On June 29, citizens in Guiyang, Guizhou Province took photos of a "UFO" appearing in the sky. According to citizens' descriptions, the flying object was like a rocket launching with a long tail, flying from the ground to space, and the flight duration was about 2 Minutes later,

On June 29, citizens in Guiyang, Guizhou Province took pictures of a "UFO" appearing in the sky. According to the citizen's description, the flying object was like a rocket launching, with a long tail trailing from the ground, flying from the ground to space, and the flight duration was about 2 Minutes later, local citizens said: Meteors are not like this.

Many netizens joked: This is Ultraman completing his mission. However, similar phenomena have occurred very frequently in our country in recent years. What exactly is this?

What exactly are long-tailed "UFOs"?

In recent years, a large number of UFOs with long tails have been discovered in Guangdong, Shaoxing, Wuhan and other places in my country, and they fly very fast and disappear from our sight in about 2 minutes.

According to expert speculation, this type of UFO was eventually determined to be produced by high-altitude, high-speed aircraft flying across the sky under the explanation of the expert team. Why are they mistaken for UFOs?

The main reason is that inexplicable flying objects appear in the sky, and they also drag a long tail. They fly very fast and disappear from the sight of the discoverer in almost two minutes.

First of all, although the tails of UFOs are all dragging sweaty long tails, some are dragging forked tails and some are single tails. This is mainly related to the type of aircraft, such as dual jets What comes out is a bifurcated exhaust, a single tail coming out of a single jet.

Secondly, why the aircraft exhaust produces long contrails? This has something to do with the time when the photographer took the photo. It usually appears in the evening. The aircraft contrail clouds are just about to set in the evening and the sky is not completely dark yet. It appears light yellow against the sunset.

From this, it can be analyzed that the UFO in Guiyang was probably a twin jet flying. The first long tail was bifurcated, and the second shooting time was very similar to the previous time in Guangzhou.

eyes were deceived! UFOs are probably our illusions

As the saying goes, "Seeing is believing, hearing is believing." We all think that everything we see with our eyes must be real. In fact, human eyes are limited. Some UFOs are illusions brought to humans by the eyes. For example, what might a UFO with a long tail be?

First of all, meteorites fall. In our universe, there are asteroids of all sizes, as well as a large amount of dark matter that has not been discovered by humans. As a member of the universe, the probability of meteorites falling is still very high. , for example, the Yushu meteorite fell, and when it entered the atmosphere, it rubbed with the air and emitted a shining light, and the meteorite also dragged a long tail.

Secondly, the launch of man-made weapons. With the rapid development of the military of various countries, various countries are secretly developing a large number of new weapons. In order to ensure the results of research and development, the weapons must be test-fired. For example, last year, UFOs appeared at night in many places in our country. , then China Military Network said: too advanced and inconvenient to display.

Finally, we are familiar with jet aircraft. Currently, the world is mainly dominated by jet aircraft. However, it does not mean that a long tail will appear when a plane flies across the sky. It needs to be at a specific time and angle for humans to see through vision. to its long tail.

How to determine whether a UFO is an "extraterrestrial civilization"?

Human beings have always been very curious about the issue of UFOs. Whenever they see so-called UFOs, the first thing they think of is the invasion of the earth by extraterrestrial civilizations. So, how to determine whether UFOs are the products of extraterrestrial civilization?

First, speed. This is a key factor in judging whether a UFO is the product of extraterrestrial civilization. First, the aircraft flies slowly and is easy to be observed. Moreover, because it needs the help of the atmosphere, its sound is relatively loud.

Second, light. Under normal circumstances, when a UFO enters the earth, it emits a shining light and makes a huge sound. It can basically be concluded that the UFO is an asteroid.

Third, it is highly concealed, with no sound or light. If the UFO is traveling at a high speed, the radar cannot accurately display it, and it is almost impossible to distinguish it with the naked eye. This type of UFO can basically be determined to be the product of extraterrestrial civilization.

Although humans have no real understanding of extraterrestrial civilization, if extraterrestrial civilization can reach the earth through its own technology, it fully shows that extraterrestrial civilization is more powerful (after all, human aircraft have not flown out of the solar system so far).


More and more UFOs have been discovered in our country in recent years, but most of them are caused by humans. It is just that the information received by everyone is different, leading to wrong judgments.