Uterine fibroids are a common disease in women. According to data, the probability of suffering from uterine fibroids in women in the childbearing stage is about 30%. Ms. Qin is one of them. When she first got uterine fibroids, she thought her menstrual period was just prolonged.

Uterine fibroids is a common disease in women. According to data, the probability of suffering from uterine fibroids in women in the childbearing stage is about 30%. Although it is a common disease, most female friends know little about it.

Ms. Qin is one of them. When she first got uterine fibroids, she thought that her menstrual period was just prolonged, but after about half a month, her "menstruation" continued, which made her panic. After going to the hospital for a checkup, it turned out to be uterine fibroids.

Clinical data shows that 80% of patients with uterine fibroids mistakenly think it is an "irregular menstruation" type of disease at the beginning. If you want to prevent uterine fibroids in advance, you must have a certain understanding of the formation principles of uterine fibroids.

Why are women prone to uterine fibroids? 3 reasons cannot be ignored

Reason 1: Women’s childbearing age is too late

Generally speaking, the recommended childbearing age for women is between 24 and 35 years old. If the childbearing age is too late and there is still no desire to have children at an older age, the body's hormone secretion will increase, stimulating the uterus, and the risk of uterine fibroids will increase.

In 2015, Canadian Fertility Guidelines clearly pointed out that late childbirth has a hormonal impact on the uterine cavity and endometrium, thereby increasing the risk of gynecological diseases. Although women have a free will to have children, for the sake of health, it is still not recommended to give birth over the age of 35.

Reason two: Too many miscarriages

In addition to delaying childbirth, frequent miscarriages will also increase the risk of uterine fibroids. Research shows that more than 70% of patients with uterine fibroids have experienced miscarriage.

Frequent miscarriages will cause the uterine inner wall to become thinner and thinner and become less and less resistant to viruses, bacteria, and inflammation, thus increasing the risk of uterine fibroids.

Reason three: Obesity

Excessive secretion of hormones, which stimulates the uterus, is one of the main causes of uterine fibroids.

According to research from Baylor College of Medicine shows that when the body stores too much fat, estrogen will act through the receptor gene, thus showing higher activity.

In other words, the more obese a woman is, the more estrogen is secreted in her body, and the risk of developing uterine fibroids will be higher.

In summary, these three reasons are the main reasons why women are prone to uterine fibroids. Only by understanding the causes and actively preventing them can we more effectively avoid the risk of uterine fibroids. If you still accidentally suffer from uterine fibroids, the earlier it is discovered, the better the treatment effect will be, and the need for surgical treatment will be lower.

There are 4 early symptoms of uterine fibroids. Female friends should keep in mind

① Long-term bleeding

The emergence of uterine fibroids represents a female endocrine imbalance and will also have a certain impact on menstruation, such as increased menstrual volume and prolonged menstrual periods.

On the other hand, uterine fibroids themselves can also cause irritation to the inner wall of the uterus, leading to frequent bleeding. If this happens, be alert to early symptoms of uterine fibroids.

②Intermittent pain

Although most uterine fibroids do not cause pain symptoms, uterine fibroids are divided into different types.

For example, subserosal uterine fibroids may induce abdominal pain when tissue torsion occurs. Most fibroblasts have intermittent tenderness. It will be accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, and lower body twitching.

③ Difficulty urinating, or urinating too frequently

The uterus and the urinary system are relatively close. If there are uterine fibroids and they grow to the initial stage, they may cause pressure on the urinary system:

For example, if compresses the urethra, it may It will cause difficulty in urination;

If presses the bladder and continues to stimulate it, the frequency of urination will also increase.

Therefore, whether it is difficulty urinating or increased urination, you must be alert in time to the potential risk of uterine fibroids.

④ Symptoms of lumps

When obvious lumps appear in the lower body, it usually means that uterine fibroids have existed for a certain period of time, usually more than 3 months.. The mass formed by uterine fibroids is movable and the tenderness is relatively small , but an obvious bulge can be felt. Female friends should pay more attention to lower body symptoms and prevent possible risks of gynecological diseases in advance.

In summary, although uterine fibroids are not a serious disease, if they are delayed for a long time, there is still a risk of transforming into malignant tumors. Women's attitude towards uterine fibroids should be not to panic, but to take it seriously. Understand the causes of uterine fibroids in advance, be alert to early symptoms, and treat them in time, so as to prevent and treat uterine fibroids more efficiently and better protect your own health.


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