The traditional Chinese medicine I’m going to tell you about today is my favorite. During my decades of medical practice, it has accompanied me to witness the improvement and recovery of bone disease patients one after another. Just hearing the name of this traditional Chinese me

The traditional Chinese medicine I will tell you about today is my favorite.

In my decades of medical career, it has accompanied me to witness the improvement and recovery of patients with bone diseases one after another.

Just hearing the name of this traditional Chinese medicine, one feels full of domineering power - Tegucao .

So what can this Penguin Grass be used for? Let’s take it literally first.

It penetrates the bones and penetrates the bones. First of all, this strength is not something that ordinary medicinal materials can achieve.

What is revealed is the wind, cold and dampness in the bones and joints.

Therefore, as long as you remember the words Zhuifeng Tougu, you can perfectly explain Tougucao.

Tougucao has pungent and warm medicinal properties. It enters the lung meridian and liver meridian, and generally plays the role of dispelling wind and dampness, activating blood circulation and unblocking meridians, relaxing muscles and relieving pain, reducing swelling and dissipating blood stasis.

Clinically, Euphorbia is often used for joint and muscle pain caused by rheumatism, as well as for muscle contracture, osteoarthritis, knee joint pain caused by various strains, etc.

The bones and joints are the most "thin-skinned and meatless" parts of our body, and are also the most vulnerable to invasion by external evils.

Wind, cold and dampness invade the bones and joints and stay for a long time, which will cause pain, numbness, spasm and so on.

The reason why the small gucao can be effective is because it penetrates the joints and can travel around the human body to remove the wind, cold and damp evil hidden inside.

In my father’s generation, there was a cousin who used to help others plant rice fields in order to make money when he was young. He would soak in cold water all day long.

As I grew older, my left leg and knee would feel cold and painful every night. I would also feel stiff and stiff when I woke up in the morning. I needed to relax for a while before getting better.

html An old man passed away at home a year ago. We got together and I heard about his problem.

So I asked him to go to the pharmacy to grab a certain amount of gucao, add it to his feet every day, and then use a towel to soak his knees and apply heat to his knees.

persisted for more than half a month and called to say that the pain had reduced a lot.

Even though the recipe is simple, it only has a small amount of gucao, but it is extremely effective.

It has been recorded in "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Tuangucao cures all rheumatic pain and contracture of muscles and bones."

Therefore, people like soaking in cold water all year round, staying in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, postpartum body pain, and confinement period Catch a cold, etc., and joint pain caused by wind, cold and dampness , Pengucao can be used.

TonggucaoIt can be taken internally, decoction, externally, or hot compress.

Usually when people suffer from bruises, bruises and bruises, and experience congestion, swelling and pain, they can directly use Euphorbia sinensis as an auxiliary treatment.

The best auxiliary method is to grind the Herba truncatula into a puree, add vinegar to make a paste, and apply it directly on the affected area. Use it for three to five days, and all symptoms of congestion, swelling and pain will disappear.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that any disease needs to be treated based on syndrome differentiation such as age, disease course, symptoms, etc. The prescriptions must not be copied and used. The conditioning process also needs to adjust the prescription according to the improvement.

wishes everyone good health and happiness.