1The first "word": laugh. Some people say that smile is the flower of youth and happiness is the elixir of longevity. Open-mindedness is the way to live wisely, and happiness is the magic weapon for health. These words can be condensed into the word "laugh". As the saying goes, a


The first "word": laugh.

Some people say that smile is the flower of youth and happiness is the elixir of longevity. Open-mindedness is the way to live wisely, and happiness is the magic weapon for health.

's words can be condensed into the word "laugh".

As the saying goes, a smile saves ten years.

"Chu CiTeacher"Mr. Wen Huaisha lived to be 109 years old. His first health-preserving secret was the word "laughter".

He once wrote a limerick, and the lines are full of laughter:

"Be calm when you are young, and be crazy when you are old. When you are young, you are unstable and you are a little hooligan. When you are old, you will be mad and sick. Eat more fat and drink more. Make more friends with the opposite sex. , live at least ninety-nine. "

Live happily, live happily, live full of hope, work hard every day, health and longevity are natural.

Smiling is an attitude and a kind of temperature;

Smiling is a kind of demeanor and a kind of height.

When you smile, life becomes more exciting!


The second "word": enlightenment.

The real essence of the world is not someone's wise words, someone's words and deeds, nor someone's advice, but the "perception" from the heart.

An enlightenment is a mechanism. If you touch it, it will suddenly become enlightened; if you touch it, it will be enlightened and enlightened.

Mr. Wen Huaisha is not only good at thinking carefully, but also good at thorough understanding.

In academic circles, he is well-known for his transparency and ease. We have gone through hardships and baptisms of wind and rain; we have seen the vicissitudes of life and the changing world. In the world in his eyes, everything became dull.

Because he can think clearly, he can see clearly without distinction or obstacles; because

has a deep understanding, he can let go without entanglement or burden.

Mr. Zhao Puchu said in " Soothing Ballads " that when the sun rises in the East China Sea and sets in the West Mountain, you will feel sad and happy every day.

In the eyes of Mr. Wen Huaisha, all things are alive and full of fun;

In Mr. Wen Huaisha's heart, everyone in the world is treated equally.


The third "word": interesting.

The real master of the world is always a person with a heart.

It does not mean that you are rich and wealthy, nor does it matter that you are stretched thin and penniless.

As long as you are willing, a flower or a grass can extract the beauty of mountains and rivers and the boundless spring scenery; a bird or a fish can bring out the source of happiness and the connotation of life.

Mr. Wen Huaisha believes that life is full of grass and trees; caressing and worrying about everything; self-confidence, free and easy, relaxed and happy.

Because he likes to live an interesting life, Mr. Wen Huaisha especially likes to explore, indulge in it, and have endless fun.

His erudition is astonishing.

He is a master of traditional Chinese culture, an expert on Chuci, a redologist , and a scholar of traditional Chinese medicine. He is good at calligraphy, painting, epigraphy, and sculpture. His life is rich and colorful, and his life is interesting and interesting.

We often say that good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are unique.

The word "interesting" is priceless. It makes life full of twists and turns and makes years wonderful.


The fourth "word": beauty.

We all know that artists are always followers of beautiful things. They spend their whole lives pursuing beauty non-stop.

Mr. Wen Huaisha’s hobbies are his persistent pursuit of beauty and his unremitting practice.

Rodin said: Beauty is a universal language and a power that makes people reborn.

"Love of beauty" has always been Mr. Wen Huaisha's career, and he will never give up on it throughout his life.

The love of beauty makes him youthful and energetic;

the love of beauty makes him energetic and charming.

He is accustomed to working intensively in the kingdom of art and moving forward bravely in the pursuit of beauty.

Surrounded by beauty, he enjoys it; embracing beauty in his arms, he smiles; walking with beauty, he never tires of it.

No worries, forget the vicissitudes of time, health and longevity, it is a matter of course.


The fourth "word": move.

Leonardo da Vinci said that movement is the source of all life.

There is a famous saying in ancient Greece that exercise can replace medicine, but medicine can never replace exercise.

Regarding sports, Mr. Wen Huaisha advocates "maintaining love". Throughout his life, he almost never left sports.

However, he also has his own principle, that is, "enough is enough". If you become sick from overwork, the gain will outweigh the loss.

When Mr. Wen Huaisha got up early in the morning, he started "warming up".

makes the body "active" through tapping, pressure and massage.

These small actions may seem very simple, but if you do them consistently, the results will be significant.

Exercise can open up the meridians, make the energy and blood sufficient, and refresh the mind. It is a good teacher and helpful friend of health.

Mr. Wen Huaisha pointed out that every age group must do appropriate exercises, and should not be forced to do so or do as one pleases.


The sixth "word": An.

Having peace of mind is the most beautiful state in life, the best guarantee of happiness, and the solid foundation for longevity.

State of mind, mood, and heart, the word "安" means thousands of styles.

When I was young, a reporter interviewed Mr. Wen Huaisha and asked him what his secrets were for maintaining good health.

Mr. Wen Huaisha put it aside and said, for many years, I have secretly taken two kinds of medicine every day. Do you know what they are?

The reporter was surprised and looked confused.

Mr. Wen Huaisha burst out laughing when he saw this, and directly said that of my two medicines, one is "satisfaction" and the other is "gratitude."

When you wake up in the morning, take a pill of "satisfaction" and you will be happy all day long; when you go to bed at night, take a pill of "gratitude" and fall asleep smoothly with a smile.

Philosophers say that those who are content will be rich, and those who have peace of mind will be blessed.

As long as you are content, spring will always be around you;

As long as you are grateful, happiness will accompany you attentively.


The seventh "word": degree.

The ancients said that there is a limit to everything, and if it goes too far, it will be a disaster. The degree of

can be understood as a rule, as appropriate, or as a standard.

In terms of food, Mr. Wen Huaisha pays attention to regular and quantitative meals; in terms of taste, he maintains a light tone.

Not much, he will not restrain himself excessively. It is a joy to have friends from far away, and they will be full of enthusiasm and show the friendship of the landlord.

used the most honest hospitality to accompany them to drink and eat meat, feasting heartily.

Here, he will use a little trick, which is to drink a bowl of soup before meals.

He will also share his health soups with friends, allowing everyone to give their opinions and speak freely without reservation.

He is not picky about food, nor is he particular about food. He adheres to the principle of less salt, less oil and less spicy food, and pays attention to the combination of meat and vegetables to achieve balanced nutrition.

In addition, Mr. Wen Huaisha also did a very good job in other aspects. He set clear times for getting up, going to bed, working, exercising, and leisure.