The legend that Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs and discovered medicine has been around for a long time. "Huainanzi·Xiu Wu Xun": "Shen Nong... tasted the taste of hundreds of herbs and the sweetness and bitterness of springs, so that the people knew where to avoid. At this time

The legend that Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs and discovered medicine has been around for a long time. "Huainanzi·Xiu Wu Xun": "Shen Nong... tasted the taste of hundreds of herbs and the sweetness and bitterness of springs, so that the people knew where to avoid. At this time, they encountered seventy poisons in one day." Drugs are discussed in books such as "Fifty-two Prescriptions for Diseases", "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", and "Lu Shi Chun Qiu" written during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. With the accumulation of medication knowledge, the use of single prescriptions gradually transitioned to the use of compound prescriptions, and the principles and theories of prescriptions were constantly explored, which became the germination of prescription science .

So medicine has a long history in China. Han Dynasty "Historical Records" written by Sima Qian contains "Biography of Bian Quecang Gong", which is the earliest medical history recorded in China. Tang Dynasty Gan Bozong's "Biography of Famous Doctors" is the earliest medical history monograph in my country. Later there were "Mengqiu, a Famous Physician of All Times" by Zhou Shouzhong in the Song Dynasty, "Medical History" by Li Lian in the Ming Dynasty, "Ancient and Modern Medical History" by Wang Honghan in the Qing Dynasty, and "On the Origin of Medicine" by Xu Lingtai in the Qing Dynasty. "wait.

Famous physicians represent the "ancestor of medicine" Bian Que

Field: The foundation of traditional Chinese medicine

Bian Que, a famous doctor in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, was a native of Bohai County. He once lived in Jiuxian Cave in Pengque Mountain, Zhongqiu, and studied under Chang Sangjun. He passed down all the forbidden medical prescriptions and drank the water from the "Shangchi" on the top of the mountain, and developed superb medical skills. At first, the doctor cured Zhao Jianzi's illness of being unable to wake up for five days. Zhao Jianzi gave Pengque 40,000 acres of mountain land to Bianque, and obtained a place to eat. Coincidentally, at the head of Pengque Mountain, above Bianque Cave, there are images of natural stone magpies about to fly and magical stone figures quietly watching the world. Zhao people regarded Qinyue people as auspicious magpies, and respectfully called them "Bianque", which means "in Zhao His name is Bian Que." Some people also say that because of his superb medical skills, people borrowed the name "Bian Que" from the ancient mythological miracle doctor "Bian Que" during the Yellow Emperor period to call him.

Inspection is a purposeful observation of the patient's expression, color, shape, posture, tongue, etc., in order to detect visceral lesions. Through a large number of medical practices, traditional Chinese medicine gradually recognizes the outside of the body, especially the face and tongue. Quality, tongue coating has a very close relationship with the internal organs.

Auscultation includes listening to sounds and smelling smells. The main purpose is to listen to changes in the patient's voice and breath, such as the level, strength, turbidity, and urgency, to distinguish the actual condition of the condition, including cold and heat.

Consultation is to ask the patient or his companions to understand the condition, the time, cause and course of the disease, past medical history, the patient's pain, as well as living habits, eating habits and other disease-related conditions. It can only be understood through consultation, so consultation is one of the important methods to understand the condition and medical history, and it occupies an important position in the four diagnostics.

Pulse cutting is also called pulse diagnosis . The doctor uses his fingers to press the pulsation point of the radial artery behind the wrist to observe changes in the pulse and identify the ups and downs of the functions of the internal organs. The normal pulse condition is that the pulse is pulsating in all three parts: Cun, Guan and Chi, neither floating nor sinking, neither delayed nor counting, calm and slow, soft and strong, fluent and even, with consistent rhythm, and pulses four to five times in one breath, which is called flat pulse.

Bian Que was good at using the techniques of inspection, hearing, inquiry and diagnosis, especially pulse diagnosis and visual diagnosis to diagnose diseases. Bian Que specializes in internal medicine, external medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, facial features and other departments. He uses Bianstone acupuncture, acupuncture , massage, decoction, hot ironing and other methods to treat diseases, and is respected as the "ancestor of medicine".

Famous physicians represent the "originator of surgery" Hua Tuo

Field: Surgery

Hua Tuo, Ziyuan Hua, Ming Min, a native of Pei State, was a famous medical scientist in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Hua Tuo attached great importance to health care, created his own Wu Qin Xi, and also invented the anesthetic "Ma Fei Powder". Hua Tuo was skilled in surgery and was the earliest record of using general anesthesia for medical treatment in medical history, more than 1,600 years earlier than in the West. Hua Tuo is called the "master of surgery" and the "originator of surgery" by future generations.

Guan Yu's right arm was hit by a poisonous arrow from the Wei army during the Battle of Xiangyang.Later, the wound gradually swelled and became very painful, making me unable to move. Hua Tuo cut off Guan Yu's arm and scraped the bones to remove the poison on the bones, but Guan Yu's expression remained unchanged and he was still playing chess with others. This story was originally to praise Guan Yu's bravery, perseverance, and endurance. It also illustrated the superb medical skills of the miracle doctor Hua Tuo, which won people's praise and admiration.

Famous physician representative "Medical Sage" Zhang Zhongjing

Field: Clinical Traditional Chinese Medicine

Zhang Zhongjing, known as Zhongjing, Nanyang, a medical scientist in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, was respected as the "Medical Sage" by later generations. Zhang Zhongjing collected medical prescriptions extensively and wrote the masterpiece "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases". The treatment principles of and six meridians syndrome differentiation established by him have been highly praised by medical scientists of all ages. In terms of prescriptions, Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases also made great contributions, creating many dosage forms and recording a large number of effective prescriptions. This is China's first medical monograph that establishes the principles of syndrome differentiation and treatment from theory to practice. It is one of the most influential works in the history of Chinese medicine.

Famous physician representative "the originator of acupuncture" Huang Fumi

Field: acupuncture

Huang Fumi, whose childhood name was Jing, courtesy name Shi'an, and who named himself Mr. Great-grandson of Huangfu Song. His book "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Jia and B Jing" is China's first monograph on acupuncture. It occupies a high academic status in the history of acupuncture and is known as the "originator of acupuncture." In addition, he also compiled books such as "Century of Emperors", "Biography of Gao Shi", "Biography of Yi Shi", "Biography of Lienu", and "Collection of Mr. Yuan Yan".

In 248 AD, the 34-year-old Huangfu Mi was already famous. Due to heavy labor and staying up all night studying all year round, he was overworked, resulting in insufficient righteousness, coupled with the invasion of wind, cold, dampness and heat. , which eventually caused him to suffer from "wind paralysis" and suffered from the disease. Many doctors and medicines were sought, but no good results were obtained. He began to study medical books and focused on acupuncture to treat himself and fight against diseases. As he studied medicine, he gradually understood the importance of medicine. Through his unswerving study of acupuncture theory and his own practice of acupuncture, his condition was gradually controlled and he accumulated rich clinical experience.

Famous physician representative "King of Medicine" Sun Simiao

Field: Medical Theory

Sun Simiao, according to legend, is a descendant of Chu doctor Qu Yuan, a medical scientist and Taoist priest in the Tang Dynasty. He is respectfully called " King of Medicine " by future generations, also He is rated as one of the world's three major medical ethics celebrities by the West. Sun Simiao attached great importance to folk medical experience. Through visits and accumulation, he finally completed the book "Thousands of Gold Prescriptions" (also known as "Thousands of Gold Prescriptions for Emergency" and "Thousands of Gold Prescriptions"). After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao accepted the invitation of the imperial court. , cooperate with the government to carry out medical activities. In the fourth year of Emperor Xianqing's reign (659), the world's first national pharmacopoeia "Tang Xin Materia Medica" was completed.

Famous physician representative " Medicine Saint " Li Shizhen

Field: Herbal Medicine

Li Shizhen, also known as Dongbi, called himself a native of Binhushan in his later years and was a famous medical expert in the Ming Dynasty. He successively went to Wudang Mountain, Lushan , Maoshan , Niushou Mountain , and Huguang , South Zhili , Henan, North Zhili and other places to collect drug specimens and prescriptions, and paid homage to fishermen and woodcutters. , farmers, cart drivers, pharmacists, and snake catchers as teachers, referring to 925 books on medicine and other aspects of the past dynasties, "archaeological evidence of the present, exhaustive study of physics", recording tens of millions of words of notes, clarifying many difficult issues, and going through 27 cold and summer days , changed his draft three times, and completed the 1.92 million-word masterpiece "Compendium of Materia Medica" in the 18th year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty (1590). In addition, he has also done research on pulse theory and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. His works include "A Study of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians" and "Binghu Pulseology". He was revered as the "Sage of Medicine" by later generations.

After long-term and arduous field investigation, Li Shizhen clarified many difficult problems with drugs, and completed the compilation of "Compendium of Materia Medica" in the Wuyin year of Wanli. The book has approximately 1.9 million words, 52 volumes, contains 1,892 kinds of medicines, 374 new drugs, and more than 1,000 pictures. It has become an unprecedented masterpiece of pharmacology in my country. Among them, he corrected many mistakes of his predecessors, made outstanding achievements in many aspects such as animal and plant taxonomy, and also made contributions to other related disciplines (biology, chemistry, mineralogy, geology , astronomy, etc.). Darwin praised it as "the encyclopedia of ancient China".

Shennong was the one who made traditional Chinese medicine exist from scratch before humans had anything related to medicine; Bian Que was the first general practitioner in ancient my country and his medical technology was astonishing; Hua Tuo was the first to use in the world. Doctors who perform surgical anesthesia, acupuncture, and surgery are even more proficient... Only with the foundation laid by ancient medicine can we have the current medical technology.

Correspondent: Wang Fengluan