Hawking once warned people during his lifetime not to reveal the position of the earth at will. Otherwise, given the level gap between us and alien civilizations, tragedies in the new era of navigation are likely to occur.

Hawking once warned people during his lifetime not to expose the position of the earth at will. Otherwise, given the level gap between us and alien civilizations, a tragedy in the new era of navigation is very likely to occur .

However, some people believe that if aliens had a high level of civilization, they would have discovered traces of humans long ago.

Whether we hide it or not actually doesn't make much difference anymore.

The flying saucers that people imagine

Aliens may have been monitoring humans for a long time, and those UFOs are aliens' eyeliners.

Since the United States successively discovered flying saucers in the 1940s, UFO seems to have quickly become the exclusive term for flying saucers.

To this day, there are no shortage of sightings.

UFO incident

South China Sea Suspicious clouds

A drone enthusiast controlled his drone to observe over the South China Sea, and suddenly 12 light spots appeared in front of him.

and formed 3 teams of every four of them and moved forward in an orderly manner. Just when the drone wanted to further explore the truth, it was forced to land due to insufficient power. In the

video, these 12 light spots moved forward for a certain distance and then disappeared.

They appear together and disappear together.

At first, the owner of the drone thought that it was probably another drone rehearsing.

UFOs over the South China Sea

However, after analyzing their flight speed , we found that this is not a speed that UAVs can achieve, and even the most advanced fighter is difficult to achieve.

Suddenly, the word UFO appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Is this the legendary UFO?

UFO is the abbreviation of UFO , which refers to all unexplained suspicious objects in the sky.

Since flying saucers are the most common among this type of objects, many people also use UFO to refer to flying saucers.

This sighting in the South China Sea is very likely to be UFOs inspecting the earth. They are scanning the earth's information at high speed, inputting it into the aircraft, and transmitting it back to their home planet.

However, some people pointed out that perhaps this is a country testing its own new weapons. Since it is inconvenient to disclose it, it can only lie about UFOs.

There have been many UFO sightings in history

UFO scams

In the 1940s, UFO sightings occurred frequently in the United States, and the most common sightings were flat shapes , like saucers on the dining table, which people called flying saucers.

It is said that there were several flying saucer crashes that occurred at that time, but they were handled secretly by the official .

In the western desert of the United States, there is a warehouse specially used to store UFO wreckage . It is said that the United States wants to simulate alien flying saucers to build the latest aircraft.

In 1989, the American B-2 fighter successfully made its first flight. This flat-shaped fighter, known as the "Ghost", looked like a "counterfeit" flying saucer.

It is said that the B-2 bomber imitated a flying saucer

For a while, the news that the United States imitated a flying saucer spread a lot.

But someone has put forward an idea. Maybe the United States has not imitated any flying saucers at all. Those so-called UFO sightings are probably the military test flights.

Because the United States and the Soviet Union were in the Cold War at the time, both sides wanted to conceal something, so the US military followed suit and said it was a UFO.

As for that warehouse, what was recovered was not UFO fragments at all, but an aircraft that failed in its test flight.

The military definitely didn’t want the outside world to know about this kind of failed news, so of course it had to be hauled away and dealt with immediately.

It is said that the United States once recovered UFOs

It can be inferred that the UFO crisis that began in the last century was essentially the United States using the guise of UFOs to cover up its research and development of new weapons.

There is a magical phenomenon here, that is, as photographic equipment becomes more and more advanced , the number of UFOs photographed is getting less and less.. Many image resources left over from

are not very clear.

Some people speculate that this is because the UFO sightings in the past are likely to be . People are dazzled by and devices. In addition, people have psychological implications , so they think it is a UFO.

UFOs photographed by people

Now that the equipment is clear, you can pull it in and see what it is, so naturally you won’t think too much about it.

Therefore, many people now believe that about 90% of UFO sightings in the last century were fake .

is either the US military's experimental , or an unclear from devices, or it's just that people made up for various purposes, just like those crop circles .

However, there are also records of UFOs in some ancient books . In ancient times, there were no airplanes that would cause misunderstanding.

Crop circles

The Northern Song Dynasty Hat Demon

The Hat Demon mentioned in the costume drama " Menghualu " is actually a real thing that happened in history . This is also the only unidentified flight recorded in the official history of our country object event .

During the reign of Zhenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty, the capital city of Kaifeng, which was called Bianjing at that time, appeared a kind of monsters that were shaped like hats. They could fly in the air, shine, and transform into wolves to eat people. The entire capital was in panic.

This case is recorded in " continuation of Zi Zhi Tong Jian Changbian " .

The case of the hat demon in the Northern Song Dynasty is considered to be an ancient UFO

hat from the Song Dynasty . It has a high brim in the middle and long brims on both sides. This hat demon looks somewhat similar to the so-called flying saucer.

So people think that this is the UFO incident of Northern Song Dynasty .

Later, Zhenzong ordered a strict investigation of the case. Hundreds of people were arrested and 6 people were executed. The riot lasted for several months before it subsided.

History books believe that this was a panic designed by people with ulterior motives.

However, some people believe that UFOs are real and the people who took advantage of them are also real, but the two collided together.

Capital of the Northern Song Dynasty

Because in ancient times, people had little scientific knowledge. When encountering this kind of thing, they would inevitably talk about ghosts and gods..

It is very likely that did not understand the flying objects on the front foot, and someone spread panic on the back foot.

According to the initial records, the hat demon "occasionally hurts people", but in the end it became "always hurting people".

However, this matter has been more than 900 years ago, and we have no way of knowing the truth of the matter.

can only adapt this incident into a TV series and perform it.

However, the Song Dynasty was not the first era to see UFOs. As early as prehistoric , when humans were still living in caves, there were images similar to flying saucers and astronauts on the murals.

People even believed for a time that Homo sapiens had been in contact with aliens before they started cheating.

The "aliens" on the murals

Ancient contact

The evolutionary journey of human beings is very incredible. Counting from the time Australopithecus went to the ground, it only spans about 4 million years. , 4 million years is really very long in the evolutionary process. short.

You must know that dinosaurs have evolved for 3.16 billion years and have not been able to evolve intelligent life patterns. Humans have used million years to fully double their brain capacity.

And Homo sapiens is the last human species to go out of Africa. Long before our ancestors, there was Homo erectus out of Africa, shining Eurasia .

Early hominid apes

However, in more than 1 million years, of Homo erectus, not only did not expand the population size, but instead made itself extinct.

About 200,000 years ago, before Homo sapiens arrived in Asia, Homo erectus ceased to exist in Asia.

Homo sapiens entered the Arctic Circle in just 100,000 years, crossed the Bering Strait, and went to the Australian continent and the South Pacific.

It can be said that except Antarctica , Homo sapiens has gone to all the places he can go.

The migration path of Homo sapiens

This evolution speed is so fast that it directly crushes other species of the genus Homo. If we just evolved according to the normal route, could it really be so fast?

Some people believe that Homo sapiens has been modified by aliens, so that it can withstand the severe cold of the Arctic and the hypoxia of the Tibetan Plateau .

At the same time, aliens also instilled wisdom into the minds of Homo sapiens, and finally created civilization and today's technology.

For them, we are more like experimental subjects, so we must monitor at all times to observe the dynamics of the experiment.

So from ancient times to the present, we will always find traces of UFOs.

Have aliens ever participated in transforming humans?

Concerns about extraterrestrial civilizations

If this is the case, then Hawking's worries during his lifetime are probably unnecessary, because aliens have already known about our existence, and it is no longer important whether we expose our whereabouts.

However, Hawking also said, Don't provoke aliens, because it is very likely that we are not their opponents.

This is like using a white mouse to experiment on . As a result, the white mouse bit the experimenter. If something like this happens to

, what will happen to the mice?

Hawking once warned everyone not to reveal the location of the earth

As humans, we know this all too well.

If we provoke aliens, maybe that little guinea pig will be our end.

However, some scientists believe that alien civilization may not exist. Even if it does exist, it will be too far away to make contact with the earth.

Ancient murals

Whether these UFOs, or human evolution contact with aliens, are just hypotheses, and there is currently no sufficient evidence to prove it.