When many people are tired, they like to "close their eyes and relax" to restore their mental state. When they open their eyes again, they will feel that their energy has been restored a lot. In fact, "close your eyes and rest your mind" has been a very popular health method sinc

When many people are tired, they like to "close their eyes and relax" to restore their mental state. When they open their eyes again, they will feel that their energy has been restored a lot.

In fact, from ancient times to the present, "closing your eyes and resting your mind" has been a very popular health method. It is simple and easy to implement and has obvious results. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that "Shen" is the general term for the human body's life activities and spiritual activities. The moment you close your eyes slightly and keep your spirit inward, it is of great help to your physical and mental health.

Especially in modern times, people live at a fast pace. Closing eyes and relaxing can relieve people's stress, fatigue and inability to calm down.

" Life Times " (search "LT0385" in WeChat to follow) interviews experts to tell you what closing your eyes can do to nourish your mind, and teach you a set of correct ways to close your eyes.

Interviewed experts

Zhang Yuping, chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Author of this article丨Life Times reporter Gao Yang

Editor of this article丨Xu Wenting

A health-preserving recipe that has been passed down through the ages

Close your eyes and rest your mind. As the name suggests, it means closing your eyes and taking photos. Mind, in order to hold on to our essence, energy, and spirit.

my country's earliest extant traditional Chinese medicine theoretical work " The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic " mentioned: "Those who gain the spirit will prosper, and those who lose the spirit will perish." Ancient ancestors believed that the replenishment and consumption of the gods is related to the growth and old age of the person; the gains and losses of the gods are related to When people prosper or die, those who maintain health should take care of them. "Huangdi Neijing" also said: "The essence of the five internal organs and the six internal organs are all concentrated on the eyes."

The Eastern Han dynasty thinker Wang Chong discussed in "Lunheng·Ziji": "Close the eyes and block the intelligence, love "The essence protects itself." That is to say, close your eyes and block your ears to cherish your essence and maintain your health.

The Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi also has a poem: "I often sit idle with my eyes closed, and I bow my head every time I meditate."

In history, many emperors and generals attached great importance to the health care method of closing their eyes and resting their minds.

The longest-lived emperor in ancient my country was undoubtedly Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty . He lived to be 89 years old and was known as the "Emperor of the Seventh Century". This means that "Qianlong was still deaf and sighted after passing the age of seventy." Mainly thanks to closing your eyes and resting your mind.

After getting up at 5 or 6 o'clock every morning, Emperor Qianlong would first go to the Imperial Garden to close his eyes, rest, talk about old things, and absorb new things. This allowed him, who was nearly 90 years old, to think clearly and move freely.

In addition, Liang Emperor Wu of the Southern Dynasty Xiao Yan, Tang Dynasty Queen Wu Zetian , Song Gaozong Zhao Gou, Yuan Shizu Kublai Khan, etc. all regard this as a good recipe for health and longevity.

Close your eyes to nourish more than just "God"

Although the eyes are just an organ, they are closely related to many parts of the human body.

People use electronic screens such as mobile phones and computers every day, and overuse their eyes, which often leads to sore, swollen, dry eyes and blurred vision. Adults who stay up late, work overtime and don't get enough sleep can easily make their eyes full of red bloodshot eyes and accelerate the aging of the skin around the eyes.

The "World Vision Report" shows that more than 700 million people in China have eye problems, and the myopia rate among Chinese teenagers is the highest in the world.

80% of the information people obtain comes from their eyes. The eyes are the first of the five senses. To protect them is to be kind to yourself. Closing your eyes and resting your mind is the simplest and easiest way to maintain good health. Closing your eyes can nourish your mind. If you nourish your mind, your mind will be at peace. If your mind is at peace, disasters will not occur.


Keep it moist and relieve fatigue

After the eyelids are closed, the eyes will have a chance to rest and take care of themselves. Tear evaporation is reduced, secretion is increased, and dry eye symptoms are relieved. If combined with acupoint massage around the eyes, it can relieve muscle spasm around the eyes, which is very beneficial to people with visual fatigue.


Relax the brain and soothe the muscles

The human brain is the most delicate, precious and advanced information processing organ. It can receive 60 million bits of information per minute conducted by sensory organs such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body. Among them Nearly half comes from vision.

American research has proven that when a person closes his eyes and takes a nap, the brain and muscles are in a relaxed state, and the brain frequency drops from 10 times per second to 1 time per second. As long as you close your eyes, your brain doesn't need to work as hard.


Unblock the meridians and strengthen the body.

There are 11 meridians around the eyes, which are the most densely populated parts of the body:

  • There are 3 meridians that start in the eyes: stomach meridian, bladder meridian, and gallbladder meridian;
  • end in the eyes. 4 meridians: triple burner , small intestine, Ren channel, Yin Qiao channel ;
  • There are also 4 meridians passing through the eyes: heart meridian , Du channel, Yang Qiao channel , and liver meridian.

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says: "The eye is the gathering place of clan lineage" " The gate of life is the eye". The late famous acupuncturist Professor Peng Jingshan pioneered eye acupuncture therapy , which involves inserting needles around the eyes to treat systemic diseases and achieved good results.

The eyes are like keys that can open the door to treatment. After closing the eyes, the yin and yang meridians meet, the meridians run smoothly, and the body will be strong.


Return to nature, feel happy

The so-called "out of sight, out of mind", when we close our eyes and are in a quiet and awake state, 8~13 Hz Alpha brain waves will appear in our brain, which is consistent with the earth itself. This stable "Hughmann resonance wave" band has the same fundamental frequency.

These two wavelengths are harmonious and beautiful, which will make people feel like they are back in the embrace of nature, just like being at the seaside or in a valley, bathing in the sun, and feeling gentle and comfortable.

The brain can also secrete pleasant and euphoric beta-endorphins, which are "five or six times more potent than the drug morphine" and can delight the mood and nourish the mind.


Increase wisdom and protect the five internal organs

If you close your eyes and relax when you are angry, take a deep breath, and calm down for two or three minutes. When you open your eyes again, your anger may have dissipated by three points, and you have become calmer and more rational.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver governs anger, and anger hurts the liver. When people are calm, blood returns to the liver. The liver is also closely related to the gallbladder, and the meridians are connected. The liver governs planning and the gallbladder governs decision-making. If you are overtired and confused all day long, your liver will be deficient in blood and courage, and you will tend to overthink things and lack the energy and energy to work.

  • Regularly closing your eyes and resting your mind can maintain your liver and gallbladder and improve your memory and decision-making ability.

  • Panic can damage the kidneys. If you can maintain emotional stability and remain calm about honor and disgrace, it will also be helpful to protect the kidneys.

  • Close your eyes and rest your mind after three meals, which can also allow more blood to flow to the digestive tract, enhance digestive function, and protect the spleen and stomach.

  • A good spleen and stomach means less sorrow and sorrow, and also protects the lungs.

8 types of people need to close their eyes and relax more.

People who always stay up late and work overtime, often face computers and mobile phones, drive for long hours, prepare hard for exams, have dark circles on their faces, and feel sore and dizzy... People with the above conditions may wish to close their eyes and relax from time to time. one time.

Insufficient essence and Qi will lead to imbalance of internal organs, deficiency of Qi and kidney deficiency, and inability to pass Qi to the eyes, which will eventually lead to various eye diseases.

People with 8 types of diseases should learn to close their eyes and rest:

insomnia and anxiety;

chronic digestive tract diseases;

chronic lung disease;

chronic liver disease;

Hypertension , Diabetes , hyperlipidemia, etc., the indicators will rise when impatient or tired;

Eye diseases, such as visual fatigue, dry eye syndrome, glaucoma , cataracts, macular degeneration, etc.;

Allergic diseases , Traditional Chinese medicine says that "all pain, itching, and sores belong to the heart." Calming down the mind can help reduce sensitivity;

nodules and tumors. Closing your eyes and relaxing your mind can enhance your immunity.

Closing your eyes to relax is not as simple as it seems. Two principles must be followed:

The time is appropriate and follow the rules

According to the body's biological clock, you usually feel sleepy at 9 am, 1 pm and 5 pm. At this time, you should follow the body's biological clock Regularly, close your eyes and rest, as short as 3 to 5 minutes, as long as half an hour, preferably 10 to 15 minutes.

Relax into silence and let nature take its course.

It is recommended to do the following four "nothings".


Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes "tranquility and nothingness". When you close your eyes and rest your mind, don't think about what effect you must achieve, and don't expect that closing your eyes and resting your mind can cure all diseases in the whole body. It is just a better health care method.

Infinite style

There is no fixed position when you close your eyes and meditate, and there is no time limit or age limit. No equipment is required, as long as it is comfortable. However, try not to lie down on the table. This will cause difficulty in breathing and compress the eyeballs. You can lean on the back of the chair and squint for a while.

No location

Close your eyes and relax, you don’t have to stick to the location. You can do whatever you want anytime, anywhere while ensuring safety. It’s not that you can’t do anything when you close your eyes to relax. You can smile with your eyes closed, listen to music, even brush your teeth, and make phone calls.

You can also close your eyes for a few minutes before exams or lectures to help control nervousness.

No environment

When you close your eyes and relax, try to stay away from the noisy environment. Even if you can't get rid of it, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you can't calm down. Closing your eyes always makes people calm down more than opening them. ▲

Editor of this issue: Wang Xiaoqing