Brother Zhong, 46, is a veteran. Due to his good physical fitness and practical ability, after several years of work, he now works as a middle-level management cadre in a property company. The toothache on the right side is getting bigger and bigger as the business grows, and the

Brother Zhong, 46, is a veteran. Due to his good physical fitness and practical ability, after several years of work, he now works as a middle-level management cadre in a property company.

Toothache on the right side

As the business grows bigger and bigger, the company where Brother Zhong works is also getting busier and busier. For Brother Zhong, he is busy and happy.

"Only this kind of life will make you feel fulfilled!" Brother Zhong said this to the people around him from time to time.

In February this year, Brother Zhong suddenly felt a little swelling and pain on the right side of his mandible. When he looked in the mirror, he seemed to see some redness and swelling at the junction of the right cheek and gums.

Since the company's business was relatively busy, Brother Zhong thought that his wisdom teeth might be inflamed, so he didn't take it seriously.

However, the pain in his "gum" still affected his work, so Zhong Ge had no choice but to go to the community clinic at the street door.

The doctor took out a flashlight and took a look. What he saw was similar to what Brother Zhong described, so he took some anti-inflammatory medicine, thinking that he would wait for the inflammation to subside and then pull out the wisdom teeth when he was not busy.

But who would have thought that after taking anti-inflammatory drugs for a week, the swelling and pain in the gums did not disappear, and the cheeks became obviously swollen.

Because his "wisdom teeth" seriously affected his work, Brother Zhong had to take leave and come to the hospital. When the doctor looked at Brother Zhong’s condition, he considered that Brother Zhong’s wisdom teeth had grown crooked and needed to be removed.

Wisdom Teeth

Brother Zhong couldn’t wait to undergo the wisdom teeth extraction surgery.

After the wisdom teeth were extracted, Brother Zhong thought to himself: "The wisdom teeth have also been extracted, so everything will be fine now!"

So Brother Zhong continued to get involved in his busy work.

However, things did not go as Brother Zhong expected. As time went by, Brother Zhong's symptoms became more and more serious!

Brother Zhong not only had unbearable swelling and pain on the right side of his mandible, but also felt numbness in his lips.

People around him advised Brother Zhong to go to a big hospital quickly. Brother Zhong did not dare to delay and came to the big hospital in the city.

After being admitted to a large hospital in the city, Zhong was examined in detail and found a cyst-like shadow on his right mandible.

After consultation with a doctor, it was considered that the extraction of the wisdom teeth may have caused a local infection, which was accompanied by a bone cyst on the right side of the mandible.

The doctor quickly performed a mandibular cyst removal surgery for Brother Zhong.

Wisdom teeth were also removed and cysts were removed! The stone in Brother Zhong's heart finally fell, and he thought: "I think it will be better this time!"

However, a few days later, Brother Zhong, who was working, received a call from the hospital: "The pathology after cyst resection showed squamous cell carcinoma." !”

The call from the hospital made Brother Zhong collapse: “At first, I thought it was wisdom tooth inflammation, and then it was a cyst. Now the wisdom teeth have been removed and the cyst has been removed. How can it become cancer at such a young age? What should I do? "

Pull out the wisdom teeth

The doctor told Brother Zhong that squamous cell carcinoma is a type of cancer that is mainly found in tissues and organs covered by squamous epithelium , such as the skin, mouth, esophagus, cervix, and lungs. Department etc.

Generally speaking, about 58% of oral and maxillofacial tumors are squamous cell carcinomas, especially malignant tumors that occur on the oral mucosa! It is more common on the gums, tongue, cheeks, hard palate, and lips.

Doctors also said that malignant tumors like Zhong Ge’s that completely grow in the mandible are relatively rare!

The doctor found through examination that Zhong’s cheeks were obviously asymmetrical. A lump the size of a table tennis ball was visible on the right cheek and on the lower jaw. There was obvious pain after pressing!

At the same time, the wound left by the wisdom teeth extraction was obviously infected!

After CT + three-dimensional reconstruction examination, it was discovered that Brother Zhong’s mandible had been bitten by a large hole in the tumor, and swollen lymph nodes could be seen around it! Fortunately, although Brother Zhong’s tumor was in the intermediate and advanced stages, it had not metastasized far away!

Three-dimensional reconstruction found that a hole had been "bitten" in the mandible.

After detailed discussion, the doctor performed an extended mandibular tumor resection and lymphadenectomy for Brother Zhong. At the same time, he cooperated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy after the operation !

Doctors remind: Oral cancer is relatively rare compared to lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, etc., but once it occurs, it will have a huge impact on human health and quality of life! If oral cancer is not treated in time, it can lead to oral and facial ulceration and bleeding, making it difficult to open your mouth, which will have a serious impact on eating and speaking!

Oral cancer generally occurs in middle-aged and elderly people aged around 40-60 years old. Men are more common than women. In recent years, the incidence rate has gradually increased. This may be related to drinking, smoking, chewing betel nut and changes in the living environment. !

In addition, before oral cancer occurs, there are usually warning signs. Common oral symptoms such as oral ulcers , gum swelling and pain, numb lips, and tooth discomfort may be early signs of oral cancer. It's just that when most of us encounter similar situations, we may choose to "bear it for a while". As a result, a minor illness turns into a serious illness, and we regret it.

finally reminds you that you must clean and protect your teeth every day. No matter adults or children, have a dental checkup once a year to find and solve problems in time to help protect the health of your teeth! #True Knowledge New Coordinates#

is compiled from real cases in the First Hospital of Zhejiang University. The pictures are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it. Thank you.