People's requirements for travel have slowly expanded from the earth to space. As long as they have enough financial resources, travelers can sign up for space travel. Rich businessmen Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson not only vigorously promote it, but also actively par

People's requirements for travel have slowly expanded from the earth to space. As long as they have enough financial resources, travelers can sign up for space travel. Rich businessmen Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson not only vigorously promoted it, but also actively participated in it. However, scientists recently released a research report that space travel will have a negative impact on the ozone layer. In a research report released by

in the latest issue of the journal "Earth's Future", scientists from University College London, Cambridge University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States analyzed 103 rocket launches starting in 2019, including those launched by Branson. Virgin Galactic, Musk's Space X and Bezos' Blue Origin, the three companies' spacecraft , reusable rockets and space junk return chemical material data to the earth.

The results found that when a spacecraft emits black carbon in the upper atmosphere, the particles have a thermal insulation capacity 500 times higher than other soot. Three years after the start of space travel, the warming caused by the soot doubled. Scientists have made models to predict that if space travel becomes the norm, on a daily or weekly basis, stratospheric ozone will be affected, and may even offset the positive impact of the agreement on the control of substances that deplete the ozone layer that was implemented in 1987.

After the implementation of the agreement such as 1987, the recovery of ozone in the upper stratosphere of the atmosphere is most obvious, but it is also the part most affected by rocket emissions. Researchers say the current damage is not significant, but in the long term there will be a need to study and regulate space travel to reduce the negative impact on the ozone layer and the Earth's climate.

information and picture source: ecowatch