As the saying goes, "If you don't sleep at noon, you will collapse in the afternoon." This illustrates the importance of nap. A good nap can improve people's energy and increase the efficiency of afternoon activities. For this reason, many companies will also provide nap time for

As the saying goes, "If you don't sleep at noon, you will collapse in the afternoon." This illustrates the importance of nap. A good nap can improve people's energy and increase the efficiency of afternoon activities. For this reason, many companies will also provide nap time for employees to ensure the efficient operation of the company.

However, recently researchers from the University of California in the United States gave a shocking research result. The results show that excessive napping can increase a person's risk of Alzheimer's disease, and napping for more than 1 hour a day can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease by 40%.

As soon as the news came out, many people felt panic, and some people even dared not take a nap because of it. In order to let everyone understand this research more clearly, let me give you a detailed introduction.

If you take an extra hour of nap, the risk of dementia increases by 40%?

Regarding naps, Florida sleep experts once said: A nap is a way for humans to repair themselves. Taking a nap can make up for the energy the body lacks during the day, giving the body more opportunities to repair. Therefore, from some aspects, taking a nap is very helpful to human health.

But nothing is too much. Recently, a research team in California, USA, gave an answer to the dangers of "over-nap". At the beginning of the experiment, the

research team invited more than 1,000 experimenters. These participants were all over 80 years old, and 800 of them were elderly people without cognitive impairment. In the experiment, the researchers issued an electronic device for monitoring sleep to each elderly person, and then tracked and recorded the monitoring data of the electronic device. There are two main types of recorded data: , one is nap time, and the other is nap frequency.

Before conducting data monitoring, the researchers divided the experimenters into three groups. The first group consists of experimenters with no cognitive impairment at all; the second group consists of patients with mild cognitive impairment; the third group consists of patients who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and these experiments were conducted for a long time 14 years of data monitoring.

The nap time of the first group of experimenters increased by 11 minutes per year, the second group of experimenters increased their nap time by 24 minutes each year, and the third group of experimenters increased their nap time by 68 minutes each year. During the 14 years of monitoring, the researchers conducted cognitive assessments of the subjects every year.

Finally, after a long experiment, researchers came to the following conclusion: longer or more frequent naps are high-risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. People who take a nap for more than one hour a day have a 40% higher risk of developing dementia than those who take a nap of less than one hour a day.

Therefore, the conclusion that taking an extra hour of nap increases the risk of dementia by 40% has been demonstrated through scientific research and has a certain degree of authenticity. However, this study is not to convey to everyone the dangers of napping, but to tell everyone that napping should be appropriate and not excessive. In fact, a proper nap is indeed helpful to the human body.

"If you don't sleep at noon, you will crash in the afternoon" is not a rumor, but a fact!

Regular work and rest is a way of maintaining health that many elderly people attach great importance to. A regular schedule means not staying up late in the morning, taking a break on time at noon, and not staying up late at night.

Nowadays, cardiovascular disease has become a major hidden danger threatening the health of the elderly in our country. Because there are many causative factors of cardiovascular disease, the onset is rapid and the consequences are often serious. Therefore, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in life is very important.

Napping is a good way to prevent cardiovascular disease. According to relevant research, napping only 1-2 times a week can achieve the effect of reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

This has also been confirmed in the research on Greece . Research by a Greek team has shown that: A half-hour nap can reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death by 37%; A 1-hour nap can reduce blood pressure by 5mm/Hg. The antihypertensive effect is comparable to that of oral low-dose antihypertensive drugs. As long as blood pressure drops by 2mm/Hg, the risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by 10%. In addition, there is also data showing that people who have the habit of taking a nap have a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease.Therefore, it is very helpful for the elderly to develop the habit of taking a nap.

In addition to preventing cardiovascular diseases, taking a nap can also regulate the body and improve memory . Napping and sleeping in the evening have similar effects. Both can help the body repair and adjust itself, especially the brain to relax. Napping can connect fragmented memories in the brain to form structured memories, thereby transforming them into long-term memories.

Napping is also very important for enhancing resistance, eliminating fatigue, relieving stress , etc. During sleep, people can temporarily relax their tense brain, so their emotions can also be relieved. The body is relaxed and the body functions can enter into normal operation better, so the immunity will naturally improve.

Many people suffer from heavy moisture in summer due to their craving for coolness. Napping can also promote the metabolism and detoxification function of the liver, help the liver quickly decompose moisture and toxins in the body, and prevent accumulation. This is why many people feel refreshed after a nap.

Napping has certain benefits for both young and old. However, it is worth noting that the way you take a nap is also very important. Only a correct nap can release and adjust the body and work well, so everyone should pay attention to their nap habits. In addition to nap time, everyone should also pay attention to the following nap methods.

Taking a nap like this will keep you away from health risks

For many young people at work, it is difficult to guarantee the conditions for taking a nap. Nowadays, many young people like to lie down on the table and take a nap in . In fact, this method is incorrect.

Since it is not long after a meal, the food has not had time to be digested. After taking a nap at this time, the stomach will mobilize a large amount of blood from the body to help digest the food. Therefore, when sleeping on the stomach, will cause insufficient blood supply to the brain and aggravate the brain. The phenomenon of ischemia may cause headache, tinnitus, leg weakness and numbness after waking up, so office workers should try not to sleep on the table.

In addition, sleeping on the table will also affect breathing. Because the sleeping position is curved, the chest may be squeezed, affecting the oxygen supply, and symptoms of brain pain may occur after waking up.

Sleeping on your stomach can also cause compression of eye nerves, symptoms such as blurred vision may occur after a nap. If this happens for a long time, the eyeball will swell and the eye axis will grow due to excessive intraocular pressure, resulting in high myopia. In severe cases, it can also lead to glaucoma. is particularly harmful to people who already have myopia.

In addition to causing pressure on the eyes, it can also cause pressure on arms, face and other nerves, affecting blood circulation . After waking up, you may also experience numbness and soreness in your arms and face. If severe, it may cause nerve paralysis or facial deformation, etc.

Therefore, young people should not only take a nap, but also develop a good sleeping posture. If you have the conditions, you can buy a simple folding bed; if you can't, you can also buy a U-shaped pillow and sleep on a chair. Try not to sleep on your stomach.

We should pay attention to the issue of sleeping posture, and we cannot ignore nap time. Especially for the elderly group, because they have relatively free time, many elderly people like to sleep until they wake up naturally, but they do not know that this sleep may only last 2-3 hours, which will increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

So, how long should a nap be?

According to expert advice, nap time is more suitable within 15 minutes to 30 minutes. The elderly can extend it appropriately, but it should not exceed 1 hour. This can ensure the recovery of physical strength without affecting the health of the body.

In addition, be careful not to eat too much or too greasy before taking a nap.This is because greasy food will increase blood viscosity, affect blood circulation, and easily cause cardiovascular disease ; and overeating, for the elderly who lie down for a nap, can easily cause food reflux and stimulate , Causes reflux esophagitis . If there is a lot of reflux, it may cause aspiration pneumonia in the elderly . In addition, eating too much and taking a nap will cause blood to accumulate in the stomach, aggravating the lack of blood supply to the brain. For patients with atherosclerosis, it may cause ischemic stroke in severe cases.

Eating too much and taking a nap at may induce heart disease. Especially for the elderly with underlying heart disease, it may induce arrhythmia or myocardial ischemia, causing symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath. Therefore, it is recommended that if you eat too much, it will be healthier to exercise for half an hour before taking a nap.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone not to engage in overly strenuous exercise or overly exciting things immediately after taking a nap. This is because when you first wake up from a nap, your consciousness has just awakened and your body has just recovered. At this time, you can drink a glass of water first to dilute the viscous blood, or wipe your face with warm water, and avoid doing anything that is too stimulating. So as not to affect the rapid rise of blood sugar and cause syncope and other situations.

concluded that taking a nap is a very common thing in life, but it is closely related to the health of the body. Therefore, to maintain good health, you must always pay attention to small things like taking a nap.


[1] Wang Qi. Daytime sleepiness may increase the risk of dementia.[J]. Knowledge on prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.2019,0(1)

[2] Napping has many benefits.[J].Jiangsu Health Care .2019,0(1)

[3]Wang Bing. The correct way to open a nap.[J].Xinxiang Review.2017,0(14)

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