Cerebral infarction is no stranger to modern people. If it were a few decades earlier, I believe not many people would have known about this disease. But now, even rural people are already familiar with these two words. Having said this, I believe many people have discovered that

Cerebral infarction is no stranger to modern people. If it were a few decades earlier, I believe not many people would have known about this disease. But now, even rural people are familiar with these two words. Having said this, I believe many people have discovered that more and more rural people are suffering from cerebral infarction.

What is the reason why more and more rural people are suffering from cerebral infarction?

Wrong dietary concepts

Social development has been progressing, so some human thoughts must also change. In terms of dietary concepts, we should also keep pace with the times. However, because the basic conditions of rural people are relatively poor , for the outside world Some connections are still relatively closed, although compared with before, the lives of modern rural people have become much better.

However, people who have been living in rural areas still have inherent concepts because their education level is not high enough and they have no opportunity to be exposed to more knowledge and the development and changes of the times. In terms of diet, I have always maintained the habit of eating pickles or other pickled foods. I also like to eat leftovers and rice with soup. These eating habits not only easily lead to obesity , it is also easy to increase the intake of salt , which will put pressure on blood vessels and increase the risk of high blood pressure .

Poor treatment of hypertension

As mentioned above, the dietary concepts of rural people may lead to an increase in the prevalence of hypertension. After suffering from hypertension, if the hypertension cannot be correctly understood, it can easily lead to large fluctuations in blood pressure. As a result, poor blood pressure treatment will naturally increase the risk of cerebral infarction.

Poor blood pressure treatment is mainly reflected in several aspects. First, it only focuses on symptoms and does not monitor blood pressure. It is believed that blood pressure is normal if the body has no symptoms, and some people even stop taking medicine because of this. This also brings up the second problem, which is that cannot take medication correctly. Normally, as long as you take the medication according to the doctor's instructions, review it regularly, and communicate with the doctor more, it is very helpful to stabilize and control blood pressure.

Third, they are unwilling to spend more money on new medicines. In the minds of many rural people, they think that as long as they insist on taking medicine, they do not care about the effectiveness of the medicine or whether the medicine has a good therapeutic effect on their high blood pressure. Is it suitable for you?

Long-term tobacco and alcohol consumption

Rural people do not have a deep enough understanding of the dangers of tobacco and alcohol, and are more likely to take chances. Coupled with the influence of their families, they began to be exposed to tobacco and alcohol early, and gradually formed a habit. Another point that will give rural people more opportunities to drink and smoke is that rural people like to be lively and will entertain relatives and friends during festivals or birthdays. When everyone gets together, drinking and smoking are naturally indispensable.

But they don’t know that excessive intake of tobacco and alcohol will cause damage to blood vessels, accelerate arterial sclerosis, and once thrombosis , cerebral infarction may come as soon as possible.

The amount of exercise is insufficient

Some people say that most rural people plant a lot of land, and the amount of activity every day is also very large when farming is busy. Here is something to explain, that is,The busy farming process can increase the amount of activity, but and real exercise, or There are some differences between and , but you still can't exercise in some places. Moreover, the busy farming period only lasts for a while, and the small tasks in daily life are nothing.

It is said that office workers and students spend a lot of time sitting for a long time every day, while rural people should spend less time sitting for a long time. But in fact, many people have overlooked one thing, that is, rural people like to play mahjong and cards in their spare time , which may also become a factor in the high incidence of cerebral infarction.

lack of folic acid

There is also a certain relationship between folic acid and cerebral infarction, especially with H-type hypertension. Most patients with H-type hypertension will have high homocysteine, and its level is constantly If it rises, the risk of cerebral infarction will also increase. Increased homocysteine ​​is related to lack of folic acid. In order to reduce the risk of cerebral infarction, it is necessary to increase folic acid and supplement .

The prevalence of cerebral infarction is high in rural areas. Early prevention is the key, and knowledge of first aid for cerebral infarction should also be learned as early as possible.

First of all, after abnormal changes appear in the body, you can pay attention to in time instead of letting it develop. There are signals for cerebral infarction, whether it is acute or chronic. When it arrives, The body will give reminders, and abnormal symptoms that are easy to occur include: weakness or stiffness on one side of the limbs, crooked corners of the mouth, slurred speech, drooling while sleeping, constant yawning, headache, dizziness, and numbness of hands and feet , these may be signs of cerebral infarction, so don’t let it go.

Secondly, , when you are conscious, call the emergency number as soon as possible . If there is someone around, rush to the hospital. . You must know that the best period for rescuing cerebral infarction is only 6 hours. Seize the opportunity and bring it to your body. The damage can also be reduced, making it less likely to endanger life.

Finally , keep lying down, it is best not to move randomly. For conscious patients, they need to stay on their backs with their heads slightly backward. Patients with unclear consciousness also need to lie on their backs, but with their heads slightly backward. Turn to one side to avoid vomiting and aspiration of and . Patients with convulsions need to put a towel in their mouths to avoid biting their tongues during the attack.

The probability of cerebral infarction among rural people is much higher than before, which proves that rural people need to change in some places and cannot let wrong concepts and habits affect personal health. I don’t know the above. Have you paid attention to it?


1. "Current situation and countermeasures of hypertension in rural areas"·Fan Li. Progress in modern diagnosis and treatment of hypertension . Beijing: People's Military Medical Press , 2002, 45(5): 286~288. 2010/7/20 14:34:40

2. Analysis of cognitive status and influencing factors of hypertension among rural residents, author: Wang Xiaobo[1], unit: Hebei Medical University