As age increases, the body slowly ages, wrinkles become more numerous, and the height "shrinks". These are all visible to us, but in places we cannot see, nutrients in the body are also quietly lost. Such as calcium. Calcium is an important substance for the human body to maintai

As age increases, the body slowly ages, wrinkles become more numerous, and the height "shrinks". These are all visible to us, but in places we cannot see, nutrients in the body are also quietly lost. Just like calcium.

Calcium is an important substance for the human body to maintain life activities. It only accounts for 1-2% of the human body. It is mainly found in bones, followed by blood, muscles and other parts.

Whether it is a swaddling baby or an old man who has already turned red, he needs supplementation every day. Maintain bone health, balance blood lipids , prevent cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis , regulate the body, enhance immunity, etc.

The elderly, as their physical fitness decreases due to natural aging, are prone to lack of calcium and other nutrients, so they need to supplement calcium, and milk has become one of the first choices for calcium supplementation for the elderly.

If the elderly want to supplement calcium, how should they choose pure milk or fresh milk?

Milk itself contains extremely high nutrients and contains irreplaceable substances for the human body. Milk can be divided into fresh milk and pure milk. Although they all use raw milk as raw material, the processing methods are different.

Pure milk is made from raw milkand has been high-temperature sterilized. The microorganisms in the milk are eliminated, ensuring the purity of the milk, but the nutrients it contains will also be greatly reduced.

Fresh milk, which we usually call pasteurized milk, has been pasteurized , allowing the raw milk to eliminate harmful bacteria in an environment of minus 100°C. The advantage of this is that retains the contents of the milk of nutrients.

There is no requirement for the storage method of pure milk, because it has been sterilized at high temperature, is stored at room temperature and has a long shelf life, mostly about half a year, or even longer.

Fresh milk is "fresh" to drink. Not to mention that the storage temperature must be between 2-6℃, the shelf life is only about 5 days.

To be honest, fresh milk is the first choice for calcium supplementation for the elderly. If conditions do not permit, you can also choose pure milk.

"Consumer Guide" states that the elderly need to supplement 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. However, most elderly people in my country barely have a daily calcium intake of half, which is still not enough.

Why it is always emphasized that the elderly should supplement calcium? It is because the elderly have low gastrointestinal function, often have no appetite, and their calcium intake rate is not that high. Not only is it difficult to supplement, but the body also has difficulty retaining it. The lack of calcium can cause many problems, including osteoporosis, tooth loss, etc., which has a greater impact on the body. Although drinking milk can provide a good calcium supplement, it is not enough. You also need to eat more foods rich in calcium, such as beans, dried shrimps, etc. You can take supplements when necessary.

Elderly people drink more milk. In addition to supplementing calcium, milk contains calming substances. Drinking a little before going to bed can also help you sleep. The body's metabolism is slow, it can also reduce blood viscosity, prevent cardiovascular diseases and constipation, and has many benefits to the body.

Although milk is good, you should not drink it in excess. " Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" points out: Just consume about 200-300g of dairy products every day.

How to fully absorb the nutrients of milk? You should know these precautions

. Don’t drink too much. Elderly people only need to drink 300 grams of milk a day.

. It is recommended that fresh milk is the first choice, followed by pure milk, but raw milk is not recommended. It is not processed and contains unhealthy substances. Elderly people are weak, so don’t try it easily.

3. Do not drink on an empty stomach. If you are hungry and want to drink milk to satisfy your hunger, it is best to eat a piece of bread to cushion your stomach. An empty stomach is not conducive to the absorption of nutrients in milk by the stomach.

4. Fresh milk should be stored at low temperature because the elderly have poor gastrointestinal problems. It is recommended to put it out for a while and wait for the coolness to dissipate before drinking it.

5, Do not drink high-temperature hot milk, it will destroy the nutrients in the milk. If heating in a microwave oven, it should not exceed 1 minute.

6. Elderly people who suffer from diseases and often take medicine should avoid taking medicine with milk. Contact between the two will cause a reaction, which is not conducive to the effectiveness of the medicine. It is recommended that there be a 2-hour interval between the two. It is recommended to drink it in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals, as it will not cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract and at the same time satisfy the body's thirst for nutrients. But drink it in small sips. Drinking it in large sips will promote gastrointestinal motility and will be digested quickly. Milk is like a formality in the body, and not much nutrition is absorbed.

In summary, it is good for the elderly to drink milk, and fresh milk is even better, but you should also pay attention to the restricted areas of drinking milk to prevent drinking the wrong milk and harming your body.


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