We often say that all diseases never leave the liver. Is this an exaggeration? Dr. Shen tells you the answer today. Why is it said that all diseases are not separated from the liver? This starts with the physiological function of the liver. First of all, Chinese medicine says tha

We often say that all diseases never leave the liver. Is this an exaggeration? Dr. Shen tells you the answer today.

Why is it said that all diseases never leave the liver? This starts with the physiological function of the liver. First of all, Chinese medicine says that the liver governs dispersion. What does this mean? It means that the liver can regulate the movement of human qi, allowing qi to flow throughout the body without being blocked.

If liver qi is blocked, there will be problems with the movement of qi in the body. It cannot be transported to the internal organs, and various diseases will naturally occur. Accordingly, if we want to treat these diseases, we must choose medicines with soothing liver and regulating qi effects.

Bupleurum soothing liver powder , including Bupleurum , tangerine peel, peony, Citrus aurantium , Chuanxiong , Cyperus , Zhigancao 7 traditional Chinese medicines, is the first prescription for soothing the liver. . Specifically dealing with various diseases caused by liver qi stagnation, let’s look at what they include specifically.

The first step is to treat headaches, especially the throbbing pain on both sides of the head. This kind of headache often occurs after being angry, nervous, or depressed, or it occurs at irregular times every day, and the pain lasts for several minutes at a time. Sometimes it feels like there is a rush of air on both sides of the ribs, and the tongue is dark red, and there are Some petechiae .

Qi can move blood. If Qi is not flowing smoothly, blood circulation will slow down and blood stasis will occur over time. In addition, the liver meridian passes through both sides of the head, so blood stasis can easily stay there, causing pain.

At this time, the Bupleurum, Cyperus cyperus and tangerine peel in Bupleurum Shugan Powder can promote qi, while peony and Chuanxiong can promote blood. Once the qi is cleared and the blood is dispersed, the headache will naturally be relieved.

The second one is to treat gastritis . What is the relationship between stomach problems and liver? From the perspective of the five elements, the liver belongs to wood, , spleen and stomach, belong to earth. They are like trees and soil. Trees have the function of preventing wind and solidifying soil, and soil can supply nutrients to trees. Therefore, when liver qi is blocked, spleen and stomach problems will also occur.

Such people often suffer from stomach distension and pain, poor appetite, belching, and acid reflux. These symptoms will worsen after eating or mood changes. The most important thing at this time is to soothe the liver and regulate qi, and Bupleurum Soothing Gan Powder is a good choice.

The last thing is constipation. Isn't constipation caused by insufficient fluid in the intestines? , why is it related to the liver? That's because Qi has a propelling effect and can assist us in defecation. If Qi doesn't go away, neither will defecation. The intestines will continue to absorb water, resulting in dryness and blockage. This kind of constipation is often caused by the urge to defecate but the inability to pass it out. After finally finishing defecation, the stomach is still bloated, bowel sounds , and the bowels are rumbling non-stop. At this time, you can also refer to Bupleurum Shugan Powder for treatment.

If you don’t want to drink decoction, this medicine also has the Chinese patent medicine Bupleurum Shugan Pills. Have you learned the three uses of Bupleurum Shugan Powder? If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comment area and I will take the time to answer them. Follow me and teach you more knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine