Introduction: In recent times, some countries in the world have claimed to have received signals from alien civilizations in the universe. In addition to human civilization, are there really other higher civilizations in the universe?

Introduction: In modern times, some countries in the world have claimed to have received signals from alien civilizations in the universe. In addition to human civilization, are there really other higher civilizations in the universe? If they exist, how do we prove the authenticity of these civilizations?

In recent decades, UFO sightings have increased more and more, especially the "Crystal Skull" incident. Although it cannot be proven whether it is an alien skull, it still attracts discussion among many astronomers. As the saying goes, the progress of civilization is inseparable from exchanges and cooperation. Since there is discussion, it must be analyzed in the form of external communication.

On May 6, 2022, a paper was published in the April Bulletin of the Royal Astronomical Society. Astronomers made a bold guess: Alien civilization may have created a huge "lighthouse" 39 light years away. . Let's see what happened

The paper comes from a research team led by Sean Raymond, an astrophysicist at the University of Bordeaux in France. Researchers believe that when intelligent civilizations in the universe develop to a certain level, they must be eager to find other intelligent civilizations. If they cannot find them, they may actively announce that they exist in the universe in some way so that other intelligent civilizations can find them and get in touch with them

On this basis, the researchers put forward a hypothesis, that is, Alien civilization may manipulate the orbits of the planets in the star system through technical means, build it into a "multi-resonance planetarium system", and set the orbital period ratio of the planetary system to a specific digital code, and expect to soon Used as a giant "beacon" to attract the attention of other intelligent civilizations, a star system 39 light-years away has attracted people's attention.

This star system is located in the constellation Aquarius in the sky and has been named "Trap 1". Astronomers discovered through observational data research that this planetary system has a "multi-resonance planetary system" composed of up to seven stars. Therefore, astronomers boldly speculate that this may be a huge "lighthouse"

About the conditions for the birth of civilization in the "Trap-1" planetary system

As can be seen from the picture above, the "Trap-1" planetary system is smaller than the planets in the solar system Spacing is more complex. It has seven "orbiting vibrating planets." In addition, by comparing the "TRAP-1" planetary system and the solar system, astronomers found that four rocky planets in a star system are located in the habitable zone, which means that liquid water is allowed on the surfaces of these planets. On this basis, Life may also have been born here, and since this star system is older than the solar system, life should have enough time to evolve.

Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility of the birth of alien civilization in this star system. It can be assumed that if the "Trap-1" galaxy really has civilization, it will be possible to create a huge "lighthouse"

For further verification, an organization called "METI" is also preparing to send a message to the "Trap-1" star system information. According to their plan, messages sent to the Trap-1 star system will begin from Earth on October 4, 2022. However, due to the current limited level of human science and technology, if an alien civilization really responds to us, you will have to wait 78 years

Conclusion: In short, all speculations about alien civilization are only theoretical. We have no empirical evidence to support these hypotheses.

Perhaps, humans are the only ones in the universe. Perhaps, many of the assumptions mentioned in the article are wrong. Perhaps, there are a large number of alien civilizations in the vast universe, but their biology, morphology and civilization types exceed our imagination and the current scientific limits. Curiosity and the unknown will drive human progress.