Summer is here in the blink of an eye, and people in many places are already wearing short-sleeved clothes. In terms of diet, they should not be too greasy and heavy-flavored, otherwise it will easily have a negative impact on the spleen and stomach. At this time in the countrysi

Summer is here in the blink of an eye, and people in many places are already wearing short-sleeves. In terms of diet, they should not be too greasy and heavy-flavored, otherwise it will easily have a bad impact on the spleen and stomach. At this time in the countryside, the most indispensable thing is vegetables. But what many people don’t know is that there are several types of vegetables that are edible, but they are often ignored and thrown away directly. It would be a shame not to eat them. How many have you eaten? then, let's watch it together.

sesame leaves

I believe everyone is familiar with sesame. It is native to India. The seeds can be used as ingredients for pasta or sweets, and the oil extracted from it is our favorite sesame oil. But do you know? Sesame leaves are also edible. They are rich in nutritional value. Sesame leaves contain a large amount of fiber, amino acids, , vitamin C, etc. Eating them has many benefits for the body.

In the market, dried sesame leaves can sometimes sell for tens of yuan per pound, but they are not often seen because the sesame leaves must be picked after the flowers bloom, and fresh sesame leaves cannot be stored well. , although it can be stored for a long time after drying, it takes several kilograms of fresh sesame leaves to produce one kilogram of dried sesame leaves, which makes many people hesitate.

Therefore, not many people know that sesame leaves can be eaten, including some people who grow sesame seeds. In fact, there are many ways to eat sesame leaves. Fresh sesame leaves are boiled and eaten cold, which tastes very good. Dried sesame leaves are also good for making tea or used to cook noodles, which taste very refreshing.

In winter, in some rural households, the vegetables in the yard are already dead, and there are very few vegetables that can be used in the pot when making noodles. If you have dried sesame leaves, you can make soup with boiling water. , making sesame leaf paste soup noodles is also delicious. In the past, it had the reputation of "the crown of eight valleys".

2, cattails

The tender rhizomes of cattails that grow underground are called cattails. Their appearance is somewhat like lotus root strips , as thick as fingers, white in color, and crispy in texture, and tastes different from crispy bamboo shoots. Like, so it also has the title of "the best bamboo shoots in the world". Pucai can be made into vegetables or eaten raw. It tastes very good, has a lot of juice, and has no residue.

Cattails can be found in many places in my country. Many farmers will deliberately plant cattails near fish ponds. Grass carp loves to eat them. However, not many people know that its tender underground stems and leaves are edible. In the market, the price of cattail leaf is not low, mainly because it is very difficult to pick and keep fresh.

Chili leaves

When it comes to chili peppers, many people love to eat them. Many friends often use the word "no spicy food" to describe themselves. Chili peppers have been edible in my country for a long time. Almost all households in rural areas with yards will grow chili peppers. But many people don’t know that pepper leaves can also be eaten as vegetables, and their nutritional content is no less than that of peppers! Especially the content of amino acids and minerals is very rich.

Chili leaves are sweet and tender, but unfortunately they are often thrown away by some people. In addition, peppers can be grown in both the north and the south, and there are definitely not a few pepper leaves that are thrown away.

In hotels in some big cities, peppers have also become a very popular fashionable vegetable. Friends who grow peppers in the future, don’t waste them anymore. There are many ways to eat pepper leaves , such as stir-frying, making soups, etc. It can be served cold or mixed.

Taro and lotus stem

There are still quite a few people who know about taro and lotus stem, but not many people like it, and even fewer people know that it can be eaten. The main thing is that there is a very annoying thing about taro stalks, that is, they are easily itchy when touched with hands, let alone eaten into the mouth.

In fact, taro and lotus stems taste very good when made into sauerkraut, and are very popular among people. In the past, people's living conditions were poor, and there were many farmers who specially planted taro and lotus at home. In the summer, they would make taro and lotus stems, even if they were nothing. You can eat several bowls of rice just by eating rice and pickled taro stems. Stir-fried minced pork with sour taro and pepper, as long as you have eaten it, there is basically nothing you dislike about it.

Pumpkin flower and pumpkin vine

Pumpkin does not have too strict requirements on the growing environment. It has high yield and good taste, and is grown in both north and south. Families with pigs will also breed a few more, which are very good for feeding pigs and can make them fat. Pumpkin also has high nutritional value, and eating it can also supplement the body with nutrients. After the pumpkin is cooked, poultry and livestock are vying to eat it.

But what many people don’t know is that both pumpkin flowers and pumpkin vines are edible. After peeling the fresh pumpkin vines, the taste is no worse than pumpkin. Just because it has some bristles, people think it can't be eaten.

Few people in the north eat pumpkin flowers, but in markets in Guangdong, Yunnan and other places, there are businesses selling pumpkin flowers and pumpkin vines, and the prices are not low. Friends who are interested can give it a try.

Have you ever eaten the above-mentioned vegetables that have been ignored? Welcome to leave a message below for discussion.