If it is not necessary, do not add entities; if there is no objectivity, it is all conjecture. This is Occam's razor. This means that if the facts you see can be explained by two principles, you should choose the simpler one until you find more evidence, grasp the key, and simpli

If it is not necessary, do not add entities; if there is no objectivity, it is all conjecture. This is the law of Occam's razor. This means that if the facts you see can be explained by two principles, you should choose the simpler one until you find more evidence, grasp the key, and simplify the complex. The most likely solution to any problem is the one with the fewest steps. We don’t need to artificially complicate things, we need to keep things simple, so that we can handle things faster and more efficiently! If you think that you can only get things done by being very busy, maybe you are thinking in the wrong direction. Next, let’s briefly review the ancient astronomers’ understanding of the “universe”, and we will understand why these smart people, having experienced the problem of the center of the universe, forced the geocentric theory to persist for more than 2,000 years.

The history of astronomy is a history that has been repeatedly slapped in the face. In ancient times, people always firmly believed that the earth was stationary and the center of the universe, and that other celestial bodies moved in uniform circular motion around the earth. From Pythagoras to Copernicus , countless astronomers have carried out a series of operations in order to put the earth at the center of the universe. First there was the concentric sphere theory of Eudoxus . After complex mathematical calculations, 27 concentric spheres were added to the planets, making the observation results self-consistent. Ptolemy 's "geocentric theory" created more than 80 concentric spheres for the planets. Epicycles and deferents, until the appearance of Copernicus 1600 years later, he was thinking: Why did these advanced intellectuals in ancient times insist that the earth does not move and is the center of the "universe"? . The sun, moon and stars rise in the east and set in the west every day. Instead of adding more than 80 deferent epicycles, it can be explained through complex calculations that they rotate around the earth once every day. And it’s full of loopholes. Why not explain it as the earth rotates once a day? Wouldn’t that be much simpler? It's like when you stand on the top of a building and see the world spinning around you, but you don't believe that it's just your head spinning in a circle. He found that in order to simplify calculations and improve the accuracy of predictions, it was the simplest way to let the earth rotate and revolve around the sun once a year, thus creating the heliocentric theory. However, he insisted that the earth move in a uniform circular motion around the sun. He had to add more than 30 wheels to his model for self-consistency. These wheels cannot be seen or touched, and are just imposed for the sake of self-consistency. The observation results are also unsatisfactory. More than 60 years later, an astronomer solved this problem. He believed that there was no need for these wheels to exist, and there must be essential laws that had not been discovered. After repeated calculations and observation of the trajectory of Mars, we overturned the assumption that the planets move in uniform circular motion around the sun, revised Copernicus' theory, and proved that the earth's orbit around the sun is an elliptical orbit with the sun at one focus, and established the three The Great Law has brought mankind a big step forward in understanding the truth of the universe. He is the famous sky legislator Kepler. He and Copernicus insisted on simple and objective evidence and finally revealed the truth about the solar system.

In life, when others fail to reply to your messages in time and point out your mistakes, don’t put yourself as the center as if you put the earth as the center and add so many dramas to yourself, so many complicated thoughts and so many assumptions. Others may just be busy or give you a kind reminder. You just need to objectively reflect on whether what others say makes sense and whether it has improved your own growth. You can get rid of these troubles by knowing what you really need, eliminating unimportant factors, and constantly improving yourself.