Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Liu Qian Correspondent Chen Ying fell asleep on July 16, and the annual summer treatment for winter diseases in major hospitals in Hangzhou was officially launched.

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Liu Qian Correspondent Chen Ying

html On July 16th, the annual winter disease and summer treatment in major hospitals in Hangzhou was officially launched.

Summer treatment for winter diseases is based on the traditional Chinese medicine theory of " nourishing yang in spring and summer " and "treating diseases before they occur". It takes advantage of the favorable opportunity of high summer temperatures, abundant yang energy in the human body, strong qi and blood in the meridians on the body surface, and alleviation of disease attacks. After identifying the body constitution of traditional Chinese medicine, external medicines are applied to the corresponding acupoints to perform strengthening and strengthening treatment, so that the human body can reach a state of "righteousness retains internal evils and cannot be eliminated", so as to achieve the purpose of treating, recuperating and preventing diseases.

Respiratory system diseases benefit a lot, and the elderly with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have fewer cough attacks.

In recent years, respiratory system problems have become more frequent. Winter diseases are treated in the summer, and the therapeutic effect on respiratory system diseases is also very outstanding.

html On July 14, a reporter learned from the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (referred to as the "Respiratory Department") of Zhongshan Hospital in Zhejiang Province that the hot weather came early this year, and many old patients came early for treatment.

"To carry out winter diseases and summer treatment, as long as the weather is hot enough and Yang Qi is strong, it is not necessary to rush into the dog days." Hu Dandan, deputy director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, said that in addition to the traditional acupoint application , the Provincial Zhongshan Hospital The specialty of the Respiratory Department's "winter disease and summer treatment" is that it provides transdermal treatment to acupoints, combined with acupoint injection , using pure traditional Chinese medicine injection, Zusanli acupoint injection treatment, for patients with low immunity, asthma, , Rhinitis, allergies and those susceptible to colds have good curative effects.

Uncle Chen (pseudonym), a patient in his 70s, is a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In the past, he would cough and be short of breath when he caught a slight cold, and the attacks would be fatal. Three years ago, he was so impressed that he sought treatment from Liming, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. After two weeks of acupoint application, transdermal treatment and acupoint injection, Uncle Chen’s cough symptoms were greatly relieved.

After enjoying the benefits, every year after the summer solstice, Uncle Chen would take the subway from Haining to the Moganshan Road Campus of Zhongshan Hospital for "winter disease treatment in summer". He said that after many years of treatment, the most obvious experience is that the frequency of coughing and shortness of breath has been greatly reduced. "I used to take medicine and couldn't suppress the cough. Now my resistance is better. Sometimes I can just take some medicine when I cough."

Recently As the temperature continues to rise, netizens joke that they rely on air conditioning to stay alive. However, for the elderly, children and women with low immunity, the low temperature and poor air circulation in air-conditioned rooms can easily lead to symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nasal congestion, runny nose, abdominal pain, diarrhea, joint pain, etc., which is what we often say "Air conditioning disease".

Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that in spring and summer, when the body's skin muscles are released, it is the best time to maintain Yang Qi. Excessive artificial refrigeration increases the chance of wind and cold evil spirits attacking the human body, which can easily cause normal human body dysfunction. Director of

Floor said that for people suffering from respiratory diseases, summer is the best time for treatment that should not be missed. Since the natural yang energy is strong in summer, the human body's yang energy floats around. At this time, using yang-supporting medicine for those with yang deficiency can better play the role of supporting yang, dispelling cold, and supporting healthy qi. It can also store yang qi for autumn and winter, so that yang qi is sufficient. Then you will not be easily injured by severe cold in winter.

It is reported that the summer treatment time for winter diseases in the Respiratory Department is every Tuesday and Friday morning, and you can directly call the ordinary number for treatment.

After two years of treating winter diseases in summer, the skin itchiness of more than ten years disappeared.

Ni Feng, director and deputy chief doctor of traditional Chinese medicine at the Traditional Therapy Center, said that in summer, the temperature is high and the yang energy in the body is relatively abundant. At this time, the immune function changes due to changes in the body. Treatment of recurring skin diseases can also achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Traditional Therapy Center once treated a male patient who had been suffering from chronic eczema for more than ten years. During the attack, it was unbearably itchy. "The more I scratched, the more it itched, and the more it itched, the more I scratched." Winter was the most painful time for him. After scratching, there are large areas of squamation on the floor and bed at home, which greatly affects life and mood.

At first, the patient came with the mentality of giving it a try. In the first year, the treatment had no effect, so he gave up.With the encouragement of doctors and nurses, I continued to practice Du Channel moxibustion for two years. In these two years, my physical condition has gradually improved, I have become less sick, and the itchy skin that has been there for more than ten years has also disappeared.

It is reported that " shop moxibustion ", also known as governor moxibustion and long snake moxibustion , is one of the treatments for winter diseases in summer. By stimulating the Du Meridian and Du Luo on the back, and taking advantage of the hot climate of the dog days of summer ( Yang of Yang ), it can strengthen the true essence, dispel evil and strengthen the body, promote smooth flow of qi and blood, prevent and maintain health, and cure stubborn diseases. .

"One of the causes of skin diseases like this is that the body's own immune system malfunctions, and the recognition ability is wrong. New cells are swallowed up as senescent cells, resulting in hyperreaction, redness, swelling, heat and itching, and the shedding of old and new skin cells. This is called hyperimmune disease. Or immune disorder . At this time, Du Channel moxibustion can cultivate healthy energy, warm yang and dispel cold, dredge meridians, restore and adjust immunity. "

Ni Feng reminded that due to individual differences and different types of diseases, there are also diseases. The severity and development stage of the disease are different. The efficacy of winter disease and summer treatment varies from person to person, and will not be immediate. Some patients feel that there is no obvious effect after a year, so they give up. This is wrong. There is no obvious response after treatment. , does not mean that there are no changes inside the body. If everyone improves compliance and persists in treatment, there will be gains.

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