Are obese people more likely to get diabetes? Yes. Can you be more specific? Can. According to research published in Diabetology, the University of Copenhagen in Denmark shows that compared with people of normal weight, the risk of type 2 diabetes in obese people is at least 6 ti

Are fat people more likely to get diabetes?


Can you be more specific?

is OK.

According to research published in "Diabetology", research from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark shows that compared with people of normal weight, obese people have at least a 6-fold increased risk of type 12 diabetes (overweight people 2.4 times), and it is not related to genetic susceptibility. .

In my country, there is also a positive correlation between the number of overweight/obese people and the number of diabetic patients.

The overweight/obese proportion of adults in my country exceeds 50%, the overweight/obese proportion of children aged 6 to 17 is 19%, and the overweight/obese proportion of children under 6 years old is 10.4%, and these numbers are showing a trend of increasing year by year.

What about the number of people with diabetes? Can you imagine that 13% of adults in our country (141 million people) have diabetes? There are as many as 400 million people in pre-diabetes .

Therefore, although we cannot say that fat people will definitely develop diabetes, it is not surprising at all if a fat person develops diabetes.

Does losing weight help treat diabetes and urine?

In fact, many studies have proven that weight loss has significant benefits for diabetes. For example, a study by the University of Florida published in the sub-journal of " Journal of the American Medical Association " showed that for patients with diabetes, losing 5% to 10% of their weight can improve their metabolic status, and losing 10% to 15% of their weight can improve their metabolism. The above can reduce the risk of complications .

Because of this, on June 7, 2022, the 82nd American Diabetes Association Academic Annual Meeting held in New Orleans officially listed "weight loss" as one of the goals of type 2 diabetes management.

It’s not just diabetes. Obesity damages the body in all aspects.

Excess fat is deposited in the liver, which will form fatty liver; excess fat will make lung capacity smaller; excess fat is deposited in pancreatic islets, causing islet dysfunction; excess fat will also affect Heart function.

As long as the weight is successfully lost, pancreatic islet function can be restored to 60 to 70%, and it can also effectively prevent the recurrence of heart disease.

At this time we can't help but ask, the harm of obesity is so great, and the effect of weight loss is so obvious. Why is it only diabetes that is listed as a management goal?

Regarding this, I believe that it will be a general trend to include weight loss in prevention and treatment guidelines for various obesity-related diseases around the world. For individuals, what is more important is that instead of working hard to treat and lose weight after getting sick, it is better to make weight management a daily habit and prevent yourself from getting fat in the first place.

[ Nutritionist Notes] will continue to share relevant knowledge points about weight management in the future, and help you control your weight easily. Welcome to pay attention. above.