After drinking the wine, I took a breath of air and my head felt dizzy and very comfortable. Is this something a lot of people do after drinking? It is believed that blowing the air can quickly lower the body temperature and calm down the emotions originally caused by drinking. A

After drinking wine, I felt dizzy and comfortable.

Is this something that many people often do after drinking? It is believed that hair drying can quickly lower the body temperature and calm down the emotions originally caused by drinking. At the same time, the dizzy state after the wind blowing makes many people feel very comfortable.

But in fact, this kind of comfort is just an illusion. The essence is that you are drunk!

And many drinking friends say that it is easy to get drunk after drinking. In fact, blowing after drinking is not a good habit.

Because people are warm-blooded animals , when faced with temperature differences, they will use a set of temperature control mechanism to maintain the body temperature at 36-37 degrees through the contraction of blood vessels. If the temperature of itself and the environment changes in a short period of time, When drastic changes occur, it will be difficult for the temperature control system.

When alcohol enters the body, it will speed up blood circulation . At the same time, the hangover mechanism in the body will also start running , and the body will naturally generate heat.

For example, in a warm room in winter, after drinking wine, the moment you open the door, a cold wind blows in your face. When faced with this strong cold wind, the temperature control system in the body It will receive orders to direct the blood vessels to contract to provide heat and maintain body temperature.

When the temperature control system is running, the hangover system naturally runs slowly, the residence time of alcohol in the blood will also increase , coupled with the continuous contraction of the blood vessels in the head when facing the cold wind, the feeling of dizziness and drunkenness will emerge. Come up.

Therefore, it is best not to blow dry after drinking. The same is true for taking a hot bath and exercising . It is not recommended to do after drinking. After drinking, sitting down quietly or lying down are both good choices. It's not too late to do it again after the alcohol wears off.

In addition to the bad habit of blowing dry after drinking, there are 3html three bad drinking habits below that people still commit every day. If you had known better, you would have corrected them earlier.

01 Drinking from paper cups

The emergence of disposable paper cups has undoubtedly made life easier for the public, but disposable paper cups cannot be used to hold wine.

The inner wall of the paper cup has a layer of wax film , which is waterproof and can hold water. However, alcohol will dilute the wax layer. The higher the alcohol content, the stronger the ability to dilute and decompose. Once diluted and decomposed, the harmful substances will enter the body along with drinking.

In order to prevent the inferior wax used in some inferior paper cups, and the whitening agent and fluorescent agent used to whiten the paper cups from entering the body after being decomposed by alcohol, do not use paper cups to drink , especially High-alcohol wine.

02You can drink all kinds of wine

Although the current liquor market "a hundred flowers are blooming", consumers should be careful when buying, and do not drink all kinds of wine. After all, alcoholic wines and inferior wines are still mixed in the area.

When faced with the many liquors on the market, you must learn to choose. You can distinguish alcoholic wine and pure grain wine through the ingredient list on the back of the product. The ingredient list of pure grain wine is very clean , except for grain and water There will not be any other substances added. Once words such as edible alcohol, flavor and other words that are not food appear, it is alcoholic wine, and it is best not to drink it.

Drinking drinking pure grain wine is the way to go in the long run. This Jun Zhongyuan private wine is the high-quality wine that drinking friends drink. The price is not expensive. Those who have never tasted it can try it. Give it a try.

This wine is produced in Renhuai, Guizhou. Its brewer is Zeng Chuanzheng (the apprentice of Li Xingfa, the former deputy director of Maotai). He was the brewer of Diaoyutai and has superb brewing skills.

Selected Maotai Town Hongyingzi glutinous sorghum is brewed using the authentic Daqu Kunsha process. After the wine is made, it is aged for 6 years, making the wine more harmonious and less irritating.

You can smell the strong aroma of wine as soon as you open the bottle. Take a sip, it is full of sauce , the wine is mellow and delicate , rich in layers. After drinking it, you just feel comfortable and comfortable. is very satisfying , and the lingering fragrance in your mouth Infinitely memorable.

Therefore, when drinking, you should drink selectively. Don't drink all kinds of wine, and don't drink different alcohols and types of wine at the same time.

03 likes to drink to relieve sorrow.

You must know that people are emotional animals. When faced with emotional fluctuations, people themselves will become vulnerable. If they drink a lot at this time, they will only " drink to relieve sorrow." ".

Not only can it not relieve the depressed emotions in the heart, it will also increase the burden on the body, causing a double blow to the mind and body. This will only have disadvantages. There are many ways to decompress. Don't rely solely on alcohol.

is written at the end, drinking is for pleasure , the purpose is to make yourself more comfortable , only by maintaining a correct drinking habit can you drink for a long time . Do you have any of the bad drinking habits mentioned in the article? If you had known better, you would have corrected it~