1. What do you like to do? Some people like singing, some people like dancing, and some people like fishing. In the past two years, with the improvement of material standards, fishing has emerged like a dark horse. Not only did it cover the middle-aged and elderly people in the p


What do you like to do?

Some people like singing, some people like dancing, and some people like fishing. In the past two years, with the improvement of material standards, fishing has emerged like a dark horse. Not only did it cover the middle-aged and elderly people in the past, but even today's young people are talking about it.

However, if you want to be successful in fishing, the first thing you need is a fishing rod, and the second thing is the choice of bait. For a person who often fishes, earthworms are often the best choice for fishing.

However, what many people don’t know is that the price of earthworms has skyrocketed in recent years. From the initial price of 60 to 70 yuan per kilogram to more than 300 yuan per kilogram now, this increase has almost caught up with real estate.


According to relevant statistics, in 2020, my country's earthworm production reached about 860 tons. However, the source of most earthworms is artificial breeding. But in the face of such a huge production, why do the prices of earthworms soar?

The reason is that earthworms are extremely versatile. It is understood that earthworms spend most of their lives in the soil. Considering their digging activities from the perspective of ecological environment, they can effectively loosen the soil, increase soil permeability, and prevent soil compaction.

The feces produced by earthworms contains a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other chemical fertilizers, which can also effectively promote further recycling of the ecological environment. This is just the use of earthworms when they are alive. After they die, they are often made into dried earthworms. They are a very precious Chinese medicinal material and have good curative effects on many diseases.


It is precisely because earthworms are so versatile that they force many people to use their brains. In recent days, an electric earthworm has emerged. A few years ago, there was a special fishing method called electrofishing, which caused great damage to the entire ecological environment.

Through the discharge device, current is continuously released in the water. Both big and small fish will be stunned in a short time and can be caught. At present, our country has explicitly banned this behavior, but electric earthworms came into being under this situation. Many businesses have specially developed electric earthworm machines, which insert two power cords carrying current into the soil and then adjust the voltage.

When the soil is fully charged, earthworms are stimulated and will naturally drill out of the soil. In less than a minute, dozens of earthworms of different lengths will emerge and be captured artificially. It is no exaggeration to say that this behavior of electric earthworms is simply a cruel torture for earthworms.


Originally, earthworms, as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, were mainly sourced from artificial breeding. However, the cost of artificial breeding was too high and ordinary people simply could not afford it. Therefore, some people with ulterior motives thought of using electric earthworms to capture wild earthworms and make a lot of money from them.

In order to combat this extreme illegal behavior, strict investigations have been carried out across the country. In August last year alone, three manufacturers that specialized in selling electric earthworm machines were fined 1.59 million, and the court also imposed corresponding penalties.

Although earthworms have very expensive medicinal value, if they are slaughtered wantonly for their own selfish interests, it will inevitably cause irreparable damage to the soil. Once the entire ecosystem is destroyed, the losses will be far beyond the profits gained from a few earthworms. Therefore, as the saying goes, there is no killing without buying and selling.