From ancient times to the present, our country has had the habit of drinking. When it comes to "wine", the evaluation of it has always been two-sided "some people praise it, and some people hate it". Of course, if you search on the Internet today, you will see all kinds of incide

Since ancient times, our country has had the habit of drinking.

Speaking of "wine", the evaluation of it has always been two-sided "some people praise it, and some people hate it". Of course, if you search on the Internet today, you will see all kinds of incidents caused by "alcohol".

For example: drinking causes accidents, drinking and beating people...

Although these incidents will happen, the biggest harm of drinking is still the harm to the body. For example: drinking can cause cancer, drinking can cause the brain to shrink...

Official website of the Ministry of Science and Technology : Drinking alcohol can cause cancer

"Drinking alcohol can cause cancer" is often heard, but relatively few people choose to believe it. Just on August 4, 2021, the official website of the Ministry of Science and Technology of my country named: Drinking alcohol can cause cancer.

and The World Health Organization has already classified alcohol as a Class 1 carcinogen and is the main factor inducing cancer worldwide.

In addition, a survey of cancer patients by the International Agency for Research on Cancer found that in 2020, more than 7,000 cancer patients in Canada had the habit of drinking. The main cancers caused by drinking include breast cancer , colorectal cancer, oral cancer, liver cancer, etc.

After confirming that drinking alcohol can cause cancer, let’s take a look at the harm of long-term drinking to the brain.

"Nature" research found that drinking alcohol can shrink the brain

A research team from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that long-term alcohol intake will affect the health of the brain. If the daily intake of alcohol exceeds 8g, the brain structure will be affected, causing the brain to shrink. When the brain shrinks to a certain extent, the cognitive ability of the brain will be affected, memory loss will occur, and it may even induce Alzheimer's disease.

Maybe at this time, you will have this idea, so as long as you control the alcohol intake below 8g a day, can you avoid brain damage?

Maybe you have no idea about the amount of 8g of alcohol, which is equivalent to one yuan. coins, for those who like to drink, one mouthful is estimated to be far more than 8g. Therefore, in the face of health, you are innocent without a sip of wine.

As far as human health is concerned, the most effective way to avoid the harm caused by alcohol to the human body is to avoid drinking alcohol at all.

What changes will happen to a man's body if he abstains from alcohol for a month?

1 The liver will become healthier

Long-term drinking is the most serious harm to the liver, mainly because the liver needs to break down alcohol , Over time, work will increase the burden on the liver, thereby inducing alcoholic fatty liver , alcoholic hepatitis and other liver diseases, and in severe cases, it can also induce liver cancer.

If you don't drink alcohol for a month, the liver's work of decomposing alcohol will slowly stop, and the liver will slowly repair the previous damage and slowly return to health.

According to clinical experience, if you abstain from drinking alcohol for 4 to 6 weeks, your liver function will slowly recover. If the damage caused by alcohol to the liver is relatively mild, your liver may be completely restored after you quit drinking. Get back to health . Even if it cannot be completely restored to a healthy state, it can stop the continuous damage to the liver and prevent the liver condition from deteriorating.

2 Cardiovascular health will become healthy

Research has found that alcohol will increase the burden on blood vessels, affect the speed of blood circulation, and affect the normal values ​​of blood pressure and blood lipids . If you fail to quit drinking in time, it may induce chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia, and cause indirect cardiovascular damage.

If you stop drinking alcohol in time when your blood pressure and blood lipids are not seriously affected, your blood pressure and blood lipids will slowly return to normal, thereby reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Under normal circumstances, normal blood pressure values ​​are systolic blood pressure 140mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 90mmHg; the value of normal blood lipids mainly depends on total cholesterol 5.2mmol/L; triglyceride0.56mmol/L-1.70mmol/L; Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 2.1mmol/L-3.1mmol/L; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 1.2mmol/L-1.65mmol/L.

3 The kidneys will slowly get better

The main job of the liver is detoxification, and the main job of the kidneys is detoxification. Therefore, long-term drinking will not only increase the burden on the liver, but also increase the burden on the kidneys, thereby causing damage to the kidneys.

Therefore, if you abstain from drinking alcohol for a month, the burden on your kidneys will gradually be reduced. Your kidneys will slowly recover, and your energy and energy will gradually improve.

4 Brain function will slowly recover

Through the above-mentioned research, it is known that regular drinking will cause the brain to shrink, thus affecting the health of the brain. If you stop drinking in time when the brain injury is not at its most serious, brain function may be slowly restored, thereby reducing the risk of Alzheimer's

5 The digestive system will slowly get better

Whether you drink on an empty stomach or not, it will It will cause certain damage to gastric mucosa , which will induce gastric cancer over time. If you can stop drinking in time, you can avoid sustained damage to the gastric mucosa, and your digestive system will slowly improve. When the digestive system becomes better, the appetite will also increase greatly, and the food will taste delicious.

In short, if you can stop drinking in time, not only the human body's organs will gradually improve, but your mental state will also slowly improve, and your body will become better.

Summary: From the above content, we know that if you can successfully quit drinking, your health will get better and better. Because for the happiness of yourself and your family, you might as well try to put down your wine glass and take a look.


[1] "Nature" research shows that the more you drink, the smaller your brain is. Even if you drink moderately, there is a risk of brain shrinkage · · 2022-03-28

[2] The official website of the Ministry of Science and Technology has named: Drinking can cause cancer·Health Times·2021-08-20

Under normal circumstances, normal blood pressure values ​​are systolic blood pressure 140mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 90mmHg; the value of normal blood lipids mainly depends on total cholesterol 5.2mmol/L; triglyceride0.56mmol/L-1.70mmol/L; Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 2.1mmol/L-3.1mmol/L; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 1.2mmol/L-1.65mmol/L.

3 The kidneys will slowly get better

The main job of the liver is detoxification, and the main job of the kidneys is detoxification. Therefore, long-term drinking will not only increase the burden on the liver, but also increase the burden on the kidneys, thereby causing damage to the kidneys.

Therefore, if you abstain from drinking alcohol for a month, the burden on your kidneys will gradually be reduced. Your kidneys will slowly recover, and your energy and energy will gradually improve.

4 Brain function will slowly recover

Through the above-mentioned research, it is known that regular drinking will cause the brain to shrink, thus affecting the health of the brain. If you stop drinking in time when the brain injury is not at its most serious, brain function may be slowly restored, thereby reducing the risk of Alzheimer's

5 The digestive system will slowly get better

Whether you drink on an empty stomach or not, it will It will cause certain damage to gastric mucosa , which will induce gastric cancer over time. If you can stop drinking in time, you can avoid sustained damage to the gastric mucosa, and your digestive system will slowly improve. When the digestive system becomes better, the appetite will also increase greatly, and the food will taste delicious.

In short, if you can stop drinking in time, not only the human body's organs will gradually improve, but your mental state will also slowly improve, and your body will become better.

Summary: From the above content, we know that if you can successfully quit drinking, your health will get better and better. Because for the happiness of yourself and your family, you might as well try to put down your wine glass and take a look.


[1] "Nature" research shows that the more you drink, the smaller your brain is. Even if you drink moderately, there is a risk of brain shrinkage · · 2022-03-28

[2] The official website of the Ministry of Science and Technology has named: Drinking can cause cancer·Health Times·2021-08-20