Ms. Liu, 43 years old, recently discovered that white hair has grown on her head. She heard people say that she should eat more black foods, such as black rice, black beans, black sesame, etc., to turn her hair back to black. So she bought a bag of black rice in the supermarket a

Ms. Liu, 43 years old, recently discovered that white hair has grown on the top of her head. She heard people say that she should eat more black food, such as black rice , black beans , black sesame, etc., which can turn her hair back to black. So she bought a bag of black rice in the supermarket and planned to make porridge at home.

In order to make the porridge soft enough, Ms. Liu soaked the black rice in cold water one night in advance. Unexpectedly, when she was making porridge the next day, she found that the rice water had turned completely black. Looking at the whole bowl of black water, she didn't dare to continue using the black rice to make porridge, fearing that what she had bought was dyed black rice.

In this regard, Zhu Yi, an associate professor at the School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, said that if you want to identify whether black rice falls out after soaking or washing, whether it is a natural substance or a dyed pigment, you can first add a few drops to the water. vinegar, and then add some baking soda . If the color of the water turns red first and then blue-green, it means that the water is anthocyanins contained in black rice. If it does not change color, it is pigment.

Ms. Liu contacted CCTV reporters and eventually discovered that this was an own mistake. But can eating black rice really turn white hair into black hair?

1. Can eating black rice turn white hair into black hair?

The reason why black rice is black is because its epidermal cells contain water-soluble anthocyanins. When black rice is soaked or washed in water, its epidermal cells will be damaged and the anthocyanins will dissolve when exposed to water, so the water will appear purple-red or purple-blue in the color of the anthocyanins themselves. When the concentration is high, it will appear black.

Can eating black rice make white hair turn black? The answer is no. Because the anthocyanin contained in black rice is different from the melanin in black hair. Melanin has been formed before a person is born. As the person grows older, the synthesized melanin gradually decreases, and eventually there are more and more gray hairs. . So no matter how much you eat, it won't help your hair turn back to black.

Similarly, black foods such as black sesame seeds and black beans cannot make your hair black no matter how much you eat.

2. What will happen to people who drink black rice porridge for a long time?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black rice has very good medicinal value, "nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, improving eyesight and activating blood circulation, keeping fit and warming the stomach, clearing the liver and moistening the intestines, and lubricating dampness and replenishing essence". It can be used as medicine and food to treat anemia, dizziness, night blindness and tinnitus. and symptoms such as soreness and weakness in the waist and knees.

In fact, black rice is a kind of whole grain, commonly known as "longevity rice" and "blood-tonifying rice". It is rich in nutrients such as B vitamins , mineral iron and dietary fiber.

Among them, the B vitamin content of black rice is 4 times higher than that of white rice, and the content of trace elements such as iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and manganese is also 2-5 times that of white rice. Moreover, black rice has a low glycemic index and is suitable for consumption by people with “three highs” and the elderly.

Nutritionist Wang Silu said that eating black rice porridge regularly can provide the body with sufficient energy. The carbohydrates and proteins in black rice are the basic functional substances of the body.

can also promote intestinal metabolism and help prevent constipation. This effect is due to the dietary fiber in black rice. Moreover, black rice porridge has a strong sense of satiety and can help lose weight. In addition, black rice is rich in iron. Appropriate consumption of black rice porridge can relieve and improve anemia to a certain extent.

Of course, as a food, we cannot expect too much from black rice.

3. Don’t eat black rice casually

First of all, black rice should not be processed, because processing will destroy a large number of nutrients contained in the epidermis of black rice, resulting in nutritional deficiencies, so you should choose unprocessed black rice for daily consumption.

Secondly, black rice should be soaked in water before cooking, because black rice is difficult to cook. After people eat uncooked black rice, not only can they not absorb the nutrients in it, but they can also easily cause indigestion and even acute gastrointestinal problems. inflammation and other diseases.

Furthermore, black rice is not suitable for everyone. The following three categories of people should eat black rice with caution or not:

. Patients who are taking tetracycline drugs

Patients should not eat black rice while taking tetracycline drugs. Because the metal ions in black rice will react with tetracyclic drugs, it will not only be detrimental to drug absorption, but also reduce drug efficacy.

. Patients with high copper content

Because black rice contains higher copper content, it is not recommended for patients with high copper content to eat black rice to avoid increasing the copper level in the body and affecting their health.

. People with indigestion

Black rice is not easy to digest. People with indigestion and constipation should eat less.

In addition, coarse grains are not the better .

The anti-nutritional components contained in coarse grains will hinder the absorption of iron. If eaten in large amounts for a long time, it will increase the risk of anemia.

Moreover, whole grains are relatively difficult to digest. Eating too much will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and easily cause indigestion, flatulence and other discomforts. Therefore, it is recommended that the daily diet should be a combination of coarse and fine grains. The proportion of whole grains in the staple food should be about 30%-50%.

Black rice is rich in nutritional value, and eating it in moderation every day is good for your health. However, if black rice is not cooked, it is not easy to digest, and eating too much may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. And any food, no matter how good it is, should be noted that "too much is not enough", so when eating black rice, be careful to control the amount. #HealthTruthPlan#


[1] Black rice and black sesame seeds lose color when exposed to water. Is it suspected that dyes were used? A trick to teach you how to distinguish! .CCTV Life Circle, 2018-05-20

[2] Wang Silu. Small "black rice", a common and good food ingredient. Nutritionist Wang Silu, 2019-05-09

[3] There are many benefits of eating black rice regularly, but It is best for these three types of people not to eat more than one bite. Family doctor online , 2018-06-30

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