Today, the problem of Maiquer milk was exposed. Two batches of products were substandard. 80% of the orders processed by the e-commerce platform were returned and refunded! The customer service staff also handled refund issues in a timely manner.

Today, the problem of Maiquer milk was exposed. Two batches of products were unqualified. 80% of the orders processed by the e-commerce platform were returned and refunded! The customer service staff also handled refund issues in a timely manner.

Some people drank half of the product and came back for refunds, some even lost the packaging after drinking it, and some people applied for refunds for orders made in 21 years ago. The platform responded very quickly. No matter when the order was placed, as long as there was an order number and a record All of them have applied for after-sales service to safeguard the rights and interests of consumers!

has confirmed with the brand that it is Maiquer pure milk from two batches on April 21, 2022 and May 7, 2022.

Although only two batches of products failed, consumers are worried and it is right to ask for refunds and returns. After all, there is something wrong with your brand. It is normal for me to have doubts about your products!

What harm does Maiquer's substandard products do to the body?

Propylene glycol is a low-toxic additive. Long-term excessive consumption may cause kidney disorders. Some experts say that after a person eats propylene glycol, about 45% will be excreted unchanged through the kidneys, and the rest will be metabolized into lactic acid in the body. If you consume too much, the lactic acid produced cannot be excreted in time and will accumulate in the blood and kidneys, leading to poisoning. It mainly affects the nervous system , causing slowed breathing, lowered heart rate, loss of consciousness, etc.

1. Propylene glycol has low toxicity and can be legally added to certain foods, such as flour products (noodles, dumpling wrappers, etc.), pastries, and beer. However, milk cannot be added according to process standards.
2. For an adult weighing 60kg, propylene glycol The safe upper limit of intake is 1.5g per day. Drinking one pound of this milk every day is equivalent to consuming 0.16g.

Experts say that this dose is not harmful to health, but it is low in toxicity. Isn’t this a self-defeating one?

I hope that every bite we eat is healthy. Food safety issues are related to thousands of people. There is no room for carelessness, let alone fraud.

If this incident is not handled properly, it will not only destroy the Maiqur brand, but may also cause a crisis of trust for many dairy companies.

Therefore, I hope that the investigation can be more thorough and dealt with sternly. I also hope that other dairy companies and brands can learn from this!