[Source: Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital] Bayberry is an evergreen tree plant of the Myricaceae family, also known as Baidi Mei, Shengsheng Mei, and Shu Mei. Because it looks like water poplar and tastes like plum, it is named Yangmei. Bayberry is a unique fruit in my country, mo

[Source: Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital]

Bayberry is an evergreen tree plant of the Myricaceae family, also known as Baidi Mei, Shengsheng Mei, tree plum . Because it looks like water poplar and tastes like plum, it is named Yangmei. Bayberry is a unique fruit in my country, mostly distributed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, Yunnan, and Fujian. Bayberry is known as "one piece is worth a thousand pieces of gold". It is sought after by many diners because of its bright color, sweet and sour taste, and high nutritional value.

Currently, it is the time of year when bayberries are on the market in large quantities. Before we enjoy this summer delicacy, we might as well have a preliminary understanding of bayberries.

Nutrition and efficacy of bayberry

Rich in nutritional value

Bayberry tastes delicious, and its nutritional value cannot be underestimated. 100 grams of bayberry has about 30 calories, 46.7 grams of carbohydrates, 0.8 grams of protein, and only 0.2 grams of fat. At the same time, 100 grams of bayberry also contains 9 mg of vitamin C, 10 mg of magnesium and 149 mg of potassium.

Efficacy of bayberry

Removing heat and promoting fluid production

In summer, you sweat a lot and consume a lot of energy. The high vitamin C content in bayberry has good effects on body recovery and relieving heat. In addition, the fruit acid in bayberry can not only stimulate appetite and promote body fluids, but also prevent the conversion of sugar in the body into fat. People who are losing weight can eat some bayberry to relieve the heat in summer without any burden.

Good for cardiovascular health

Bayberry is rich in potassium, and potassium has been proven to be effective in maintaining heart function, participating in metabolism, and lowering blood pressure. Therefore, eating some bayberries in moderation is good for cardiovascular health.

Promote digestion

The pulp of bayberry also contains a lot of insoluble dietary fiber, which can effectively promote intestinal peristalsis and thus help the digestion of food. If you have difficulty defecating, you can eat some bayberries to promote defecation.

Some misunderstandings about eating bayberry

People with diabetes cannot eat bayberry

The sugar content in bayberry is not high, and it also contains polyphenols and organic acids that are beneficial to blood sugar. Therefore, people who need to control blood sugar or have diabetes can also eat bayberry, but the amount should not exceed half a catty a day.

Eating bayberry can stop diarrhea

Bayberry contains insoluble dietary fiber. Eating too much bayberry will not only not stop diarrhea but also cause diarrhea.

Bayberry is rich in nutrients, and everyone can eat it at will.

Bayberry contains high levels of fruit acid, which will damage our teeth if eaten in large quantities. Therefore, friends with dental caries should rinse their mouths in time after eating. In addition, the organic acids in bayberry will promote gastric acid secretion, which may cause acid reflux and people with poor gastrointestinal tract should not eat it.

Swallowing bayberry cores can clear the intestines

Some older generations believe that swallowing bayberry cores has the effect of clearing the intestines. In fact, there is no scientific basis for this at all, and it may even cause intestinal obstruction .

How to clean bayberry?

Nowadays, when many people talk about bayberry, they will think of the white worm of bayberry, and thus have a resistance to bayberry. But it is really a big loss to miss out on the delicious taste of bayberry.

The growth of the white bugs in bayberry from eggs to larvae occurs in the fruit of bayberry and has basically no contact with other bacteria. In addition, the upper temperature limit for the survival of small white insects is 35~36 degrees Celsius. If it stays above 36 degrees Celsius for a long time, it will die. It doesn't survive very long at our normal human body temperature (36.3~37.2 degrees Celsius). Even if it survives in the stomach, it will be killed by gastric acid within half an hour and turned into a ball of debris to be directly digested. Therefore, the white worms in bayberry are safe to eat.

If some diners are still worried about the little larvae in the bayberry, they can soak them in salt water for about 10 minutes before eating, so that the little white worms will come out of the bayberry on their own, and then rinse them with clean water and feel free to eat. have eaten. In addition, bayberry is not easy to preserve. It is best to store it in the refrigerator or ice pack. Be sure to pick out bad fruits before eating to avoid causing diarrhea.


Bayberry has high nutritional value and has certain benefits for the body, but everything should be done in moderation and "don't be greedy for good fruits." When we enjoy this gift of nature, we should not be overly indulgent. We must eat it in moderation to avoid burdening the body.

Author: Cao Hanjuan

Editor: Yang Zhengqiang

Review: Tang Xionglue

Produced by: Hunan Chest Hospital

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