You can calm down when doing things that interest you. However, children with ADHD are hyperactive regardless of the situation. Even in a quiet environment, they will jump up and down without any scruples. Although normal children behave casually, such as doing small tricks in cl

You can calm down when doing things you are interested in. However, children with ADHD are hyperactive regardless of the situation and environment. Even in a quiet environment, they will jump up and down without any scruples.

Although normal children behave casually, such as doing small tricks in class, or even making noises and fighting, when they When he realizes he has to control himself, he can control it.

After taking it, children with ADHD quickly became quiet, less active, and relatively focused. When they take sedatives, they are divided into central nervous system stimulants, antidepressants, antipsychotics and anti-epileptic drugs, and their overdose is often controlled by drug treatment. At the same time, proper education and management at home and school cannot be neglected.

Give more inspiration and encouragement. Give rewards when there are achievements in behavioral treatment. There should be no mental pressure, let alone scolding or corporal punishment. Children with bad habits and learning difficulties should be given more specific guidance, implement a regular life system, and cultivate good habits. Abnormal brain neurotransmitter metabolism, minor brain tissue damage, environmental factors, psychosocial factors, etc. are related.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that insufficient congenital endowment and acquired malnutrition lead to dysfunction of internal organs and are the main causes of the disease. Long-term consumption of instant noodles, boiled mutton, kebabs, etc. Children should drink enough water every day, do not use drinks instead of water, and eat more water and vitamins regularly. Although normal children behave in a loose manner, such as making small moves in class, or even making noises and fights, when they realize that they must control themselves, they Can control it.

Children with ADHD cannot control themselves. If the child has no outstanding performance, I hope parents will not take the child to a mental hospital for treatment. Otherwise, it will cause negative psychological stimulation to the child, and drug treatment is symptomatic. Excessive movements are often controlled through drug treatment. Children with bad habits and learning difficulties should be given more specific guidance, implement a regular life system, cultivate good habits, and help them overcome learning difficulties and create a warm and harmonious family life. Environment,

allows children to spend their childhood in a relaxed and happy mood. Do not blindly hope for success, deprive children of a happy childhood, and cause unnecessary mental trauma. Pay attention to reasonable nutrition, so that children can develop good eating habits, not be partial or picky about food, and ensure adequate sleep. Strengthen physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Try to avoid letting children play with lead-containing paint toys, especially not to hold such toys in the mouth. Children have been eating instant noodles, boiled mutton, kebabs, etc. for a long time. Children should drink enough water every day and cannot use drinks instead of water.

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