I don’t know when the word “Gong Han” came into use. Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, blood clots during menstruation, and light menstrual flow. It seems that they all have something to do with "Gong Han". Then your uterus may be "cold".

I don’t know since when, the word "uterine cold"

has been spread to everyone.

Irregular menstruation , dysmenorrhea, blood clots during menstruation, light menstrual flow


It seems that they are all related to "uterine cold" It doesn't matter.

It seems that as long as there is something wrong with the aunt

, then your uterus may be "cold"

Is this "uterine cold" really so powerful?

Let me tell you


What exactly is "Gonghan"?

When it comes to uterine cold, most people will think of " cold uterus". Whether promoted by beauty salons or circulated on the Internet, Gong Han seems to be the "culprit" of gynecological diseases. Uterine cold can cause irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, infertility, and threatened abortion. . .

After reading it, my aunt immediately understood it! Co-author: Gong Han is a gynecological disease other than gynecological tumors!

But in fact, there is no such disease as uterine cold in Western medicine. In the literature records of traditional Chinese medicine and related gynecological monographs of traditional Chinese medicine, there is no precise statement about uterine cold.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, uterine cold is more of a syndrome type, like "deficiency and cold in the uterus" in traditional Chinese medicine. The "uterus" here does not just refer to the uterus, but includes the entire female reproductive system, including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and other related parts.

In daily life, whether it is due to overeating too cold or cold food, not paying attention to keeping warm, being invaded by cold air, or having physical problems. All will lead to "cold evil" entering the body. However, these "cold evils" cannot be excreted from the body by themselves. They will stagnate in our uterus, causing damage to the uterine function, resulting in a series of problems, such as lower abdominal pain, menstrual disorders , dysmenorrhea, infertility, etc.

After explaining "uterine cold"

Next, the aunt will explain

Those discomforts that blame "uterine cold"

What are the causes of dysmenorrhea? Is dysmenorrhea "uterine cold"?

The types of dysmenorrhea are divided into primary and secondary. First of all, I want to say that dysmenorrhea is really common. Maybe 9 out of 10 girls have a history of dysmenorrhea. The reason why menstruation is painful is actually caused by " prostaglandin ".

During the menstrual period, in order to smoothly discharge the shed endometrium and menstrual blood, the body will automatically secrete prostaglandins. The more menstrual blood stasis, the more prostaglandins will be secreted. Excessive prostaglandins will cause the uterus to contract excessively. Dysmenorrhea will occur.

When we feel stomach pain after eating cold drinks during menstruation, it is not because the cold drinks chill the uterus, but because low-temperature food stimulates vasoconstriction, secretes more prostaglandins, and causes more uterine contractions. It becomes more severe, so you have excruciating pain (this is also called primary dysmenorrhea ).

For this kind of primary dysmenorrhea, girls can take painkillers to relieve it. In addition, you still have to listen to what your aunt says, it is really good to "drink more hot water" when you come to your aunt.

As for secondary dysmenorrhea caused by diseases, such as endometriosis or adenomyosis, I have only one sentence - see a doctor quickly!

Is low menstrual blood volume, black color, and blood clots "uterine cold"?

These three types of "unbehaved" aunts should be situations that female friends often encounter ~

According to traditional Chinese medicine, these symptoms of irregular menstruation are usually caused by problems with qi and blood, and most of them It is due to qi stagnation and blood stasis .

Why does qi stagnation and blood stasis occur? In layman's terms, various reasons such as emotional excitement and mental stress lead to liver qi stagnation. The qi cannot drive the blood, so the menstrual blood is not discharged smoothly, which is blood stasis:

l The aunt has poor circulation, so Like when a river is blocked, the turbulent water turns into a trickling stream, and the amount is less;

l And the blocked aunt will form lumps over time, and will turn black after being oxidized. When you Stand up or sneeze to let the menstrual blood break through the blockage and be discharged from the body. We will see the terrifying appearance of black menstruation with blood clots...

If we want to solve these "unruly" aunts, promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation is the key! In addition to maintaining a happy mood and eating more foods that help regulate qi and blood, such as red dates, wolfberries, longan, etc., you can also choose Chinese patent medicines that promote qi and activate blood , such as Qianjin Yimu Granules.

The main ingredient of Qianjin Yimu Granules is Motherwort , which helps to discharge congestion, stimulate menstruation and activate collaterals. In addition, Angelica has the effect of promoting blood circulation, and Chuanxiong and Costus chinensis, which are known as blood qi medicines. , you can start from both aspects of qi and blood at the same time, so that qi and blood can flow smoothly. The stagnant Qi will be unblocked and the blood will be promoted, so that the aunt can be smoothly excreted from the body without being accumulated in the uterus. The problems of low menstrual flow, black menstruation, and blood clots can be solved~

In short, such as dysmenorrhea and light menstrual flow can be solved. , blood clots, etc. are common gynecological problems

Often caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis

But this is not a small problem. Blocked qi and blood may cause gynecological inflammation, affect ovarian function

and even lead to infertility

Therefore, the body If there is a problem, don't tolerate it

Taking the correct measures in time is the best way for yourself