Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Liu Xinyu Correspondent Wang Wei Mr. Zhuo, who is in his twenties, is a senior athlete. Long-term sports training strain and repeated waist pain after an accidental sprain a year ago have affected his daily life and work. Make him mi

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Liu Xinyu Correspondent Wang Wei

Mr. Zhuo, who is in his twenties, is a senior athlete. Long-term sports training strain and repeated waist pain after an accidental sprain a year ago have affected his daily life and Work made him miserable.

Recently, after he went to the Pain Department of the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University for treatment, the doctor discovered that the young man suffered from myofasciitis ! His pain was relieved after myofascial trigger point acupuncture treatment.

Excessive exercise leads to muscle strain

Mr. Zhuo has suffered from pain for a year. He initially tried various treatments such as hot compress, massage, and physical therapy to relieve the pain. However, the pain was only slightly relieved and the effect was not good, and the pain still recurred.

After carefully studying Mr. Zhuo's medical history and physical examination, Zhong Wenxia, ​​a doctor at the Pain Department of the Fifth Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, found that Mr. Zhuo had tenderness in his iliopsoas, multifidus, erector spinae, and quadratus lumborum muscles. Point, skeletal muscle ultrasound shows myofascial thickening, which is typical of "lumbar back myofasciitis".

immediately performed trigger point acupuncture treatment for Mr. Zhuo. During the treatment, Mr. Zhuo clearly felt the muscle beating and its conduction to distant places. After the treatment, he immediately felt that the pain that had been bothering him for a long time was relieved.

Coincidentally, another sports expert, Coach Yao, accidentally strained his left shoulder during a weight-bearing pressing training and developed pain in his left shoulder. The pain worsened when he lifted his upper limb with force. After coming to the hospital for examination, it was also discovered that he had tender points in his biceps, deltoid, sternocleidomastoid and other parts of his body, and he also suffered from myofasciitis. Currently, the pain has also been relieved after acupuncture treatment at myofascial trigger points.

Scientific exercise, combining work and rest

Zong Yindong, chief physician of the Pain Clinic of the Fifth Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, said that myofasciitis is a common painful disease, which can be induced by trauma, strain, improper sitting and sleeping postures, etc. It often occurs in the neck, shoulders, lower back and other parts of the body.

According to the severity of onset, it can be divided into acute myofasciitis and chronic myofasciitis. However, once myofasciitis attacks acutely and is not thoroughly treated, it will turn into chronic myofasciitis.

"Myofasciitis is characterized by extremely sensitive nodules that can be touched in skeletal muscle fibers, often called trigger points, also known as trigger points or trigger points . If we touch them with our fingers, we often feel It’s like a small bean buried deep in the muscle.” Zong Yindong said that when choosing treatment methods for patients, they give priority to the unique treatment technology of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). Although millimeter needles are also used, it is different from traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture points. Myofascial trigger point acupuncture therapy is based on the start, end and shape of human muscle fascia, and analyzes to find the "root cause" of pain in the corresponding part. It helps patients "unbind" contracture bundles in muscles and relieve pain without using drugs. It is a treatment method that is easy for patients to accept, safe, effective, low-carbon and environmentally friendly, and can generally be treated in 5-7 days. once.

Director Zong Yindong specially reminded that when exercising, especially young people, they must pay attention to warming up before exercising and gradually increase the intensity of exercise to avoid trauma. At the same time, work and rest should be combined to reduce muscle strain.

In addition, once muscle soreness persists for a long time and cannot be relieved, it is not advisable to perform massage on your own, because improper massage and rubbing may cause the injury to become more serious. Instead, you should seek medical help from a regular medical institution as soon as possible. (For more news information, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

picture | Yangcheng Evening News data picture (picture and text are irrelevant)

editor in charge | Sun Wei

proofread | Zhou Yong