Yesterday I posted a few pictures on Weibo with the text: "Yesterday, there was a wall of flowers blooming on the mountain road. They must be herbal medicines, but I can't name them. I asked my junior brother at night and I couldn't be sure. If you know, thank you for your hard w

I was dozing off when I met the pillow, and I was trying to cure the "star shadow".

"To treat starry eyes, clematis fresh roots are smashed and plugged into the nostrils, the left eye is plugged into the right hole, and the right eye is plugged into the left hole." ("Tianmu Mountain Medicinal Plants")

Clematis was sent from the sky, and it has been closed recently. Eyes, one or two twinkling little stars often appear in front of them. It's really timely. This recipe doesn't require taking medicine or applying to the eyes. It's simple. I'm ready to try it.

I have to thank three friends of moojj from the headlines "Life will be better in Tangtang" and "Sunshine Ranch Passionflower " as well as Cambodia .

Thanks also to Professor Fan Shiming from Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Yesterday I posted a few pictures on Weibo with the text, "Yesterday, there was a wall of flowers blooming on the mountain road. They must be herbal medicines, but I can't name them. I asked my junior brother this evening and I couldn't be sure. If you know, Thank you for your efforts."

Soon, I received many responses from friends, and they knew the botanical name of the plant in the picture.

Clematis belongs to the Ranunaceae family and is known as the queen of vine flowers. Its "flowers bloom like lotus and are as tough as iron" and are called clematis.

It is distributed in Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places in my country, with more than 300 varieties. The double-flowered clematis is distributed in Yunnan, Zhejiang and other places in my country.

Clematis is a "world famous flower" that is popular all over the world. Together with rose and hydrangea, it is also known as the "three treasures of the garden" and is highly sought after by horticulturists and flower lovers.

It has many varieties and colors, and its names are domineering and dreamy . The top ten famous flowers are: Dream, President, City of Lyon, Magic Purple, Kingfisher, Canava, Blu-ray. There are also popular names: Emperor, Utopai.

Clematis is bitter, slightly pungent, and warm in nature. It can enter the liver, spleen, and kidney meridians. It has diuretic, dredging collaterals, regulating qi and defecation, detoxifying, and regulating, and has high medicinal value.

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Hospital Doctor Ye Peizhi once introduced:

1. Diuretic and dredging: Clematis enters the kidney meridian, has the effect of diuretic and dredging, and can be used to relieve the symptoms of difficulty urinating.

2. Regulate qi and relieve constipation: Clematis can enter the spleen and liver meridians and has the effect of regulating qi and laxative. It can be used to improve symptoms such as abdominal distension and constipation. It can be used to treat nausea and vomiting, fullness of the chest and diaphragm after eating, appetite pain, and acid vomiting. Phlegm, jaundice, etc. also have a certain role.

3. Detoxification: Clematis has detoxification effect. For poisoning symptoms caused by insect and snake bites, crush it directly and apply it to the injured area, which can avoid the spread of snake venom and has a relieving effect.

4. Regulate menstruation: Clematis can enter the kidney meridian. For women's irregular menstruation, , amenorrhea and other abnormal menstrual conditions, appropriate consumption can also have a certain improvement effect.

Instructions for use: Decoction.

Wash the clematis, grind it into powder, then add an appropriate amount of water to make a decoction, and then swallow it. Eating it in moderation has a certain effect of regulating qi and laxatives.

Unexpectedly, this clematis is really useful. The clematis I saw that day was the most primitive and ancient. It has not been artificially domesticated. It must have high medicinal value. I dug up the clematis immediately after entering the mountain and tried it.