King of Cancer + Liver Metastasis, New Therapy Helps Revitalize the "Pancreas"

We all know that different cancers have different levels of malignancy. Cancer is like a bad person. Different bad people have different levels of evil. Some bad people are willing to "coexist peacefully" with you, and some bad people not only hide deeply, but are also ready to die with you at any time.

Pancreatic cancer is the villain with super destructive power and viciousness. He is known as the "king of all cancers" in the world.

Recently, a number of patients who suffered from the "king of cancer" were rescued by the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery at the Span1span Daxing Hospital.

Mr. Zhang from Shanxi, felt discomfort in the upper abdomen with low back pain more than three months ago. He always thought it was indigestion and didn't care too much. Later, the symptoms worsened, and after a detailed examination, he was finally diagnosed as "pancreatic adenocarcinoma with liver metastasis".

is in his early forties, has a successful career, is in his prime of life, is the pillar of the family, encountering such a dangerous disease, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Mr. Zhang's family. After many inquiries, Mr. Zhang came to Daxing Hospital Hepatobiliary Surgery with the hope of "pancreas".

CT images suggest: the pancreatic body and tail occupy space, consider malignant,With the possibility of liver metastasis, the surrounding lymph nodes are frequently enlarged, surrounding the splenic artery and invading the splenic vein. Pathological biopsy revealed: pancreatic adenocarcinoma, liver adenocarcinoma.

The pancreas is "hidden" deep in our abdomen, behind the intestines, it is too deep, and the internal organs are very insensitive. Therefore, early pancreatic cancer symptoms are not obvious, it is not easy to find, once the diagnosis is often relatively late.

Mr. Zhang’s pancreatic tumor has reached 5CM, and the peripheral lymph nodes, splenic artery and splenic vein have been invaded, and the risk of direct surgery is very high. Develop a multi-pronged, individualized and precise treatment plan for him.

"First of all, we will adopt neoadjuvant chemotherapy ( immunotherapy + chemotherapy) to shrink the tumor. At the same time, we will also use ultrasound to perform radiofrequency ablation for intrahepatic metastases. Wait until the time is right When he is mature, he will undergo surgery and take the tumor in one fell swoop.” Director Xiang Hongjun, who has many years of experience in hepatobiliary surgery, mentioned Mr. Zhang’s condition with clear thinking and full of confidence.

Under the active arrangements of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Mr. Zhang underwent immunotherapy + chemotherapy on December 6, 2020, January 5, 2021, and January 29. He was in hepatobiliary surgery. The medical staff went all out and Mr. Zhang optimistically cooperated,The three treatments were successfully completed. The subsequent imaging examinations also fully confirmed that the effect was significant, and the pancreatic lesions were significantly reduced, from 50mm×48mm before treatment to 28mmx22mm.

As for multiple metastases in the liver, don’t worry. Under the treatment of "radio frequency ablation" in the Department of Ultrasound Medicine, multiple metastatic lesions in the liver were wiped out in one fell swoop.

Through a series of individualized and precise comprehensive treatment, Mr. Zhang’s condition has been effectively controlled, which provides the necessary conditions for the next surgical resection.

In March this year, Mr. Zhang was admitted to the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Daxing Hospital for the fourth time. With the active treatment in the early stage, coupled with a period of recuperation, Mr. Zhang's physical condition has reached the best condition.

Everything is ready, only the east wind.

After a comprehensive evaluation, Xiang Hongjun’s director team decided to perform a thorough surgical resection for Mr. Zhang’s remaining lesions.

At 10 o'clock in the morning on March 3, the operation officially began. After opening the abdominal cavity layer by layer, Director Xiang Hongjun found that Mr. Zhang's abdominal cavity was "cleaner" than expected. There were almost no metastatic lymph nodes and the surrounding tissue adhesion was not so serious. The entire tumor was separated smoothly.

all this,All benefited from the previous neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

The operation lasted 2 hours and was very successful. It not only removed the primary pancreatic lesion, but also removed the necrotic tissue in the liver after radiofrequency ablation, which completely relieved Mr. .

On the 10th day after surgery, when I saw Mr. Zhang, he was in a good condition. Talking about this medical experience, he was deeply moved. I am fortunate that I have met an excellent team like Daxing Hepato. The medical staff are devoted to him.

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has made the resection of lesions "more effective"

Recently, many new patients with pancreatic cancer who received adjuvant chemotherapy after hepatobiliary surgery were very good Efficacy. This method greatly improves the rate of surgical resection, and the treatment effect is significantly better than traditional methods.

Director Xiang Hongjun reminds everyone: "Stomach pain, bloating, backache, unstable blood sugar, yellow skin, weight loss, these common symptoms may be related to pancreatic cancer, regularly Physical examination, early detection and early treatment."

Correspondent: Liu Yuanyuan

Editor in charge: Liu Shuhai-span
