Nowadays, people's living conditions are getting better and better. If they have nothing to do, they will gather with a few friends at home, have a drink in a restaurant, and after get off work in the evening, have a spicy hot pot to numb their body, forget the fatigue of the day

Nowadays, people's living conditions are getting better and better. When they have nothing to do, they gather at friends' houses and have a drink in a restaurant. After get off work in the evening, they numb themselves with a spicy hot pot meal and forget the fatigue of the day. It feels very good to go back and forth with your friends while holding a glass of wine.

It is said that people forget many things when they are happy, and it is true. While eating, sometimes you will forget that you are actually full, and you will have to wait until your stomach is bloated before you stop shaking the chopsticks in your hand. In fact, such eating habits are still very dangerous.

Eating too much will indeed "support" three kinds of diseases

. The body gradually becomes obese

"Obesity" is actually a disease. The World Health Organization states that many diseases are caused by obesity . The American journal "Neurology" once published an article on obesity, saying that people with overweight belly are prone to brain atrophy, and their intelligence and cognitive abilities will be reduced. "New England" magazine stated that obesity will lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes , cancer and other diseases that affect life and health. Obesity deserves attention.

. Easily suffer from stomach problems

When food enters the body, it needs to be digested by the gastrointestinal tract. Being too full will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. For example, no matter how young a young man is, if you ask him to do heavy work often, he may be able to withstand it at first, but over time Young men will also become listless. In fact, the same is true for the intestines and stomach. Gradually, the stomach and intestines become tired, leading to the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases ( gastric ulcer, gastritis, gastric erosion, etc.). Not only that, if food is not digested in time and accumulates in the intestines and stomach, carcinogens may be produced under the influence of the flora in the intestines and stomach, causing intestinal and gastric cancer.

. Easily suffer from kidney disease

Overeating will lead to the accumulation of sugar and fat in the body. The kidneys are the metabolism and detoxification organs of the body. Like the intestines and stomach, no matter how healthy they are, they cannot withstand long-term torture. The kidneys bear huge pressure, increase the chance of kidney disease, and also have a negative impact on the urinary system.

"Enough is enough" This idiom is excellent. Do things in moderation and eat in moderation. It also has a positive impact on the prevention of physical diseases.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Sun Yan said that it is better to be hungry than to be stretched out, and it is better to be thin than to be fat. It can be seen that obesity is really not good for the body. Sun Yan said that a 7-minute full diet is beneficial to human health. If you feel that you have eaten about the same amount and do not feel hungry, but you can still eat a little more, it is best to shut up quickly and leave the table to avoid the temptation of delicious food. OK

Nowadays, "odd people" appear in large numbers on the Internet. Short videos and live broadcasts have become a human product in today's era. "Fantastic people" have shown their talents on the Internet. They are not crushing rocks on their chests, dancing with spears and swords, but singing, dancing and dancing. The most surprising thing about mukbang is mukbang. A young girl can eat a "gluttonous feast", which makes people frown.

The "big stomach king" on the Internet looks healthy every time he eats. But what about the reality?

A normal stomach looks very big when looking at the pictures in the information. In fact, when there is no food, the stomach is as big as an egg. Because the stomach wall is elastic, it is no problem to accommodate 2000ml of food under normal circumstances. At this time, the human body basically feels full, and it is okay to continue eating, but this will begin to exceed the normal capacity of the stomach, and The maximum stomach capacity is 3500ml.

The abdominal cavity is just that big. The stomach stretched by food will press on other organs in the abdominal cavity, and even cause damage to other organs. In 2019, Li Hui, a Chinese-American big eater who lived in the United States, died suddenly.Imaging studies have found that the stomach walls of big eaters have little elasticity and are like a loose rubber ball, or the face of a centenarian. Although they can hold a lot of food, their stomachs are actually "old".

So, we are not big eaters, and there is no need to imitate them and harm our bodies. As for what they do after eating a big meal, you in front of the screen have no way of knowing.

It’s not good to overeat, but you just can’t control your appetite when eating. Today I will teach you the “70% full” eating method.

How to learn to eat less? Teach you 2 tips

. Drink some water half an hour before meals

"Water" can be boiled water, milk, soy milk, etc., which are beneficial to digestion, will not increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, occupy a little stomach, and reduce hunger. Feeling full soon when eating, control food intake.

. Chew slowly and eat slowly

Food is ground carefully before entering the intestines and stomach, which can give the intestines and stomach more time to react and send a signal of fullness to the brain in time, so that the human body will put down the chopsticks with satisfaction. Finely ground food aids digestion and does not increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

To sum up, no matter how delicious the food is, it is not as important as health. Only by combining delicious food with healthy eating habits can it maximize its value.


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2. Greedy, It is the first step to destroy your health! Only by stopping in moderation can you be healthier. Original 2021-10-20 18:08·Health Times

3. Why can the big stomach eat so much? 2020-09-05 15:28·Xi'an Evening News

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