Preface: When many people come to the clinic, they will ask me: "Dr. Gao, is there any way to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness within 3 days?" In fact, there is no such thing as "the fastest way to remove dampness".


When many people come to the clinic, they will ask me: "Dr. Gao, is there any way to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness within 3 days?"
In fact, there is really no such thing as 'the fastest way to remove dampness' .
Only by taking appropriate medication can we achieve better and faster curative effects. The common method for removing dampness is drug treatment. During treatment, we need to focus on strengthening the spleen and removing dampness at the same time.

Methods for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness include diet therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and other methods. However, there is no absolute answer as to which method is the fastest. It needs to be determined according to individual circumstances and treated based on syndrome differentiation under the guidance of a professional physician.

The spleen governs transportation and transformation, and has the function of digesting food, absorbing food essences and water, and transferring them to the whole body. The spleen likes dryness and hates dampness. If it is trapped by dampness, its transportation and transformation will be abnormal.

Specifically, it can be manifested as loose stools, full abdomen, abdominal distension, no desire to eat, burping, stomach gas which all have a putrid smell, relatively high stomach acid, vomiting of water, etc. The general pathogenesis It is dampness evil that traps the spleen.

[Dietary therapy]

is to eat some medicinal foods that can remove dampness, diuresis and reduce swelling in your daily diet, such as: adzuki beans, barley, Poria, lotus leaves, plantain, etc.

Some can make tea, and some can make porridge and soup. Common dietary remedies include lotus leaf tea, adzuki bean and coix seed soup,winter melon and pork ribs soup, corn silk soup, etc.
For symptoms of damp-heat evil, such as red tongue with yellow and greasy coating, confusion, sticky mouth, bitter mouth, , thirst without desire to drink, sticky and unpleasant stools, you can drink raw barley and mung bean porridge.

People with heavy dampness need to be careful not to simply remove dampness, but also pay attention to regulating the intestines and stomach at the same time to fundamentally solve the problem.

If the dampness evil cannot be relieved through diet therapy, you need to go to the hospital for treatment. Especially for people with chronic diseases of the digestive tract, the dampness in summer blocks the transportation and transformation functions of the spleen and stomach. If the original disease is aggravated, they should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

[TCM therapy]

Commonly used ones include Erchen Decoction , Pingwei Powder , Shenling Baizhu Powder , etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that one of the main functions of the spleen is to transport and transform water. When the spleen is deficient, the function of transporting and transforming water will be weakened, and water and dampness will stop in the body. Therefore, when removing dampness, you must first strengthen the spleen. Commonly used drugs Including yam , Atractylodes, licorice , Astragalus , etc.

In addition to strengthening the spleen, if you want to remove dampness, you also need to use dampness-removing drugs, such as Poria, Coix Seed, , Artemisia chinensis, Alisma , etc. You need to consult a doctor before taking any specific medication, and do not take medication by yourself.

You can also choose [ acupuncture treatment ] to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness.

can acupuncture Zusanli , Yinlingquan and other acupoints, which can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, diuresis and reduce swelling.

Moderate and reasonable exercise can relieve stress, and sweating can discharge metabolic waste from the body. The moisture stagnated in the body can be excreted with sweat after exercise.

Note: Traditional Chinese medicine requires dialectical treatment. You cannot skip this step and seek medication directly. It needs to be carried out under the guidance of a professional physician.