Migraine is a common neurological disease. Common migraines can present as unilateral or bilateral headaches as well as headaches throughout the head. Symptoms are generally mild. Typical migraine headaches often present on one side, with pain in the orbit and ear and temporal re

Migraine is a common neurological disease ,

Common migraine can manifest as unilateral or bilateral headaches as well as headaches throughout the head.

generally have mild symptoms. Typical migraine often presents as headache on one side,

presenting as pain in the orbit and auricular and temporal areas. It can be limited to a certain part, or it can extend to the entire half of the head.

It lasts from 4 to 72 hours. Once a migraine attacks, what methods do we need to take to relieve it?

I said that if your headaches don't happen often, then we can use a small amount of painkillers to control the headaches.

But be careful, don't wait until the pain becomes unbearable before taking painkillers.

then the effect may not be very good at this time. If you suffer from frequent migraine attacks, we may want to consider preventive medication.

Frequent refers to headache attacks every month, at least 2 to 4 times, and almost every month.

At this time, we have to consider going to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, and use preventive drugs.

finally teaches you two tips to relieve migraines.

First, when a migraine attacks, you can soak your hands in hot water. The water temperature should be tolerable. Doing this for half an hour can dilate the surrounding blood vessels and reduce the blood supply to the brain accordingly, thus making the migraine more painful. The symptoms of headache gradually decreased.

Secondly, you need to pay attention to the intake of nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids contained in salmon and walnuts, vitamin B2, millet , soba noodles , peanuts, etc. contained in milk, eggs, cereals and nuts. Magnesium contained in longan and soybeans. Then the intake of these nutrients will help relieve migraines. Follow me, a little common sense every day.