there will be many strange worlds that are unimaginable. There is a terrible monster in the universe. His energy can swallow everything. His powerfu

Every bright spot in the night sky may be a strange and mesmerizing object. There are countless planets surrounding the star, and there will be many strange worlds that are unimaginable. There is a terrible monster in the universe. His energy can swallow everything. His powerful power can destroy the planet and stop time. Scientists call this monster Sagittarius A and believe it is a black hole. Sagittarius A plays an important role in the evolution of the Milky Way . It has affected countless stars and planets including the Earth. Black holes challenge human cognitive abilities. Black holes exist naturally, but are understood to be holes in the structure of the universe. They are gravitational prisons from which even light cannot escape. Because of the emergence of black holes, scientists have been forced to reassess our basic understanding of the universe.

Reality is stranger than science fiction, but it does exist objectively.

Chandra X-ray Observatory

In the summer of 1999, a special space program began. This is a X-ray astronomy detection mission. The Chandra X-ray Observatory enters orbit and begins its mission. It scanned the space, and 14 years later the Chandra X-ray Observatory made a very unexpected discovery. The telescope was aimed at the Sagittarius region and prepared to observe a large high-temperature gas cloud. However, he scanned an X-ray flare. This flare came from the core region deep in the Milky Way. A certain celestial body reached an extremely high temperature in a very short time. Scientists believe the flare came from an asteroid tens of kilometers in diameter. It is torn apart and is three hundred times brighter than the sun. The culprit is Sagittarius A. The destruction of asteroids is a signal of the existence of , the black hole of the Milky Way, .

A few decades ago we were not sure that there were black holes in the Milky Way. Now through measurements of radiation bursts and observations of the orbits of stars near the center of the Milky Way, we now know that Sagittarius A does indeed exist and that it is about 4 million times more massive than the Sun. It is a supermassive black hole.

Scientists speculate that Sagittarius A is not only a strange celestial body located tens of thousands of light years away from the earth in the center of the Milky Way, but also believes that it plays an important role in the evolution of the Milky Way.

About 13.6 billion years ago, there were huge stars scattered in the universe. Their mass was hundreds of times that of the sun. These burning blue giant stars were bright but had the shortest life span. In just a few million years, the nuclear fuel it carried was burned out. After the fuel was exhausted, gravity showed its power, and the star began to collapse, then became increasingly dense, and finally almost disappeared. The remnants of stars, which may even be smaller than an atom , disappear into the universe, leaving only a ghostly presence that we call a black hole.

Early stars may form black holes when they die. In short, a black hole is when the gravitational force of the star is too great when it collapses, and the matter is infinitely compressed, so that a hole is ripped open in the structure of the universe. Time and space behave in unusual ways in the region surrounding a black hole.

Scientists gave a vivid analogy: there is a waterfall at the end of a rapid river. When a person jumps into the river and swims in the opposite direction, the swimming speed is faster than the flowing water, so the person can still stay in the river. If you get closer to the waterfall, the speed of the water will become faster and faster, and people will be attracted in and swallowed.

A black hole is like a waterfall in a rushing river

From the moment the black hole was formed, the seed of Sagittarius A had a dark core. His interior is forever hidden from view, separated from the rest of the universe by a spatial boundary known as the event horizon, and anything that enters it never returns.

As we approach the event horizon, we see the real weirdness of black holes. Einstein tells us that space and time are not what we perceive. They are intertwined to form a cosmic structure called space-time. He also said that massive celestial bodies, stars, planets, galaxies, etc., will bend or distort the space-time of the universe. This is the gravity we perceive.

This distortion exists not only in space, but also in time.The passage of time slows down as you get closer to a huge celestial body. When we look towards a black hole, we see that time becomes slower and slower until at the event horizon, time stops completely.

Sagittarius A is like a waterfall in the universe, where the flow of space exceeds the speed of light and time stops. At this time, the black hole has just formed. It is very small compared to the star and does not look like the monster it may become in the future. Today's Sagittarius A is 4 million times more massive than the sun. There has never been such a huge star. Therefore, Sagittarius A originated from the collapse of a star with a mass much smaller than its own, and then grew by devouring other matter in the Milky Way. There are many objects around it that can be swallowed. Sagittarius A had an irresistible gravitational pull in its early stages of formation, and any object that was too close could not escape it and be swallowed up by it. As it grows, it attracts nearby stars, tearing them into pieces and swallowing their hot plasma fragments.

Sagittarius A cannot be so powerful simply by swallowing stars. It is also interested in larger targets. When another black hole approaches Sagittarius A they become locked in a gravitational field . The two black holes will orbit each other at half the speed of light and eventually collide, with Sagittarius A swallowing the other black hole. And it caused ripples in the structure of the universe, and more celestial bodies became his "food". Any planets or stars that came close would be swallowed up.

The Swallowing Between Black Holes

As the power and influence of Sagittarius A increases, the environment around him is also changing. Around the core of the Milky Way, hundreds of billions of stars slowly rotate in their own orbits around a common center. This center gradually formed a swirling galactic disk, which is the majestic Milky Way with Sagittarius A as the center.

Scientists believe that all galaxies have supermassive black holes. Huge black holes are not cosmic freaks but fundamental structural features of the universe. We realize that black holes are powerful enough to shape the galaxies around them.

The monster in the dark became a powerful shaper of the galaxy, but it was also its creator.

Creation and destruction go hand in hand. The black hole is not just a destroyer. Due to the gravitational pull of the black hole, a lot of matter will enter the orbit around the black hole. The black hole will eject matter along the magnetic pole , forming a jet that sweeps across the galaxy.

Only recently did humans understand the true scale of the explosion from Sagittarius A.

In June 2008, NASA used a Delta rocket to launch the Fermi telescope into space. This is a gamma ray telescope.

The Fermi Space Telescope is designed to detect the most energetic rays in the universe - gamma rays . He mapped the universe and discovered two extremely huge bubble structures on the galactic plane, each with a diameter of 25,000 light-years. These bubbles are extremely hot, and if we could see the light, we would see it covering half the sky and pointing toward the center of the universe. Sagittarius A is the source of these gases.

Bubble structure

Although Sagittarius A is dwarfed by the size of the Milky Way, and its size is insignificant compared with the Milky Way, it is a veritable shaper of the Milky Way. Every few million years, the dense ring of material surrounding Sagittarius A will be accelerated by the distorted magnetic field of Sagittarius A and turn into a hot jet of ultra-high temperature material, which is powerful enough to strip away the atmosphere of nearby planets. The powerful radiation can make planets within 1,000 light-years away from it uninhabitable.

However, the large-scale jets from Sagittarius A turned the black hole from a destroyer into a shaper. Because the high-temperature gas it ejects will inhibit the star-making movement in the galaxy. Too high a temperature causes matter to accelerate, making it difficult for it to assemble and collapse into stars. Sagittarius A's ejections reduce the number of stars in a certain area of ​​the Milky Way. It turns some areas of intense activity within the Milky Way into relatively calm areas.So in a quiet area at the end of the outer spiral arm of the Milky Way, an asteroid world orbiting a small yellow star appeared. It is also due to its ejection that this asteroid has a stable period of development for four billion years. It is also because of this stabilizer that human civilization was born!

#scienceeveryday# #black holes are also crazy# #milky galaxy#