In our country, wine culture has a long history. Whether it is at family and friend gatherings or in social interactions, wine has become an indispensable role. In life, many men and women have the habit of drinking, but most of them are men. Regardless of whether it is entertain

In our country, wine culture has a long history. Whether it is at family and friend gatherings or in social interactions, wine has become an indispensable role. In life, many men and women have the habit of drinking, but most of them are men. Regardless of whether it is entertainment or socializing, if a man drinks a lot of alcohol regularly, it will cause great harm to the body.

For men who drink regularly, if there are some obvious phenomena in the body, it is a signal from the body to remind you that you can no longer drink alcohol. Otherwise, the harm to the body will be immeasurable. I advise you to quit.

After a man drinks, if these 5 phenomena appear in his body, you may not be suitable for drinking anymore, so quit.

Phenomenon 1: Stomach pain

People who drink frequently, if they often experience stomachache and abdominal pain for a period of time, It is important to note that it may be related to alcohol consumption. If you drink alcohol regularly, alcohol will irritate your gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol will come into contact with the gastric mucosa, causing edema and inflammatory lesions of the gastric mucosa, or spasm of the gastric mucosa causing pain. Therefore, if a man often suffers from stomachache after drinking alcohol, I advise you to stop drinking.

Phenomenon 2: Chest pain

After alcohol enters the human body, it will circulate with the blood. If you drink frequently, it will affect the heart function and easily cause symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic myocarditis. This shows that alcohol is harmful to heart health. It has an impact. At this time, you may have difficulty breathing, sore limbs and chest pain after drinking. If a man has such a reaction, it is best to quit drinking.

Phenomenon 3: Pain in the liver area

Frequent drinking will have the most direct impact on the human liver, because the substances in alcohol need to be metabolized by the liver. If you drink for a long time, it will increase the burden on the liver and cause a decline in liver function. , induce alcoholic liver , fatty liver and other liver diseases, and may even lead to cirrhosis , liver cancer . Therefore, if men experience pain in the liver area, they must quit drinking as soon as possible.

The phenomenon is: Headache

Men who drink frequently, if they always have dizziness and headaches for a period of time, they must pay attention to their health and it is best to quit drinking. Regular drinking will cause cerebral blood vessels to expand in a short period of time, leading to increased intracranial pressure and increased blood flow. Therefore, after drinking alcohol, a persistent headache will occur. If this happens, you should pay attention and it is best to stop drinking.

Phenomenon 5: Poor alcohol capacity

Many men have a good alcohol capacity and can drink very well. However, after a period of time, their alcohol capacity begins to deteriorate and they become drunk after drinking a little alcohol. This must be paid attention to. This may be a sign of damage to liver health. Signs include decreased liver function and reduced detoxification ability. If the amount of alcohol consumed decreases, you should pay attention to your liver health and quit drinking if you can.

Many men are addicted to alcohol, but no matter how much they love drinking, once the above 5 phenomena occur, it is a signal from the body that it is time to quit drinking. If you are not used to quitting drinking, you must maintain a healthy and regular life and actively exercise. , Eat healthily, work regularly, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to better quit drinking.

I wish you good health!