The origin of Panax notoginseng: There once was a Panax notoginseng fairy who came down to earth to teach people to plant. One day during the planting process, a big black bear suddenly jumped towards her. At the critical moment, a young Miao man named Kaxiang shot the black bear

The origin of Panax notoginseng :

There once was a Panax notoginseng fairy who came down to earth to teach people how to plant. One day during the planting process, a big black bear suddenly jumped towards her. At the critical moment, a young man named Kaxiang of the Miao ethnic group shot with a bow. The dead black bear entry saved her life.

After the medicinal materials came back, I gave them to my mother. After a few times, my mother's illness was indeed cured.

The villagers saw that this medicine was magical and asked what kind of medicine it was.

Then Fairy Panax notoginseng said: "Everyone take a medicinal plant and count it. How many leaves are there and how many branches are there?" When everyone saw that there were three leaves and seven branches, a girl blurted out: "Panax Panax notoginseng", So there is such a

story. Although it is fictional, it still expresses the desire of the lower class people at that time to have a medicinal herb that everyone can afford.

The modern significance of Panax notoginseng:

Modern pharmacological research shows that this medicine mainly contains total saponins, notoginseng saponins, flavonoids , alkaloids and other ingredients. It has the effects of enhancing coronary blood flow, increasing myocardial oxygen consumption, resisting myocardial ischemia , increasing myocardial contractility, increasing heart rate , and increasing platelet aggregation.

Modern application of this medicine can be used to treat coronary heart disease , atherosclerosis, myocardial ischemia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcer and other diseases.

Commonly used Panax notoginseng powder Soak it in water and drink it, and your body will receive 4 good news!

1. Hemostasis

Panax notoginseng can promote platelet aggregation, deformation, release ADP, platelet factors and calcium ions and other substances to achieve a hemostatic effect.

According to reports, using Panax notoginseng to treat peptic ulcer , duodenal ulcer bleeding and chronic gastritis has a cure rate of more than 92%, bronchiectasis , tuberculosis , lung abscess hemoptysis and the total hemostasis rate greater than 80%. It is widely used in the treatment of various traumatic hemorrhages and various endotoxemia .

2. Reduce swelling and relieve pain.

Local swelling. If it is caused by trauma and blood stasis, Panax notoginseng can expand blood vessels, allow the blood stasis to dissipate, and reduce swelling in time. For swelling caused by tissue fluid leakage, Panax notoginseng made into ointment is also effective. . Panax notoginseng also has analgesic effects, and is good for mild pain, both internally and externally.

3. Effect on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system

① Protective effect on myocardium: In recent years, experiments have shown that total saponins have a strong effect on myocardial ischemia- reperfusion injury in rats, rabbits and dogs;

② Resistance Effect on coronary heart disease: Panax notoginseng total saponins can improve left ventricular diastolic function, which is related to increasing the activity of calcium pump in the sarcoplasmic endothelium, correcting Ca2+ overload in cardiomyocytes and increasing left ventricular myocardial energy.

③ The role of protecting brain tissue: Panax notoginseng total saponins can significantly reduce reperfusion edema after global or local cerebral ischemia, improve the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, and significantly increase local blood flow.

4. Reduce blood lipids

The flavonoids contained in Panax notoginseng have the effect of improving myocardial blood supply, increasing the elasticity of blood vessel walls, and dilating coronary arteries. Sitosterol and carotene have the effect of lowering blood lipids, and are good for coronary heart disease and angina pectoris. patients can play a good role in preventing and treating diseases by taking Panax notoginseng.

How to take Panax notoginseng powder correctly?

Suggestion 1: Taking Panax notoginseng powder in the morning and evening will be more effective. Do not take too much each time, 2 to 3 grams is enough.

Recommendation 2: : Patients with high blood lipids must take Panax notoginseng under the guidance of a doctor, because when Panax notoginseng is combined with statin lipid-lowering drugs, it is easy to increase the concentration of statins in the blood, which can easily cause adverse reactions in the body.

Recommendation : Panax notoginseng can be divided into raw and cooked types. Raw Panax notoginseng has a stronger blood-activating effect, while cooked Panax notoginseng has a stronger blood-tonifying and qi-enhancing effect. Therefore, it is better to choose raw Panax notoginseng for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. No matter what, you must choose the one that suits you.

Recommendations 4 : Taking time, many people regard Panax notoginseng powder as a health product and think that taking it on an empty stomach in the morning will have better effects. In fact, Panax notoginseng powder should not be taken on an empty stomach, because taking it on an empty stomach can easily cause irritation to the stomach, especially for gastric diseases. For people, the correct time to take it is half an hour or one hour after a meal.

is written at the end:

Hawthorn contains active ingredients that lower blood lipids, which is beneficial to the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia. Cassia seed can clear away heat and improve eyesight, dispel wind and lower blood pressure, moisturize the intestines and relieve constipation. It also has the effect of inhibiting the rise of cholesterol and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and can also prevent and treat hyperlipidemia.

Panax notoginseng combined with hawthorn and cassia seeds has the functions of promoting blood circulation, lowering lipids, lowering blood pressure, and laxative. It can be used for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, etc.