As the saying goes, "A thousand glasses of wine are too little when you meet a close friend, and half a sentence is too much to say no to speculation." In a country like China, which is a big drinker, liquor is not only a consumer product, but also a social mediator. As long as t

As the saying goes, " When you meet a close friend, a thousand cups of wine is less , and half a sentence is more than a word without speculation." In a country like China, which is a big drinker, liquor is not only a consumer product, but also a social mediator. As long as the relationship is good enough, Naturally, no matter how much you drink, it will be too little.

Especially friends who have been working hard all year round, in order to get the appreciation of their superiors or leaders as soon as possible, they will try their best to show off themselves at various company gatherings or leadership banquets, thereby gaining more people's attention and attention. Pay attention, and you can also make yourself more and more popular.

However, some people like to drink, and some people do not like to drink no matter how much they drink, so it cannot be generalized. If you are a person who does not like to drink, you may give him a bottle of pure grain wine without even thanking him, Once a person who loves drinking becomes addicted, he will often show himself off at work drinking parties. He may not be able to stop even when he gets home from work. He may even serve some wine with every meal so that he can feel satisfied after eating. .

However, there are different opinions on the matter of drinking, with some praise and criticism. Some people don’t like drinking and simply think that drinking too much is harmful to the body, while some people love drinking, but they can say that drinking in moderation every day is better. Regarding this , we are not allowed to comment casually, so we might as well share with you the story of two friends around us. Both friends like to drink alcohol every night with dinner, and they both drink two taels per drink, but in the end their bodies have completely different effects. As a result, it is worth reading and learning.

The author met such an old man when he visited Guangdong before. He was a car repairman. Although he is 73 years old now, he seems to be very efficient at work. He even repairs cars for others and he is very logical. From the point of view of his mind. He doesn't look like an old man at all, Beier Lingguang.

Of course, the uncle has worked for so many years and has a lot of savings. In addition, when his son grows up and is more promising, he often sends money home, so the uncle is living a pretty life, especially when it comes to eating and drinking. There is no ambiguity at all. As early as when he was in his 40s, he liked to drink every day. After finishing his work every day, he would go home for dinner and watch his daughter-in-law prepare a table of delicious dishes. He would also take a bottle every time. Pure food and good wine, you have to drink two ounces to be fully satisfied.

My uncle has been used to having white wine with dinner every day for nearly 30 years. But it is strange to say that he has been drinking for such a long time and is still walking fast at the age of 73. Not only does he have to repair his car every day, He is handled in an orderly manner, and can even often run to pick up his grandson after work. Such a physique is quite enviable.

On the other hand, Uncle Li lives downstairs from the author. He is also an uncle. Uncle Li’s current situation is really embarrassing. When he was young, Uncle Li was a coal miner. He usually endured hardships and stood hard work, so his body was relatively strong. But later, due to the heavy work pressure and heavy physical burden, I gradually started to like drinking.

However, because Uncle Li's family was not well off at that time, he chose cheaper wine of a few yuan every time he drank. This kind of wine cost only a few yuan a bottle, so Uncle Li could afford to drink it every day, but because of the coal Work is usually very tiring, and you can only go home when you are busy at night. Therefore, Uncle Li usually chooses to have two or two small drinks with his dinner in the evening, which can be considered a comfortable life.

And Uncle Li has become a habit of drinking like this. Today, he has only been drinking for 20 years and is in his early 60s. is already gray-haired and haggard. At this time, Uncle Li is not only unable to do any physical work, but even He needs help when walking and suffers from various physical problems. Faced with such a result, it is really sad.

They are both men who have two ounces of white wine with their dinner, so why does one walk like flying while the other needs help? Nowadays, in our country, we need to know that there are actually quite a few centenarians, and many of them are in good health and move quickly. Looking back at the final results of these two uncles, there is indeed a big difference. In fact, the reason is just because of the following This is caused.

The quality of liquor is very important

The uncle I met when I went to Guangdong earlier has a good family background, so he is quite good at drinking. He always chooses pure grain and good wine. Although the price is more expensive, he can drink it with peace of mind, so Even after drinking for so many years, the uncle was still very tough in the end. On the other hand, Uncle Li downstairs, because of his poor family background and hard work, chose the very cheap "few yuan wine" . Although this kind of wine is very cheap , it only costs a few yuan a bottle, but the quality of the wine is naturally the worst, and there is no benefit in taking a sip. Besides, Uncle Li has been drinking for so many years, so it is no wonder that he ended up with a lot of problems.

So in today’s wine market, isn’t there a low-priced pure-grain wine that is brewed with pure grains and that Uncle Li can afford to drink? In fact, there is, but many wines are unknown, such as the following one - "Guokang 1935" .

This wine is of high quality. At the beginning of brewing, the winery owner pursued high-end wine quality and carefully crafted it with reference to the concept of " Moutai same wine quality". Therefore, the material selection and technology of this wine are the same as Moutai. For example, the grain chosen is "Hongtaozi Glutinous Sorghum", which is rare in the core production areas of Maotai Town. In terms of technology, it strictly follows the ancient Daqu Kunsha process of "12987". In addition, before the finished product of this wine is mixed with old wine that has been stored for 10 years, it is no wonder that this wine "is at its peak when it debuts".

The liquid of this wine is slightly yellow and transparent, with an attractive color. When the lid is opened, the aroma is rich. The foam in the glass is rich. It is soft and fragrant after one sip. The aftertaste is long. Even if the glass is empty overnight, the aroma is charming. In addition, this wine only has a hundred With a super cost-effective price of around 1 yuan, it is indeed a good pure grain wine worthy of tasting by wine lovers.

Well, that’s all for today’s article about having dinner and drinking. If you have any opinions on this, please leave a message in the comment area. Thank you for watching.