Protein powder: Healthy people don’t need it at all. More and more people have become obese in recent years, and at the same time, thin people can never gain weight. He was skinny and skinny, with no blood at all.

1. Protein powder: Healthy people don’t need it at all.

More and more people have gained weight in recent years. At the same time, thin people will never gain weight. He was skinny and skinny, with no blood at all. Therefore, some businesses said that protein should be supplemented. Then, protein powder started to be sold.


A 400-gram can of protein powder costs two to three hundred yuan.

Healthy adults need 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. These amounts of protein can be fully satisfied through normal diet.

Therefore, healthy people who eat normally do not need to supplement protein powder.

2. Grape seeds: Merchants secretly change the concept

Grape seeds that are usually spit out are also widely promoted by merchants as being able to fight cancer, antioxidant, and delay aging. Various "grape seed oil" and " grape seed powder" are also sold Got to be hot.


There is a lot of experimental data on grape seed extract inhibiting cancer cells, but the premise of the conclusion is very clear - "in vitro experiments can inhibit cancer cells."

"In vitro experiments" can only indicate that further research can be conducted on specific cancer cells. There is currently no evidence that grape seed extract can inhibit cancer cells in the body.

3, High calcium milk : Not more useful than ordinary milk

When you buy milk, you often see high calcium milk, and its price is much higher than ordinary milk.

Experts said that the so-called high-calcium milk only artificially adds some extra calcium during production, which makes the calcium content in the milk higher.


The calcium in ordinary milk is calcium lactate , which has a higher absorption rate, while high-calcium milk contains artificially added calcium carbonate, which has a lower absorption rate.

Drinking high-calcium milk does not mean that you can fully absorb the calcium contained in it. In fact, ordinary milk is enough!

4. Fish oil: eating fish is enough.

Is fish oil really that good?


Since fish oil comes from fish and purified fish oil is not stable, then Isn’t it more direct and effective to eat fish? The answer is yes.

In addition to fish oil, fish also provides high-quality protein and trace elements such as vitamins and minerals. The saturated fatty acid in fish is very low, which is also excellent for cardiovascular health.

5, Sea cucumber: no better than eggs

As long as you sit in a restaurant, there will always be a sea cucumber waiting for you when you open the menu. More importantly, the boss said that the protein content of this product is very high. I also wanted to eat well and eat healthily, so I couldn’t help but order it. However, it is so expensive that it hurts.


The value of sea cucumber lies in protein, but although its protein content is high, its quality is not high.

Protein can be divided into high quality and low quality. Its quality is mainly judged by the absorption rate of amino acid in the protein.

Eggs are the food that best conforms to the human body's amino acid pattern , so eggs are a perfect source of protein.

People who eat sea cucumbers are better off eating two eggs a day, coupled with some soy products and vegetables. The protein intake of the latter is far better than that of sea cucumbers in both quality and quantity.

6, hangover medicine : It cannot reduce the harm of drunkenness

For businessmen, there are constant entertainment and constant drinking. As a result, all kinds of hangover medicines are selling like hotcakes in pharmacies, claiming that they can keep you from getting drunk after a thousand drinks.


Hangover medicine is just a gimmick.

Their batch numbers are not medicines. Their ingredients are only some liver-protecting ingredients, which cannot reduce the harm of drunkenness.

The most fundamental way to relieve hangover is not to drink alcohol.

7. Children’s soy sauce: Harmful but useless

The advertisement for children’s soy sauce claims that it is “a brewed low-salt and light soy sauce specially developed for children’s health.” Taking into account the taste characteristics of children in the developmental period, it is rich in 18 kinds of amino acids, organic acids, carbohydrates and other nutrients needed by children."

In fact:

Experts remind that children’s diet does not require additional soy sauce to season .

The sodium contained in normal diet is enough to meet the physiological needs of children, and any additional salt is superfluous. And the more "heavy" you are when you are a child, the harder it is to control your salt demand when you grow up, and the higher the risk of hypertension .

8. Stomach-nourishing biscuits: not as good as soda biscuits

As the saying "so-and-so biscuits nourish the stomach" becomes more and more popular, there are more and more stomach-nourishing foods on the market.


According to experts, from the perspective of medicine, its effective dose, main effects, side effects, whether there are adverse reactions, suitable groups, contraindications, preparation forms, etc. are all stipulated, and the medication must meet the requirements. In order to achieve the purpose of treatment.

The so-called "stomach-nourishing biscuits" are difficult to achieve the stomach-nourishing effect they promote.

Moreover, soda crackers themselves are a good helper for nourishing the stomach. It is better to spend a lot of money to buy so-called stomach-nourishing biscuits than to buy a large pack of soda crackers for a few yuan.

9. First-lay eggs: precious ≠ more nutritious

"First-lay eggs" (ie eggs within one month of chicken laying) are considered by many to be concentrated egg essence, and they are bought and eaten at high prices. Some businesses also claim that "first-laid eggs" can promote brain development and enhance physical fitness. They have high nutritional value and are especially suitable for pregnant women, students and the elderly.


"Primary eggs" refer to the first clutch of eggs produced by hens within 110 to 130 days. Although "precious", their nutritional value is not much higher than other ordinary eggs.

Moreover, the claim that "first-laid eggs" are good for the brain is not reliable. The nutrients beneficial to brain health are mainly n-3 fatty acids , lecithin , etc. There is no data showing the content ratio of these substances in "first-laid eggs" Ordinary eggs are taller.

10, Brown Sugar: Just looks dark

The aunt problem has always been a big problem that bothers women, especially young women whose life schedules are becoming increasingly irregular. As a result, brown sugar food began to become a favorite snack for many people, and it has been claimed to be a natural health food with beauty effects. Of course, the price is also higher than brown sugar.


Experts say, "In fact, brown sugar is what we call brown sugar, and its efficacy is the same as ordinary brown sugar."

Many people think that brown sugar has better effects than other sugars. In fact, brown sugar and brown sugar are both sucrose. There is essentially no difference between the two, and they have the same nutritional value and edible effects.

11, Black wolfberry : It’s better to eat eggplants

Black wolfberry was once called “soft gold”. According to merchants, it has universal effects, and the price is up to several thousand yuan per kilogram, which has even led to thousands of people illegally harvesting wild black wolfberry. .

In fact:

Experts explain that black wolfberry just has a higher anthocyanin content than red wolfberry..

In fact, daily purple-black foods, such as grapes, eggplants, purple sweet potatoes, mulberries, contain anthocyanins. If you want to supplement them with black wolfberry, the cost performance is very low.

Don’t blindly believe in some “secrets” that sound great.

A reasonable combination of daily diet, balanced nutrition, and proper exercise are the best lifestyle!