From the official launch of the first phase of China's lunar exploration project in 2004, through the launch of Chang'e 1, 2, 3, and 4, until the perfect conclusion of Chang'e 5, China's aerospace industry has broken through a large number of core core technologies with independe

From the official launch of the first phase of China's lunar exploration project in 2004, through the launch of Chang'e 1, 2, 3, and 4, until the perfect ending of Chang'e 5, China's aerospace industry has broken through a large number of The core and key technologies with independent intellectual property rights have made China one of the few countries in the world with deep space exploration capabilities. Behind these great projects of

lies the hard work and silent help of countless scientific researchers. Among them is Huang Jing, a 2007 alumnus of the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Wuhan Engineering University.

Only hard work and hard work can achieve a "leap"

In 2003, Huang Jing came to Wuhan Engineering University and started her educational journey. During her time at school, she won two special scholarships and two first-class scholarships, making her a veritable “academic master”. Huang Jing's head teacher at the time, Teacher Tian Yong, commented: "She is hard-working, hard-working and can endure a quiet and ordinary life. Her success is inseparable from her own efforts."

After unremitting efforts, Huang Jing was admitted in 2007 She is studying for a master's degree in polymer science and engineering at the State Key Laboratory of Polymer Science and Engineering at Sichuan University, which has further improved her professional level and scientific research capabilities.

I can endure loneliness and endure hardship. From her student days to social work, Huang Jing has always maintained this quality, steadily climbing to the top step by step.

Climbing the peak of science and technology and supporting great projects

After graduating with a master's degree in 2011, Huang Jing came to the R&D Center of Northwest Rubber and Plastics Research and Design Institute. She serves as the department director in the company's aerospace department, leading 14 members of the aerospace sealing technology team of Northwest Institute. She has been engaged in the research and development of aerospace special rubber products since joining the company. As the team leader, Huang Jing led the team to climb the peak of science and technology. Through the unremitting efforts of generations of people, broke through technical difficulties and achieved independent research and development.

Huang Jing’s team mainly develops various rubber sealing products for China’s aerospace models. Many of the team’s products have been applied to Chang’e-5 to help the detector successfully complete the “circle, landing and return”. In addition, the team she led has also completed many aerospace scientific research supporting tasks, such as manned spaceflight, Beidou satellite, the Tianwen-1 Mars probe, and the "Chang'e" lunar exploration project. During the launch, operation, orbit change, attitude adjustment, recovery and other processes of the model mission, the team's supporting special rubber sealing products provide various functional guarantees.

Thanks to its outstanding contributions to aerospace engineering, Huang Jing's team has won many honors such as outstanding supplier medals, letters of thanks, and excellent supplier certificates issued by China's aerospace system units. In February 2021, Huang Jing, as one of the representatives of the research and test personnel of the Chang'e-5 mission of the lunar exploration project, was cordially received by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People.

The second person in the second row from the right is Huang Jing

In addition, the aerospace sealing technology team of Northwest Institute has also developed thousands of special rubber sealing products that have been successfully used in aerospace engine systems, launch systems, satellites and space stations etc., it has been applied in many models such as Dongfanghong series satellites, Long March series launch vehicles , Shenzhou series spacecraft, Beidou system project, Tianwen-1 , etc.

From an ordinary front-line technician to the project leader, Huang Jing has never stopped, and this is mainly due to her continuous improvement of professional knowledge.

School of Materials Science and Engineering of Wuhan Engineering University was established in 1998. It was authorized to confer master's degree in 2003 and doctoral degree in 2013. It currently has polymer materials and engineering, inorganic non-metallic materials engineering, material physics , Materials Chemistry , New Energy Materials and Devices 5 undergraduate majors.

▷ was selected into the first batch of university reform pilot colleges in Hubei Province;

▷ has multiple national and provincial scientific research platforms;

▷ In 2018, materials science and engineering successively entered the top 1% of ESI global rankings;

▷ has many A national first-class undergraduate major and a provincial and ministerial specialty major;

▷In 2019, the materials science and engineering discipline entered USNews and Ruanke's world-class disciplines;

▷It has a complete first-class talent training system for undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students, and graduate student recommendation exemption qualifications ;

▷The graduates’ enrollment rate at home and abroad is about 50%, and the one-time employment rate is stable at over 95%.

Excellent Teachers

The college has a team of teachers with noble ethics, rigorous scholarship, profound attainments, and high knowledge and talents. currently has 97 full-time teachers, including 41 professors and 36 associate professors. 91 of the teachers have doctoral degrees. The doctorate rate reaches 93.8%. More than 40% of the teachers have overseas study experience. There are 16 doctoral supervisors and master's degree students. There are 79 tutors, and more than 30 provincial and ministerial-level high-level talents such as State Council government special allowance experts.

Some professors of the college (in no particular order)

has strong scientific research strength

The college has 5 provincial research platforms, and has jointly established 3 national and Ministry of Education engineering research centers. It has now formed an advanced plasma technology and application, separation Membrane materials and application technologies, special polymer materials, biomedical materials, new energy materials and devices, etc. are stable research directions. Among them, the scientific research results of the silicon carbide ceramic membrane team were successfully industrialized in 2017. has been successively adopted by CCTV Financial Channel, Xinhua It has been reported many times by mainstream media such as China News Service and People's Daily.

In the past five years, the college has obtained nearly 30 national-level projects such as National Key Research and Development Program , National Natural Science Foundation , and more than 30 provincial and ministerial-level vertical projects, with an average annual scientific research funding of more than 15 million yuan; it has won the national technology invention, He has won more than 10 honors such as the Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, authorized national invention patents 228, and more than 20 of them have been transformed into applications; he has published more than 500 papers, including more than 420 papers included in SCI and EI.

High-quality talents

The college carries out various and colorful second classroom activities in the aspects of ideological leadership, subject competitions, social practice, volunteer public welfare, literature, art and sports.

Materials students have won more than 100 provincial and above awards in top college subject competitions such as " Challenge Cup " and Internet + , including three first prizes in the National Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Competition. Undergraduate students have published more than 100 papers, and many of them have won honorary titles such as "Star of Self-improvement of Chinese College Students" and "Yangtze River Students" of Hubei Province. The enrollment rate of

undergraduates at home and abroad is about 50%, and 60% of them have entered "double first-class" universities such as Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University to continue their studies. More than 95% of them are employed at one time. High-tech enterprises such as Yangtze Memory , FiberHome Technology, Xinxin Technology, Xiaomi have hardworking materials students from the Engineering University. They have won a good social reputation for the school with their hard work and wisdom. Zhaopin Recruitment In the 2019 graduates' top 100 income rankings published by Zhaopin Recruitment, materials science and engineering graduates ranked second in income. The average monthly salary of recruitment units in 2021 has reached 10,000 yuan .

The progress of some undergraduates in 2022

The employment situation of some undergraduates in 2022

The School of Materials has also cultivated a large number of outstanding alumni, many of whom teach in universities such as the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Chongqing University, and SMIC , , Alibaba and other companies hold important positions.

A strong country in science and technology, based on materials, students are welcome to apply for admission to the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Wuhan University of Technology!

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Source of material for this article: Wuhan Engineering University official website, Wuhan Engineering University official microblog