Now that the quality of life has improved, milk should be a must-have nutritional product for every household. Regardless of adults, the elderly, or children, the best diet to supplement calcium is milk. However, recently, Xinjiang Maiquer found that a recent batch of milk contai

Nowadays, the quality of life has improved, and milk should be a necessary nutritional product for every household. Regardless of adults, the elderly, or children, the best diet to supplement calcium is milk.

However, recently, Xinjiang Maiquer found that a recent batch of milk contained the low-toxic propylene glycol additive and was assessed as unqualified.

Be aware that long-term consumption of propylene glycol can cause kidney disorders. Because 45% of the propylene glycol consumed by the human body will be excreted unchanged through the kidneys, it will undoubtedly cause damage to the kidneys. If you eat too much, it will lead to poisoning, slowed breathing, irregular heartbeat, and even loss of consciousness.

This makes many people who are loyal to drinking milk feel a little rippled in their hearts. Can they still drink milk well? ?

 Milk does not necessarily nourish the stomach

 Milk is a very common nutritional product in the family. It is rich in calcium, protein and minerals and other high-quality nutrients, and has a good stomach nourishing effect.

But having said that, not all people can nourish their stomachs by drinking milk, and incorrect drinking methods can also cause stomach discomfort, which not only fails to nourish the stomach, but also damages the stomach. Especially for people suffering from gastric problems, milk can promote gastrointestinal motility and may also affect the onset of gastric problems to a certain extent.

So, what stomach problems prevent you from drinking milk?

  1. Deficiency of the spleen and stomach

  Weakness of the spleen and stomach will cause people to have indigestion. If it is not serious, drinking milk, especially yogurt, will help promote the peristalsis of the stomach and promote the release of gastric acid to help digestion. However, if the spleen and stomach are deficient, patients who often have diarrhea or have symptoms of phlegm and cannot drink milk.

Chinese medicine dialectics believes that the human body is divided into cold and hot, and food actually has cold and hot properties. Milk is considered a cold thing in Chinese medicine. For patients with spleen and stomach deficiency, drinking milk will actually make things worse.

2. Excessive gastric acid

Generally, milk contains a large amount of volatile fatty acids , which will stimulate the secretion of gastric acid. Therefore, if patients with excessive gastric acid often take milk, in severe cases, it will cause acid reflux, causing reflux. The occurrence of esophagitis.

3. gastroduodenal ulcer

Patients with gastric ulcer have damage to the gastric mucosa. If you take milk at this time, the calcium ions and fat in the milk will increase the secretion of gastric acid and aggravate the damage to the gastric mucosa.

As can be seen from the above content, although milk can promote digestion of the spleen and stomach, patients with stomach problems should drink milk with caution.

So, how should you drink milk in daily life to nourish your stomach?

 1. Don’t drink iced milk

 Many people have the habit of drinking cold drinks in summer, and sometimes they also drink a glass of milk. Although it can have a cooling effect to a certain extent, drinking it for a long time will cause harm to the body.

Milk itself is cold in nature. If it is frozen, it will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

 2. Do not drink milk on an empty stomach

 The nutrients in milk will promote the secretion of gastric acid and help digestion. When you first wake up in the morning, your body functions have not yet recovered immediately. If you drink milk on an empty stomach, the large amount of gastric acid secreted by the stomach cannot be decomposed in time. Not only will the intestines and stomach be unable to absorb the nutrients in the milk, but it may also cause gastric bloating.

 3. Do not drink milk with added sugar

 Milk has a better flavor after adding sugar, and many people like to drink it. However, both milk and sugar will stimulate the secretion of gastric acid and can easily lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, so it is best not to add sugar to milk.

In summary, the nutrients in milk can promote physical health and help stomach digestion. However, improper drinking will not only fail to nourish the stomach, but will also cause damage to the stomach.

Patients with stomach problems should not drink milk without permission, especially those with stomach cold or gastric ulcers. Drinking milk will aggravate the condition. Therefore, you must pay attention to the correct way to drink milk. If you suffer from stomach diseases, you must drink milk under the instructions of your doctor.