These non-coding RNAs will accumulate in high concentrations after being transcribed. Such aggregated non-coding RNAs will act like "seeds" to further recruit other regulatory RNAs and proteins, thereby affecting long-range DNA interactions, chromatin status and gene transcriptio

Researchers from the California Institute of Technology Mitchell Guttman and other researchers developed a new technology - RNA & DNA SPRITE (RD-SPRITE) , which for the first time achieved the simultaneous analysis of RNA-RNA, DNA-DNA and RNA-DNA interactions at the whole-genome level (1) .

RD-SPRITE technology principle (1)

Researchers have discovered through this technology and the interference of RNA transcription that non-coding RNA in the nucleus is generally involved in the organization of functional domains in the nucleus.

These non-coding RNAs will produce high-concentration aggregation after transcription. This aggregated non-coding RNA acts like a "seed" to further recruit other regulatory RNAs and proteins, thereby affecting long-range DNA interactions, chromatin status and gene transcription.

researchers believe that the diverse non-coding RNA action modes of captured by this technology are worthy of further exploration of ; in addition, this comprehensive analysis technology of genome-wide RNA-DNA interaction can also be used to analyze the impact of transcription on chromatin structure. Impact and detailed analysis of extranuclear RNA aggregation structures .

This work was published in Cell(1) on November 4, 2021.

On the same day, Cell also launched the work of researchers such as UCLA Kathrin Plath, which carefully analyzed how Xist RNA recruits proteins to inactivate ).


RD-SPRITE technology analyzes RNA-DNA comprehensive interactions at the genome-wide level. It is a very powerful tool that can obtain unique information; In the future, further combination of information on protein interactions will provide everyone with a more "panoramic" view of the nuclear organization structure.

However, this technology seems to be difficult to achieve high-quality single cells in principle. After all, it relies on repeated joint connections multiple times.

Corresponding author introduction:


. S. A. Quinodoz et al., RNApromotes the formation of spatial compartments in the nucleus. Cell. 0(2021), doi:10.1016/J.CELL.2021.10.014.

. Y. Markaki et al., Xist nucleates local protein gradients to propagate silencing across the X chromosome. Cell. 0 (2021), doi:10.1016/J.CELL.2021.10.022.

Original link:

https://www.cell .com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(21)01275-7