Regarding HPV, I believe you must have heard this question: Why am I infected with the HPV virus even though I have no sex life... Many people find it difficult to talk about being infected with the HPV virus, and will be considered as having an inappropriate sexual life.

About HPV I believe you must have heard this question:

Why am I infected with the HPV virus even though I have no sex life...

Many people feel that it is difficult to talk about being infected with the HPV virus, and it will be considered as having an inappropriate sexual life. But in fact, sexual life is not the only way to spread the HPV virus. Skin-tropic HPV may also be spread through close skin contact.

HPV has many types, and there are more than 200 subtypes. Even if you have been vaccinated with the 9-valent vaccine , it cannot prevent all types of HPV. Whether is infected with HPV, whether treatment is required after infection, and how to treat it should be judged according to the specific situation.

I have a lot of "little pimples" on my private parts. Is this because I am infected with HPV?

Is increased vaginal discharge and vaginal bleeding caused by HPV infection?

The physical test shows that HPV is positive, is it possible to get cervical cancer?

If the pre-pregnancy test is positive for HPV 16, how long does it take for a re-examination?

If you have questions about HPV, you can consult a doctor one-on-one, and tertiary gynecologists from all over the country will answer your questions online.

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If you have these 3 types of HPV infection

It is recommended to seek medical treatment in time

After HPV infection, only a very small number of infected people will develop cervical cancer. There is no need to worry or fear too much. HPV infection is not the same as cervical cancer. But in addition to cervical cancer, the following conditions of HPV infection also require attention and prompt medical treatment.

Condyloma acuminata

Occurrence sites: labia majora, clitoris, vaginal opening, etc. It can also occur in the breasts and oral cavity

Common manifestations: early stage, it appears as light red papules, and later becomes wart-like protrusions, which can be cauliflower-like, nipple-like, or cockscomb-like. Similarly, the lesions may be moist, painful, itchy, gray, pink or dirty gray, and may ulcerate, bleed, or ooze.

Laryngeal papilloma

Occurrence site: pharynx

Common manifestations: Papillomas, often manifested by pharyngeal discomfort, foreign body sensation in the pharynx, cough, in severe cases, there will be a feeling of choking when eating, and there may also be sounds. hoarse.

Other malignant tumors

Occurrence sites: oral cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, esophagus, etc.

Common manifestations: Symptoms of ulcers, pain, and bleeding in the corresponding parts, and nipples or cauliflower-like protrusions can be seen on examination.

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How to prevent HPV infection

Healthy sexual behavior

Healthy sexual behavior is the key to preventing HPV infection, such as avoiding multiple sexual partners at the same time, using condoms, and first-time sexual intercourse Age should not be too young.

➋ Vaccination with HPV vaccine

Vaccination with HPV vaccine is an effective way to reduce HPV infection. Vaccination before sexual intercourse is the most "cost-effective" time.

Many people have some questions about the HPV vaccine:

If you are over 26 years old, will the nine-price vaccine have no effect?

My mother is 61 years old, does she still need to get the HPV vaccine? After

has made the second or fourth price, can it still make the ninth price?

How long will it take to prepare for pregnancy after getting the HPV vaccine?

I found out that I am pregnant after taking an injection. Can I still continue taking the injection?

If the second dose is not given on time, will the first dose be ineffective?

After being vaccinated, is it still necessary to undergo regular cervical screening?

If you have questions about the HPV virus or HPV vaccine, you are worried about searching online, you don’t want to go to the hospital, or you have other health questions that you want answers to, click on the picture below immediately and consult a professional doctor immediately, more reliable Spectrum is more secure!

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National gynecologists

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There is no need to search everywhere or worry about using the wrong method. In fact, you can get a scientific diagnosis by asking a doctor. The targeted solutions and professional answers given will greatly relieve your anxiety.

You can choose from tertiary gynecologists, and it is convenient and quick to consult and buy medicines.

Many female friends are embarrassed to talk about private issues and are unwilling to go to the hospital for consultation. They want to know whether they can be cured by taking medicine at home or even without medicine.

In fact, any gynecological problem should not be taken lightly, let alone taking medicine at will. You must seek medical treatment in time. Dingxiang Doctor has many tertiary gynecologists for you to choose from, and online Q&A is efficient and convenient.

The doctor will make a diagnosis and provide a personalized treatment plan based on your symptoms. You can also write a prescription online, place an order directly, and have it delivered to your home, which is very convenient.

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Gynecologist’s public Q&A details

The gynecologist in Dr. Lilac’s online consultation answers more carefully and makes people feel more at ease

Dr. Lilac’s consultation Our tertiary gynecologists have high professionalism, are patient and meticulous in their responses, and are able to scientifically answer patients’ concerns. Their language is friendly and easy to understand, and are well received. The 7×24-hour online service has alleviated the anxiety of many patients.

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