Modern Express News (correspondent Chen Yanping, Zhang Su, Xu Hui, reporter Ren Hongjuan) "I came here early in the morning and saw the experts I wanted to see." "Many experts are exempt from registration fees today. My wife and I came together, and we are all optimistic." 7 On t

Modern Express News (correspondent Chen Yanping, Zhang Su, Xu Hui, reporter Ren Hongjuan) "I came here early in the morning and saw the experts I wanted to see." "Many experts are exempt from registration fees today. My wife and I came together, and we are all optimistic." On the morning of July 1st, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University held a simultaneous "Welcoming the 20 Great Health Accompanying Me" Red Hospital in its three campuses: Jiangjiayuan, Sajiawan, and Maigaoqiao. Pioneer free clinic activities. It is expected that more than 1,000 patients will participate in the free clinic that day.

42-year-old Ms. Zhu has been feeling tightness from her abdomen to her chest for the past month, as well as a slight pain. She only has a bowel movement every few days. She took some medicine, but it still doesn't feel better. She went to the hospital for a gastroscopy, and the report showed gastric polyps and chronic atrophic gastritis. She was a little worried. When she saw the news about Director Mu Lin's free clinic, she hurried over today. Miao Lin, director of the Digestive Medicine Center of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, read Ms. Zhu's report and reassured Ms. Zhu that the problem was not serious and that she should take some medicine first. He also suggested that Ms. Zhu undergo another colonoscopy..

△Miao Lin at the free clinic

"I have been worried about my health, and today I finally saw Director Miao's number." 46-year-old Mr. Zhang came over early in the morning and told reporters that he had gastrointestinal cancer Regarding family history, although I don't feel any discomfort now, I am always a little worried, so today I came to ask Director Miao what he should pay attention to on a daily basis.

Muulin said that gastrointestinal endoscopy can be said to be the best way to detect digestive tract tumors. As people's health awareness has increased in recent years, more and more people have realized the importance of endoscopy and will actively request gastrointestinal endoscopy. For people with a family history of cancer, gastroscopy should be reviewed once a year or so. For ordinary people, those who are over 40 years old and have never had a gastrointestinal endoscopy are best to do it once. If there are no problems, the gastroscopy can be done again every one or two years, and colonoscopy can be done once every three years.

Muulin said that summer is here. Once you don't pay attention to dietary hygiene and overeat, gastrointestinal diseases will easily take advantage of the situation. "There are several patients today who ate cold or unclean things, causing diarrhea." He suggested that when the weather is hot, everyone should try to eat as little cold food as possible, as well as food on the roadside; do not overeat, which can easily lead to diarrhea. attacks of acute pancreatitis .

Ji Guozhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Ji Guozhong said that today happens to be July 1st, and we have carried out free clinics and other related activities. This time, the free clinic has a strong lineup of experts. 76 experts from 33 specialties of the hospital are on site for consultation, including the CCP There are 44 party members, and free consultations are provided for patients without registration fees. “This is an important measure for us to not forget our original intention and keep our mission in mind, as well as to normalize the study and education of party history.” He emphasized.

(Photo provided by correspondent)

Source: Modern Express All Media